Chapter 13 - The Siren

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I was still in the hospital wing when Professor Dumbeldore came in, Madame Promfrey was currently on a break because I was the only one in here and she trusts me.
"You have a visitor Miss Cole." He said
I nodded and he stepped aside to reveal my father, my heart skipped a beat and dread quickly filled my veins, this cannot be good. HIs look was hard and his mouth in a thin line, without even being near him I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Hello Brooklyn." He said his tone even but I could hear the anger
"Hello Father" My voice was shaking
Dumbledore took that as his cue to leave I almost called him back, scared to be alone with the man that I no longer trusted. My father waved him off before turning to me, a sadistic smile on his face and I swallowed in fear. He raised his wand and I took a deep breath, trying calm my racing heart
He locked the door and now nobody could come and save me from the fate I knew was coming ever since I was admitted into the hospital wing.
"Father please." I started to beg
"You have now gotten yourself attacked by a werewolf." He sneered "Why did I even bother to save you?"
The only thing I could think was, why did you? He forced me to stand up out of my bed, my legs were weak and I almost fell over but I knew the pain I was experiencing was nothing compared to what was about to come.
My legs collapsed beneath me as I fell to the ground. I let out an ear piercing scream. The only thing I could hear other than my own screams was my father's sadistic laughter.


My father left the room, leaving the door unlocked, undoing all his protective enchantments. I lay there in a pool of blood that belonged to nobodies by my own, I faintly heard the door open as a Gryffindor first year walked into the room. He gasped in shock as he took in the scene.
"Are you okay miss?" He asked
"Yeah I'm fine buddy." I managed to say, my voice hoarse from all the screaming "Can you get Sirius Black for me please?"
He nodded and raced out of the hospital wing, I was struggling to stay awake but I knew I needed to so I could talk to Sirius. A couple minutes later the door burst open and Sirius ran into the room, stopping dead as soon as he saw me. His face softened but I could see the panic behind his eyes, he walked forward, stepping in my blood lightly before grabbing my hand.
"What happened Brooke?
"My Father."
Sirius nodded and helped me stand before picking me up and carrying me to my hospital muttering Espikey under his breath trying to fix the wounds. I shook my head, letting him know that it was futile, nothing could fix them or I still wouldn't have the scars on my back and stomach from over five years ago. Sirius brushed back my hair, placing a kiss on my forehead lightly.
"You are never going back there." He whispered "I promise you that, you can come with me to James."
I shook my head almost immediately, I don't want to burden James, his parents or even Sirius with my problems let alone the responsibility of looking after me. No way in hell that is happening. He smiled one last time before he raced off to no doubt get Madame Pomfrey to help heal me. A couple minutes later he returned with her in tow, her face went pale when she saw the blood all over the floor and myself looking pale and weak with the blood stained sheets around me. She forced Sirius out and closed the curtain around my bed before checking my wounds, I couldn't see them myself but I'm pretty sure they were atrocious. She muttered to herself a little bit and then pulled down my nightgown again, she opened the curtain again before allowing Sirius in again.
"This is out of my league now." She said boldly "She needs to go to St Mungos."
Sirius nodded and Madame Promfrey went into her office to send the an owl so that they could prepare a bed for me. Sirius walked over to me as I started crying.
"I don't want to go to St Mungos!" I protested weakly
"You have to." He countered "You need to get better. How about this, I'll go get James, Remus and Peter so they can say goodbye."
"Can you also get Lily, Marlene and Alice please?" I asked
He nodded and exited the hospital wing while keeping a normal pace. All of a sudden the door opened again, I looked up in confusion, I knew Sirius couldn't have returned the fast. I heard someone gasp as they saw the blood on the floor. They walked in deeper and I saw the brown hair that I know anywhere.
She turned around and took in the scene, blood on the floor, me surrounded by blood stained sheets, she immediately raced forward to my side.
"Brooke?" She said "What happened to you?"
"I tripped and my wounds reopened." I lied pathetically
She gave me a look and I sighed, as usual she knows exactly when I'm lying badly, I decided to tell her the truth, no point denying it.
"My father."
She gasped again and gave me a small hug, in the distance I could hear footsteps and the voices that belonged to Sirius and the others. Panic filled my eyes and I pushed Arden away.
"Arden hide!" I pleaded "Sirius is coming with James, Peter, Remus, Lily, Marlene and Alice."
She nodded and ran into Madam Pomfrey's office, before starting a conversation with her about healing or something. The others arrived and I managed to put on a small smile for them, we all talked before Madame Pomfrey shooed them all away and escorted me to St Mungos.


I had settled in at St Mungos despite only having been there a couple days and had the best room mate of all time, Maeve. She's actually from Ireland but was on a holiday when she came into contact with Death Eaters, she's a halfblood so they decided to attack her. Mucked her up pretty bad, even worse than me but we get along really well. Considering we literally spend every waking moment with each other, and even sometimes at night when we can't sleep we talk. It was late at night but I couldn't sleep, all I could see was my Father's smile and hear my screams and his laughs so I laid awake. Maeve was asleep in the bed by the reinforced window when all of a sudden it smashed into a million tiny shards, it rained all over her as a large brick landed on her stomach. I screamed loudly in shock, alarms started beeping and Maeve's eyes opened before she was cut off by an intense coughing fit before she started screaming in pain. I managed to stand up before walking quickly to the door and screaming for a healer to come help, they came running almost instantly. They raced over to her while I sat down on the end of my bed listening to Evie scream in agony.
I watched helplessly as she screamed while the healers attended to her. I tried to look away but couldn't.
"Hold on Evie." I whispered "Please hold on, for me"


Kind of a cliffhanger there for you. Hope your enjoying the story so far, I am certainly enjoying writing it. There are some surprises in store, that's for sure...

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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