Chapter 15 - The Unicorn

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Well I guess all plans that the Angels had have now been put on hold, not like we can operate without Brooklyn, besides the whole party trick was her idea and would have been credited to her. I was sitting in the owlery, looking out over the view of the grounds when an owl landed next to me. I looked around, no one else was in the tower with me, I shrugged before grabbing the letter that the owl dropped.
"Thank you."
I fed it an owl treat before it flew off with a hoot, I flipped over the letter to find Millicent scrawled over the front in neat handwriting. I ripped open the seal before reading the letters.
I'm supposed to be the nice older sister and write you every two weeks but we both know I'm never going to do that. Anyway I'm writing to tell you that Dad has been a little sick lately and so yeah, nothing too bad but yeah Mum thought you should know. Are you coming home for Christmas, I sincerely hope you don't, wouldn't want a freaky witch hanging around now would I?
Claudia Barnes
I sniffed a little bit, Claudia was my older sister by two years but to say she hated me was an understatement. We were really close before I got my Hogwarts letter, one of the things I have in common with Lily Evans, our older sisters hate us a lot. I am not that bad as to deny the tear that slipped from my face and onto the window sill. I didn't notice the other person enter the room until they put a hand on my shoulder. I looked around to see James Potter, I hurriedly turned away and wiped away my tears.
I laughed a little bit, still with the last name thing? What is with that, he can call anyone else that but I prefer to be called by my first name thank you.
"Millie." I corrected
He shrugged.
"Millie? Barnes?" He said "What's the difference?"
I shook my head at him before re reading the letter, afterwards I sighed before pocketing the letter, James looked at me strangely. In response I started back at him, but unlike so many people who instantly look away, he started straight back into my eyes. Until he finally looked away, calling over an owl and passing it his letter.
"To my parents please."
The owl flew off and we both watched it fly off until we could no longer see it, I sighed before resting my head on my hand, capturing the attention of James. My hair was down and reached my shoulder blades, blowing in the light breeze.
"So how's Lily?"
For once he didn't get the far off look of adoration in his eyes that came whenever he thought of her, instead he just stared at me intensely. I tried to ignore it but was hyper aware of his gaze on me. He sighed, I was shocked he sounded so defeated.
"Not good." He said "She still thinks I'm, and I quote ''an arrogant toerag!"
I was shocked he sounded so defeated, this was the guy at every chance gets up at dinner and proclaims his undying love for her. Ignoring every whisper of doubt in my head I moved closer to him, watching as the sun set over the horizon. He looked at me shocked.
"Well you did bully her best friend" I commented "I would be pretty mad if that was me."
He nodded and his face fell.
"Apparently they made up!" He growled "He called her a mud... you know what!"
I rubbed his shoulder comfortingly as he continued staring at me.
"Well maybe she forgave him?" I added "I'm not sure but one thing I am sure of is that you will find someone who really appreciates you and loves more than anything on this earth."
He inclined his head, asking what on earth he meant.
"Well you've been so hung on Lily that you forget that there are other girls in the world." I said "Believe it or not." 
He started at me intensely and I kind of dropped my arm from his shoulder from the awkwardness that was arising in me. I went to shift away when he opened his mouth to speak.
"Have you ever been told how pretty you are?"
Butterflies started moving around in my stomach, I'll admit that took me by surprise. I shook my head and he looked at me surprised.
"Well they should." He said "Because it's true."
I took a shaky breath and fought the blush that threatened to overrun my face.
"Um Thankyou." I managed to reply
He nodded and seemed to just realise what he said, we both stood there in disbelief before I took a step back, pushing my hair over my shoulder.
"Um well I better get going." I said "Uh goodnight."
"Uh yeah me too." He replied "See you later then."
I nodded and walked back down the Owlery stairs, and not fast enough because that got quite awkward there for a minute. I arrived at the castle where I saw Arden walking up to the great hall with her friends, at first I went to call out to her but managed to restrain myself from doing so. I walked towards the kitchens, having left dinner early to go spend time in the Owlery I was kind of a bit hungry. Luckily I knew how to get into the kitchens, I walked up to the portrait of the fruit, tickled the pear and it turned into a door. Smiling I walked into the kitchens where the house elves all looked up, when they saw me their faces all lit up with smiles.
"Miss Millicent!"
I waved a hand as one came up to me, I smiled down at them.
"Hi Tyra." I said "Can I have a hot chocolate and some choc chip cookies please?"
She nodded and scurried off to fetch it for me, I shook my head fondly before taking a seat at the bench where I always sat. Tyra brought my hot chocolate and cookies to me, I smiled at her and thanked her, she smiled broadly and gave a small bow before returning to her kitchen duties. I dipped the cookie in the warm chocolate beverage, leaving it long enough for the choc chips to start to melt. I then ate the cookie, the warmth filling my mouth and then spreading through my body, melting away my stress. I went over my encounter with James just five minutes before, it was very strange. All of a sudden my necklace vibrated and filled with warmth, Arden's voice filled my head.
What's everyone doing?
I smiled before taking a sip of my hot chocolate, the warmth filling up my veins.
I'm in the kitchens
I'm joining you! Tamsin announced
I smiled, taking another sip of my hot chocolate. A couple minutes later Tamsin walked in, smiling at all the house elves and taking a seat next to me. A couple seconds after Tamsin's arrival Arden walked through the door, a big smile as she sat on the other side of me. The house elves instantly brought them a hot chocolate and a couple cookies each. We all smiled and thanked them, in response they bowed. Almost immediately we discouraged it, we don't like to think ourselves above them you see.


I updated this, Tamsin's chapter next. Enjoy the rest of your day

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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