Chapter 9 - The Siren

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It was five minutes to twelve and the boys and I were sitting in the Shrieking Shack in their animagus forms as we waited for Remus to transform. He was currently curled up in a ball, whining with pain as we looked on. I was singing softly trying to ease his pain while playing with his hair.  James' ears flicked as he listened to something in the distance. He turned back to his human form and I looked up at him.
"I think there's someone out there, wanna go check it out?"
I nodded, getting up and exiting using the Whomping Willow, I followed the sound of voices, I stopped dead. It can't be but I'm pretty sure that these people sound exactly like Arden, Tamsin and Millie. I started running, rounding the corner in a mad panic. They can't be here, Remus will hurt them! My eyes landed on them and they all looked at me strangely.
"What on earth are you three doing here!" I whispered yelled, trying to keep my voice down.
They exchanged a glance and silently they elected Arden to speak.
"Brooklyn what's going on with you."
I kept looking over my shoulder anxiously, waiting for a sign that Remus had transformed. I faced them.
"Nothing, I'm fine."
Tamsin stepped forward, reaching and holding my arm in a supportive manner.
"You've been leaving dinner early, drinking coffee more than usual and wearing makeup."
"So answer this question for us." Millie added "Are you a werewolf."
That made me stop dead, do I tell them about Remus' furry little problem or not, it's not really any of their business, but I can't just let them think I'm a werewolf.
"You can tell us Brooke, we don't care."
I spun back around to face them but before I could answer a loud howl rang out through the deathly silent forest. Pretty sure my face lost all colour.
"It's not me okay? I promise but please get out of here, you'll get hurt!"
They all exchanged looks but before they could say anything I could hear wood smashing and I knew that Remus had broken down the door.
"TIGGY HE'S OUT!" Sirius screamed
My head whipped back in time to see Remus' moonlit werewolf figure break out of the whomping willow. I turned back to Arden, Tamsin and Millie, forcing them to turn around before it was too late.
"I promise I will explain everything tomorrow but please run! I don't want you getting hurt!"
Arden planted her heels and refused, Remus was getting closer and I was getting even more scared for them.
"What's going on Brooklyn?" She demanded
Remus broke through the trees and I turned and shielded my best friends/sisters behind me, even if it costs me my life I will protect them.
"RUN!" I screamed at them
They didn't need to be told twice, running out of the woods but looking over their shoulders at me. I knew I had to change into my animagus form before Remus hunted them down. I ran forward, changing as I did so, judging by the sharp intakes of breath they definitely saw. I raced forward towards Remus, jumping up and biting him softly on the shoulder, but he could smell humans and I couldn't stop him. He lifted a paw, digging it into my stomach with his long claws before throwing me against a tree, hard. I hit the tree like a hurricane, and fell to the ground, transforming back to my human form as I did so. Sirius and James, who saw the whole thing, leapt into action. James transformed and rammed Remus away from me, Sirius ran over to me in his human form and knelt beside me, watching helplessly as I bled. My vision was blurring, my mind fuzzy and everything hurt like hell.
"Sirius?" I asked weakly
He took my hands, brushing back my hair from my face, keeping my eyes on him at all times.
"Hey Brookey it's okay, you're going to be fine, everything's going to be okay, I promise."
"Everything hurts." I moaned
Sirius tried extremely hard to keep my focus on him and off of the battle between a werewolf, a stag and a rat behind us. He continued talking to me and brushing back my hair calmingly, I attempted at what I thought was a smile that ended up being a grimace.
"Shhh. I know it hurts but you'll be fine." He promised
"Pinky promise?" I asked in a soft voice
Pretty sure the pain was making me delirious, but Sirius nodded softly and intertwined our pinkies before shaking them up and down. I tried to smile at him but it just wasn't possible, I've never been in this much pain before and believe me I've known pain but not like this.
"I'm tired Siri, can I sleep?" I asked
He shook his head and I felt my eyes closing, he shook me lightly trying to keep me awake.
"I know you're tired but you need to stay awake."
"No, sleep." I protested "Sleep makes pain go away."
My eyes started closing and I could feel my mind slipping towards sleep, Sirius shook me awake again, lightly so as to not hurt me more.
"If you sleep you may never wake up." He said "Do you want that?"
"If it means the pain will go away" I replied shakily "Then yes."
He shook his head with a small smile and I looked on as James and Peter fought tooth and nail to not let Remus near Sirius and I. Sirius took my hands in his and looked me dead in the eyes.
"Well I don't, we've been through so much together and I am not losing you today. I know I'll never replace Parker but I like to think I can try."
I started crying, the pain and the memories were too much for me to handle and Sirius knew it as well.
"I just want him back." I sobbed
As if mirroring my mood it started to rain, not just a light drizzle either but great big sheets of rain that landed on your face and then stung for a couple minutes. Sirius lent over me, half trying to protect me and half giving me a hug. I was too weak to hug him back so I just let him hug me while we both got soaked to the skin.
"I know you do Brooke." He soothed "I know you do."
The first rays of sunlight started creeping over the hill and almost instantly Remus became more docile, not that I noticed very much. My eyes started closing and Sirius realised almost too late, he tried to shake me awake but I couldn't fight it anymore.
"Brooke no, please stay with me." He begged "PLEASE BROOKE! STAY WITH ME!"
Just before my eyes closed completely I saw another face peer over me, this person had shaggy black hair and brown eyes. I smiled softly up at him.
"Brooke please stay awake." James begged
My world faded into darkness and I heard one last thing before I lost all sense of belonging to this world.
"Peter run and get Madame Pomfrey! Quick!" Somebody screamed


I jolted awake to find that I was in a bed, I was in a white nightgown. Disoriented and confused I looked around to find Remus asleep in the bed next to me, that's when I realised I was in the hospital wing. My memory was quite fuzzy about last night but I remember protecting Tamsin, Millie and Arden and Remus digging his claws into my stomach. Oh please don't tell me he blames himself, it's not his fault!


Well there we go the girls got there answers, kind of, and we had a bit of drama.

As always suggestions would be appreciated as long as they are within reason and are appropriate.

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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