Chapter 20 - The Unicorn

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I was having the best time at Sirius' birthday party, Brooklyn gave an amazing speech and to see Remus comfort her was the cutest! The only thing that was starting to annoy me was the pathetic looks that Jane was sending in Brooke and Remus' direction when they were dancing together. But overall I was having a great time, I was dancing with Hally, Jane and Kat, I had briefly spoken to James who was a little drunk but that just made him even more funny. But then one thing completely ruined the night, I had been watching Sirius and he hadn't drunk anything except like one butterbeer and you cannot get drunk on that no matter how hard to try. I was also watching Tamsin, and like Sirius, she hadn't drunk anything at all except some water, and now they were kissing, nope now they were snogging. I saw Arden run out and I knew that this could mean nothing good. Sirius and Tamsin broke apart and I lost her in the crowd but then I saw her leave, no doubt to go after Arden, Arden can have a temper but it just doesn't surface often, I knew this will be one of the moments it does. I then saw Brooklyn follow, this is going to look weird if we all go missing at the same time but I knew that both Brookey and I will need to be on standby for this one. It honestly wasn't that hard to find them because I could hear the steadily rising showdown from just outside the ROR. I arrived to find Brooklyn standing in the doorway, watching as Tamsin and Arden stared at each other down, Arden had tears rolling down her face while Tamsin stared waiting for Arden to do something. Finally that something happened.
"How could you?" She asked
Tamsin said nothing and simply stared.
"Answer me!" Arden whisper yelled "You knew I liked him so how could you?"
Tamsin still remained silent for a second before replying.
"Pretty easily." She replied "I simply kissed him."
Arden was not very happy.
"You're a git, you know that?" She yelled
Brooklyn had the common sense to shut the door, even going as far as to cast silencing charms so no one could hear from outside the room. Tamsin looked offended.
"You don't OWN him Arden." She replied "Sirius can kiss anyone he wants."
Arden took a deep breath before exhaling, her stare low and deadly.
"You absolute bitch."
Now Tamsin was also very angry, I wanted to intervene but every time I tried they just wouldn't listen.
"I'm the bitch?" Tamsin yelled "You're the one not listening to my side of the story!"
Arden scoffed.
If they were angry before now they were both fuming, Brooklyn was standing there like a deer caught in headlights. I realised how triggering this could be for her, no doubt her father used to, and probably still does, scream abusive things at her. I moved closer to her, putting a hand on her arm, she looked at me, her eyes glazed with tears.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND..." Tamsin yelled
We all gasped in shock, Tamsin almost stopped breathing for a minute and Brooklyn intervened as Tamsin started to reach for her wand. Arden mirrored her movements but Brooklyn stepped between them.
"ENOUGH!" She yelled "I don't know what's going on here but you're not continuing it any longer. This is Sirius' birthday and we are all returning to his party. Starting with you Arden, go straight to your friends do you hear me?
Arden nodded, shooting a death glare at Tamsin before pocketing her wand and walking out of the room, Brooklyn immediately walked over to Tamsin. I took that as my cue to leave, following after Arden, watching her walk in and waiting a couple seconds to not arrange suspicion. When I walked in I saw Remus talking to Jane so I decided to go and join because I wanted to make sure she was going okay. I walked over and stood next to her, flashing Remus a smile which he returned.
"Jane, Remus." I said "What were we talking about?"
"Nothing much." Jane stuttered
Remus nodded agreeing with what she had just said, when something else dawned on him.
"Millie have you seen Brooklyn." He asked "Sirius and James, mostly Sirius, are starting to freak out because he can't find her."
Everyone just calls me Millie but I couldn't exactly say that Brooklyn was currently with Tamsin, the person she is meant to hate the most. Um quick Millicent, think make up a lie real quick.
"Uhh can't say that I have." I replied
He nodded when all of a sudden Brooklyn arrived beside him, putting an arm on his shoulder, a smile on her face but I could see she was faking it. Her eyes were lacking their mischievous glint and I knew that she was very triggered by the argument that went down between Tamsin and Arden.
"I heard my name, what's up?" She asked
Remus looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief, giving her a one armed hug, out of the corner of my eye I saw Jane shooting her jealous looks and I had to swallow my laughter. Brooklyn just smiled at him, incling her head to ask what she needed to do.
"Better go find Sirius and James before they tear apart the castle looking for you."
Brooklyn smiled and saluted him before going to find Sirius, a second after she left he found her, he wrapped her in a tight hug while she laughed. He literally smothered her, even going as far as to check over every inch of her making sure nothing bad had happened and then he just hugged her again, just as tight as the first time. Then Sirius yelled out over his shoulder.
Then James appeared, made sure she was okay before searching to make sure she wasn't hurt before hugging her.
"Don't ever do that again!" He scolded loudly "You scared us!"
Huh even when he's absolutely wasted he still cares , it's kind of hot if you ask me. Wait what on earth am I thinking? I can't like James, can I?  Remus started laughing as he watched the scene unfold, Jane looked absolutely captivated by even being in his presence and it made me want to retch, Remook for life! I'm not trying to be mean to Jane but can she just not see that Remus is in love with Brookey?
"Ah ever since she got back James and Sirius have watched her like a hawk." He commented in a whisper to me "Probably doesn't help that she had a nightmare the other night."
That was news to me, wait it all makes sense now. Brooklyn said that the boys will be worried if they wake up and find her gone so she must have slept in their room that night. The lengths they all go to make sure she's okay. Tamsin finally re appeared, going over to her friends but remaining deathly silent, I'm still in shock over what happened. I just can't believe she would do that, Arden has liked Sirius for two years now and she just goes and snogs him. I heard Brooklyn laugh but it sounded less musical than usual, something tells me that this argument that took place today may just be the things that creates a void between us that could possibly end the Angels.


Sorry I fell out of my updating rhythm and that's why this hasn't been updated in ages.


Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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