Chapter 21 - The Dragon

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Brooklyn and Millie, who I really only just noticed now all gasped, I felt my chest tighten and struggled to breathe. Infuriated, I reached for my wand that was hidden in my pocket, Arden was mirroring my actions that was until Brooklyn jumped between the two of us. She looked ready to cry, my face softened a little bit and I lowered my wand a tiny bit.
"ENOUGH!" She yelled "I don't know what's going on here but you're not continuing it any longer. This is Sirius' birthday and we are all returning to his party. Starting with you Arden, go straight to your friends, do you hear me?"
She nodded, shooting me a death glare on her way out, she pocketed her wand and walked out of the room. Brooklyn walked over to me and I watched as Millicent walked out of the room, following after Arden. Brooke put a hand on my arm and I looked at her, it shocked me to see how fearful she looked in her eyes, her eyes were glistening with tears that she wouldn't allow to fall. Seeing that made me realise what I had done and it made me feel extremely guilty. I barely noticed as my wand dropped to the ground.
"What have I done?"
"I don't know Tamsin." Brooklyn replied "What have you done?"
I dropped to the floor, following the same fate my wand befalled before me, I pressed my back against the wall. Brooklyn sat down beside me, her wand resting in her lap, she leaned her head back and breathed deeply.
"While I don't think what Arden said was right I, currently, cannot argue with her because I don't know your side of the story." She said "If you don't want to tell me then don't but I can't help you until you do. Just remember that not all Slytherins are bad."
With that she stood up, leaving me to my thoughts. I always thought what I had with Arden, Brooke and Millie could never be broken by anything but turns out it was fragile enough to be brought down by a boy and one kiss. I sighed and stayed there for a moment thinking things over and giving Brooklyn enough time to get back to the Room of Requirement before I stood up. I picked up and then pocketed my wand, standing up I walked out the door and put on my poker face, time to face my friends and probably Regullus. I don't think I'll be able to look at him after snogging his older brother, it would just be too awkward.


It had been a week and I hadn't spoken to any of the other Angels at all, not once had my necklace vibrated and warmed my chest, just dead silence. I was dressed in my Quidditch uniform, my sleek black hair tied back in a practical ponytail, waiting to take on what lay ahead. I was particularly nervous for this game because it was against Ravenclaw, against Arden and because we're both Chasers I'm willing to bet I have a massive target on my back. I was too nervous to eat anything, despite the protests from Adele, Lana and Honey.
"Eat something Tamsin!" Adele implored "You can't play on an empty stomach."
I shook my head, even if I ate something I don't think it would even stay down, my stomach was that queasy. Adele gave up when someone appeared behind me, I turned around to find Regulus, looking extremely awkward, a feeling that was mirrored in me.
"Uh we're heading down to the pitch now." He said
"Right uh of course." I said awkwardly
I nodded and stood up, we went via the broom cupboard to fetch our brooms where we were met with the rest of the team. I sighed, I was the only female on the team and it often led to some uncomfortable moments between the rest of my teammates. And by that I mean particularly Evan Rosier, he sometimes makes inappropriate comments but I haven't been bothered to report them, yet. Although I might if they escalate any further.
"Alright we're versing Ravenclaw and I expect us to come out with the win." Evan drilled "Black concentrate on getting that Snitch. Wood, Muliber, Avery, get the quaffle into the hoops at all costs. Crabbe, Goyle hit as many bludgers at the bloody snobs as possible and for god's sake make sure you hit them. I'll focus on protecting the hoops."
We all nodded and he continued.
"Slytherin on three." He ordered "One, Two, Three!"
"SLYTHERIN!" We all shouted
We all walked out in our order and then took up our positions on the pitch, I purposely didn't look in the direction of Arden, instead focusing on the Quaffle in Madam Hooch's hands.
"I want a nice clean match." She said particularly at our side of the pitch
I smiled and shook my head, watching closely as the Quaffle was thrown up and she blew her whistle. Instantly I kicked off, grabbing the Quaffle before chucking it to Avery, who passed to Mulciber only to have it intercepted by the Jealous Git, oops I mean Arden. I flew off after her, catching up instantly, she passed it to her teammate but I was too fast, instead grabbing it while it was in the air. She hissed in annoyance.
"And I'm the snake?" I taunted
This time she growled and rammed into me with her broom, of course me being me I rammed her back, harder of course. When she went to ram me back another time but I was too fast for her, zipping out of the way and flying towards our hoop. I heard Arden's frustrated shout behind me, in response I laughed tauntingly before chucking the ball to Mulciber, thankfully it wasn't intercepted, the results ended in ten points to us. I could hear Adele commentating and that made me laugh even more. I heard the familiar sound of a bludger flying in my direction, almost immediately I dived, missing the bludger by an inch. Thankfully Goyle appeared and belted it back in the direction of Isla, one of the Ravenclaw beaters, who had aimed it at me. It almost hit her yet once again she dodged, choosing to fire it back at Avery, who got hit and lost control, diving into the ground. The crowd winced yet I chose to play on. Getting the ball and passing it between Mulciber and I before shooting into the hoops. Currently it was sixty to fourty your way but I knew that could change in a matter of minutes. I locked eyes with Brooklyn in the crowd briefly and she sent me a brief smile, letting me know that she still supports me.
I smiled, we were on sixty which means that we won by one hundred and seventy points. Almost instantly a roar went out from the Slytherin as we all cheered. I sent a smug smirk in Arden's direction before flying over to celebrate with my teammates. We all ended up in the Slytherin Common Room having a party, currently Regulus was being lifted up on the shoulders of Crabbe and Goyles while everyone cheered. When they finally put him down he walked straight over to the corner where I was sitting. We sat there in awkward but companionable silence before he broke it.
"Why did you kiss Sirius."
So I launched into an explanation on what went down and why I kissed Sirius, he smiled once I finished. It dawned on me later that I may or may not have confessed to him.
"So you don't mind if I do this then."
With that he leaned in and kissed me, the only thought going through my mind was, no I do not.


Well I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, the aftermath of the fight with linger for a couple more chapters.

But believe me you will wish it went for longer considering what I have planned for the Angels...

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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