Chapter 16 - The Dragon

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We were sitting in the kitchens enjoying our hot chocolates and cookies, I couldn't help but wish Brooklyn was here as well, that would just make it all better. I think I speak for all of us when I say I really miss her, hopefully she'll get better soon and come home. We all sat in silence before Arden finally broke it.
"You'll never believe what just happened." She said
We both turned to her, ready to hear whatever it was that happened to her throughout the course of the day.
"What?" Millie asked eagerly
I nodded, waiting to hear her news, she smiled.
"Sirius and I almost kissed!"
My eyes opened wide and Millie started clapping happily, Arden flushed a little from our reactions but we could all see she was incredibly happy. I would be too if my crush of two years and I almost kissed, and that is when I realised that she said almost. Wanting to know the reason they didn't actually kiss I held up my hand, silencing Millicent who looked at me strangely.
"Wait what do you mean by almost?"
That dampened her mood almost instantly, she looked down at her cookies, sifting around her mug before she sighed and explained.
"Peter interrupted us, you know Peter Pettingrew." She explained "Called out Sirius' name right before we kissed, Remus was there mind you but even he had the common sense to leave us alone."
Another reason why I don't like Peter Pettingrew, he is the weediest little boy and follows James and Sirius around like an annoying shadow. Even when they stand up for Brooke he's always the last one and always a little bit hesitant, I could tell he doesn't really understand why. I don't even know why he was sorted into Gryffindor, he's not brave, he's cowardly, he's not chivalrous, he's boorish and it just doesn't make any sense. And I mean know he's interrupted Arden and Sirius, not okay.
"Uh I hate him." I complained "he doesn't even stand up to me and protect Brookey until James, Sirius AND Remus all have."
Arden and Millie giggled, it was currently November and we were all looking forward to Christmas a lot, well except me. I have to go to Malfoy's christmas party probably, I'm kind of hoping my parents will let me stay at Hogwarts instead, but I know there's now point getting my hopes up. Not to mention we all know that Sirius' birthday party is soon, Brooke, James, Remus and Peter are throwing it in the Room of Requirement. We all finished our hot chocolates and cookies
"I mean I say one thing and Sirius is all up in my grill, I say another thing about both of them and then Remus and James are like 'oh no you didn't'." I added "And then Peter is like oh I better do that too and stands up."
We all laughed and stood up, I gave them both a hug before we all exited the kitchen. I waited till the last moment, wanting to hold onto these happy memories while we still had them. I walked back to my dormitory slowly, letting myself get lost in my thoughts. I walked into the common room after giving the password 'Mudblood' which no matter how much I tried I couldn't bring myself to stop hating. I couldn't even bring myself to say the word except for the password simply for Jules. Jules or Juliet is my older sister by two years, she ran away from home after telling our parents she was in love with a muggleborn and was having his child. The sight I still hoped to forget, yet never seemed to leave my mind, was my sister leaving in the dead of night, a simple backpack slung over her shoulder. She had given me a hug before disappearing out of our home forever. I smiled at everyone before sitting down next to the fire, I wanted to curl up and sleep, exhausted by the emotional strain on me. I fell asleep almost instantly.
We were all sitting in the great hall eating dinner, all the teachers were present except for Professor McGongagall, I wonder what that's about. She arrived a little late, taking her seat next to Professor Dumbledore, whispering something to him that made him smile. Again I wondered but put it aside and focused on what my friends were saying. All of a sudden my necklace heated up, Millie's voice entered my head.
I wonder what that's about? Anyone know?
No sorry Mills
Yeah same here sorry
Unfortunately none of us knew what was going on, a bit defeated. I focused back on what Adele, Honey and Lana were saying. We all returned to our food when suddenly the double doors to the Great Hall opened. I didn't pay much attention to it until I heard a sharp intake of breath from over at the Gryffindor Table. I looked up to see James, Sirius and Remus all looking over there, Peter of course was too engrossed in his food to bother looking. They were all leaning back and sticking their heads out to look over there. Almost instantly smiles overtook all their faces, that caught the attention of Lily, Marlene and Alice who were sitting close to them, then they were all smiling. Confused I went to ask the girls what was going on when the Marauders answered my un-asked question.
That got my full attention as the boys all stood up and raced down the aisle between the tables as fast as they could. A laugh could be heard from the other end and I instantly looked over to see Brooke's signature red hair and cool blue eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief secretly as I saw her standing there, okay and alive. Sirius reached her first, picking her up and spinning her around in a hug, then putting her down only for James to do the exact same thing. Remus then reached her, picking her up and spinning her around, they all surrounded her, inspecting her and making sure she was okay.
"Guys I'm fine." She protested "Can you let go so I can see the girls?"
She said she is fine but I could see the ghosts of terror in her eyes, the ghosts of her past that she tried to put to rest. The boys all took a step back and Lily Evans stepped forwards, instantly Brooke lit up like a candle.
"LILS!" She squealed, wrapping her fellow red head in a hug.
She repeated the process for 'Mare bear' and 'Ally', which were Malene and Alice, they then all led her back to their table. She sat between Remus and Sirius, across from James and Lily, who refused to let Brooklyn out of her sights.
I was wandering the halls before curfew, wanting a last few moments by myself before I retired to the Slytherin Dormitories.
I turned around to find Sirius standing in front of me, curious I tilted my head, indicating him to speak, and speak he did.
"Look I know you have a crush on Regullus." He said "Don't even try to deny it, I've seen the way you look at him. So I have a deal that is mutually beneficial to both of us."
I cocked an eyebrow, curious.
"Do tell."
He leaned closer, looking side to side, making sure no one else could see what was happening between us before diviluging his secret.
"At my party..."


Well you'll have to wait and see until chapter to see what Sirius and Tamsin have in store for you all. And yes some of you may already know but is it what you think?

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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