Chapter 22 - The Siren

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It had almost been a month since Sirius' Birthday Party and the diastar it was for the Angels and I, obviously the rest of Hogwarts doesn't know that. But I have heard some rumours about why they have been inactive lately so hopefully if all goes to plan we can pull something unbelievable out of the hat. I searched the entire length of Hogwarts and I finally found exactly who I was looking for, and thankfully she was by herself.
"Millicent I need to speak with you really quick uh," I blanked "About some creature I was reading up on and wanted to ask about."
She obviously worked out that I needed to speak to her about The Angel's business so we stepped inside an empty classroom.
"What's up?" She asked
I took a deep breath, looking left and right down the corridor before shutting the door and walking back inside the room. Millie looked at me expectantly.
"We need to do something." I said "About the Tam and Arden situation, I miss you all and I'm done sitting around and waiting for them to talk to each other on their own terms."
Millie crossed her arms.
"What Tamsin did was wrong." She said "She needs to have the guts to face it."
I sighed, after that Quidditch match Tamsin contacted me and we met in the Room of Requirement just the two of us, she explained everything. It does make a lot of sense, Sirius had been talking about Arden at every possible chance, asking for advice on how to talk to her. Obviously Remus and I took a dig at James and said annoy her by asking her every second before she finally says yes. And working out a deal with Tamsin, who confirmed her feelings for Regullus to me the other night, is a very Sirius thing to do.
"You don't know the full story either." I commented
She raised an eyebrow as a challenge and I launched into the very detailed explanation of what actually happened and how it was also Sirius's idea not Tamsin's so the blame should be split between them. By the time I had finished she was one, very excited that Tamsin likes someone and obviously he returns  those feelings, and two, agrees that she misses us all as well and that we need to take action immediately.
"So what do you suggest." She asked
I smirked and leaned forward, whispering in her ear my plan. After I finished she nodded and we agreed to set the plan in motion. I then left the classroom to go find Tamsin, luckily it was Saturday, I found her in the fifth floor bathroom, what a coincidence. In this very bathroom was the place the Angels banded together to prove a point. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I was in the toilet and had finished my business, I was just about to flush the toilet when I heard crying coming from outside. I was about to go out when the door opened and in walked another girl, judging by her voice it was Arden Thomas.
"Are you okay Millicent?" She had asked "That was very cruel of them."
"I'm fine." Millicent sniffled "What did I do wrong?"
All of a sudden a different toilet flushed and another girl walked out, Tamsin Wood, judging by her voice, who was known as a bit of a git around the school.
"Nothing, their just a bunch of slimy idiotic gits." She had said "Their pranks aren't even that good. We could do sooo much better, wanna show them up?"
The other two girls agreed, then and only then I flushed my toilet and slammed open the door, the three girls turned, guilty expressions on their faces. I smirked, leaning against the door.
"I'm so in." I said, shocking them all, "When do we start?"
I walked into the bathroom and thankfully it was empty except for Tamsin and now myself, she was currently washing her hands when I cleared my throat. She looked up and smiled at me.
"Hey." She said "What's up."
I smiled, sitting on the bench next to the sink, where it was dry of course, leaning back against the wall next to the mirror. Tamsin smiled up at me when I crossed my legs, putting my elbows on my knees and leaned my chin on my hands.
"I was thinking because we haven't had much time to hangout lately because of the you know." She nodded "So I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to my Aunt's place in Derbyshire for the Christmas Break."
Her face lit up instantly, she dried her hands before leaning on the bench where I was sitting.
"That would be amazing." She answered "Will Arden or Millie be going?"
I shook my head, feeling a little guilty for the lie but I have to do what I have to do to fix what happened between them. She relaxed and nodded.
"I'm not sure if my parents will let me go but I'll write to Mother, she's most likely going to say yes, besides your family aren't exactly labelled as Blood Traitors so it should be fine."
I nodded, giving her a quick hug before waving goodbye and going back towards Gryffindor Tower to have a lazy day with Lily. First I decided I wanted to see the boys. So as I walked into the Common Room.
"Where are my boys?" I called
They all rolled their eyes as I walked towards, sitting myself down on a couch next to Remus. I talked to them for a while before Lily and I headed up to our dorm, setting up a movie projector and playing some of our favourite Disney movies which she introduced to me. I curled up beside her, my head in her lap as she played with my hair.
Tamsin found me as I was walking from the bathroom, a massive smile on her face. She then told me that her mother had said yes and she was coming. I gave her a hug before going racing off to go find Millicent, telling her that the plan was in motion. She also told me that she had managed to convince Arden to come as well. I smirked as I walked towards the Gryffindor Common Room, everything was falling into place.
We arrived at Kings Cross Station where my Aunt was meeting us. I had told everyone to meet me at a silver Ford Angila parked outside, obviously coming at different times. I was walking with Sirius, after saying goodbye to Marlene who was heading home. Sirius looked at me worriedly, turning me around so I was facing him.
"You're not going back there are you?"
I shook my head, about to reply when I heard a familiar voice call out from near here.
I spun around, catching the blonde hair of my Aunty, instantly my face lit up in a smile and I ran over to her, Sirius following to make sure everything was okay.
I ran into her arms, sighing as I felt her warm and comforting arms wrapped around me. I pulled away, telling Sirius about how I was going to stay with my Aunty's for the break, he nodded satisfied and I pulled him into a hug. I then let him go and said goodbye to James, promising to send him an owl or two. Then Aunty Em and I walked over to where the Angila was parked, her arms wrapped around my shoulder, talking about how everything was going. Once we arrived I chucked my suitcase into the boot, leaning against it as I saw three girls walking towards us. I smirked, hoping my plan would work.


I hope you enjoyed this update and I'm sorry for the delay.

I hope you prepare yourself for what's to come...

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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