Chapter 5 - The Siren

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I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me when I heard Sirius and James starting singing their words out loud, Peter then joined them. I was full blown rolling around with laughter, without actually moving as I heard Lucius Malfoy sing in a high voice, I pointed him out to the boys and we laughed, well I laughed, they sang. This has got to be the best prank we've pulled yet. Tamsin cast her insignia, a dragon with the words The Angels shining underneath in gold. Lets just say James was uhhhh displeased to say the least.
"No fair! We can't even do our prank now!" He sang
I sniggered and he glared at me, I glared right back and he shuddered under the intensity, my glare is apparently scary, but hey who knows?
"How come you don't sing everything Brookey?" Sirius sang
I giggled at his voice and he looked at me disapprovingly, I stuck my tongue out in return.
Well I do know, it's because I didn't drink anything, Tammy put the potion in everyone's drinks so I simply avoided it by not drinking, simple but I couldn't tell them that. James and Sirius both pouted and I laughed at their faces.
"I'm sorry Pads, Prongsy but I don't know, please forgive me." I begged pulling out my best puppy eyes
'Oh I can't say no to that face." Sirius muttered "yes I forgive you
I turned them onto James who sighed in defeat.
"Sweet as sugar and cold as ice Tigs, but yeah I forgive you."
I smiled and stood up.
"Imma head back to my dorm, I'll see you later?"
"You know it." Peter replied
"Go check on him please Tigs." James asked in his opera voice
I nodded before walking out of the hall, once I was alone I sprinted towards the Gryffindor tower, actually thankful for James' conditioning for once. I took a detour to the kitchens, fetching some food before I came along to Fat Lady who was once again trying to sing, she noticed me quickly.
"Quidditch." I replied
She opened and I ran inside, dodging couches, chairs and tables before running up the stairs to the boys dormitories, I ran all the way up to the Marauder's dorm. I knocked on the door lightly.
"Remmy, it's me."
"Come in." He croaked
I opened the door slowly before entering and shutting it quietly behind me. I put my back against the door and looked at him laying in bed, tired as anything.
"Hey," I said softly, "you going okay?"
"Best I can be given the circumstances."
I nodded and walked forward before sitting on the end of his bed, placing the food on his bedside table.
"Thanks Tiggy."'
"Shhh, just rest, you'll need your strength okay?"
He nodded and settled down under the covers, I shifted closer and started playing with his hair, he looked up at me with pleading eyes.
"Can you sing please Tiggy?"
I nodded and he snuggled down further and opened my mouth to begin the song.

There was a time I used to look into my father's eyes
In a happy home, I was a king, I had a golden throne
But those days are gone, now the memory's on the wall
I hear the songs from the places where I was born
Up on the hill across the blue lake
That's where I had my first heartbreak
I still remember how it all changed
My father said
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child
See heaven's got a plan for you
Don't you worry, don't you worry now, yeah
There was a time, I met a guy of a different kind
We ruled the world, I thought I'll never lose him out of sight
We were so young, I think of him now and then
I still hear the songs reminding me of a friend, oh
Up on the hill across the blue lake
That's where I had my first heartbreak
I still remember how it all changed
My father said
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child
See heaven's got a plan for you
Don't you worry, don't you worry now, yeah
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child
See heaven's got a plan for you
Don't you worry, don't you worry now, yeah
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child
See heaven's got a plan for you
Don't you worry, don't you worry now, yeah, yeah
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child
See heaven's got a plan for you
Don't you worry, don't you worry now, yeah
Don't you worry, don't you worry, child, yeah

I finished the song to see he is asleep, he looked so peaceful as he slept, he doesn't deserve this.
"Sleep well Remmy." I whispered
I brushed back his hair before standing up and walking out the door and shutting it softly. I ran up to my dorm and fetched my paperback copy of the Bad Boy and the TomBoy before curling up on a loveseat in front of fire. I finished a solid chapter before Peter, Sirius and James burst into the common room, Sirius jumped on the other end of the love seat before laying his head in my lap.
"Hello there." I giggled
"Why hello to you too." He winked
I laughed brushing his hair with my hand while reading my book.
"You know people are gonna think you two are a thing." James observed
"Good." Sirius replied
I slapped him lightly, a smile on my face to let him know that I was only joking.
"What someones gotta keep the boys away." He protested
"Someone indeed... " I replied trailing off sadly
The others all laughed, Marlene, Alice and Lily walked in the room looking at us strangely. Lily raised an eyebrow at our position and I shook my head at her.
"How is he?" James asked once she was out of earshot
"Sleeping." I replied
They looked at me strangely, like him sleeping was the craziest thing on earth.
"What?" I asked
"How?" Peter asks
"What do you mean?"
"He means how did you get him to sleep?" James replies
I looked at them all like they'd all crazy, Sirius tapped my shoulder and I looked down at him.
"Remus doesn't sleep, no he can't sleep when full moons come around, he tries but it just doesn't come. That's why it knocks him around so much, he's never rested well enough." He explains
Ohhhh, I guess that makes sense but why the hell didn't they say anything to me? I could have helped.
"So what did you do?" James repeated
I sighed, knowing they'll give both of us a ribbing for it.
"I sang."
"You what?" James said in disbelief
"You sang him to sleep?" Peter asked
"Yeah I suppose." I shrugged
"Oh my Godric that is priceless, what else did you do?" Sirius begged
"I played with his hair." I answered sheepishly
They all exchanged glances before laughing, I shushed them not wanting to wake up Remus, he'll need his sleep. They all laughed silently and I threw my hands up in the air.
"I'm done with you lot. I'm going to my dorm and you do the same, don't wake up Remus" I announced
"Yes Ma'am." James mock saluted
I shook my head and turned on my heel before walking up to my dorm where Lily, Marlene and Alice were laughing. I changed into my pyjamas before throwing on my favourite hoodie and sitting on my bed. Lily threw me my favourite caramel toffee hard lollies, she always buys them for me.
"Thanks Lils, so Alice how's Frank?"
Her face lit up and we all laughed at her before listening intently. Soon they all fell asleep. However at eleven thirty I crept downstairs. I was met with the three boys.
"Let's go."


I'm just going to say that I am extremely proud of myself for writing this chapter! I mean that scene between Brooke and Remus warmed my heart, I don't know about you.

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Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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