Chapter 17 - The Gryffindors

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Lily's POV

I shot awake, looking around the room to find the source of the scream, my eyes landed on Brooklyn, twitching in her bed.
Her screaming caught the attention of Marlene and Alice, who shot up in their beds. I rushed over to her, shaking her, pleading for her to get up, my attempts were futile. I took a step back, reassing the situation, suddenly she stopped moving, curling up in a little ball, barely taking up any space at all. If we all fell quiet we could hear her gut wrenching sobs, she was shaking, like her entire was shaking. Our hearts all shattered for her, I knew I couldn't help her but I wanted to, if only there was person who could. That's when it hit me.
"Alice help me pick her up." I ordered "Marlene run ahead and wake up James, Sirius, Remus and Peter."
She nodded and raced off ahead of us. Alice and I picked up the crying Brooklyn, gently carrying her towards the boys dormitory, it was quite a feat because she was shaking so much. But thankfully we managed it without dropping her.

Marlene's POV

"Alice help me pick her up." I ordered "Marlene run ahead and wake up James, Sirius, Remus and Peter."
I nodded and raced out of our dorms, racing up the stairs towards the boy's dormitories were held. I arrived where James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettingrew all share their dorm, luckily they had a spare bed that hopefully they can lend to Brooke for the night. I knocked on the door, no scratch that I was pounding on the door. No reply for a minute so I yelled out at them.
A second later the door opened and there stood Sirius, shirtless mind you but I was too focused on Brooke to really notice, who looked pretty upset to have been woken up. I shook that aside.
"What?" He asked groggily
I heard Alice and Lily arrive with Brooke behind me, Sirius' face turned from one of anger to one of concern in about two seconds.

Sirius' POV

I woke up with a shock, seeing that no one else was waking up I walked over and opened the door. Pretty pissed off that someone had the audacity to interrupt my sleep. There I found Marlene McKinnon, forgetting that I forgot to put a shirt on I stared at her.
"What?" I asked groggily
Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind her, Lily and Alice arrived carrying a very distressed Brooklyn between them. My face turned to one of concern as I stepped forward towards them.
"What happened?"
"Nightmare." Lily replied "She woke up and started crying, she wouldn't talk to us."
"We were hoping." Alice continued "That you could help?"
I nodded, taking Brooke from Lily and Alice, carrying her bridal style, looking down at her face, which was tear stained face and she was shaking.
"I'll take it from here." I said "You three go back and try to get some sleep, she can stay with us."
They all nodded and disappeared back towards their dorms, I turned around and walked back into my room, kicking the door shut with my foot. I layed the crying Brooke on my bed and decided to wake up the others. I started with James.
"James get up!" I shouted in his ear "Get up now!"
He shot up, looked around confused but I was already going around to wake up Remus, once he was awake I moved onto Peter. Peter took up a bit of a fight but eventually got up, they all looked at me curiously.
"What exactly is going on mate?" James asked
I pointed to my bed where Brooklyn had curled up in a ball, crying and shaking alot. The boys snapped into their big brother mode, making their way over to her, Remus arrived first, putting a hand on her arm. She moved her head towards him a little bit.
"Remmy?" She whispered
He nodded and she started crying again after stopping for a little bit, Remus sat down next to her, stroking her hair calmingly.
"Shh Brooke." He said "We're all here, Sirius, James, Me and Peter."
Just knowing that seemed to calm her down a bit more. I sat down on her other side, and also began stroking her hair when suddenly Remus got an idea.
"Everyone get up." He ordered "Sirius pick her up."
I nodded, obliging, picking her up again, hugging her to my chest. Confused we all watched as Remus picked up his wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa."
The entire room rearranged itself, the result was two of our beds lined up in the middle of the room to make one giant one. I smiled before placing Brooke in the middle, James laid across the top, her head resting in his lap, something he intentionally did of course. I laid one on one side of her and Remus laid on the other side, Peter laid by our feet. Then and only then did Brooklyn finally stop crying, instead she smiled, her face tear stained and her eyes glistening. She rolled on her side, snuggling into Remus' side, her head resting on her shoulder, it was a little squishy on the bed so I was right up against her back. She leaned back briefly, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Thank you Siri."
I leaned forward and whispered in her ear.
"What was the nightmare about?"
"Parks and my friend from St Mungos Eve." She whispered back "Thankyou for helping me."
"I got your back Brooke." I replied "Always have and always will."
She smiled before snuggling back up to Remus, I smirked and shook my head at how cute they were.

Remus' POV

When Sirius first woke us up I was furious, thinking this was just about another prank idea but however my mood changed when I saw Brooklyn sobbing on his bed. Instantly I raced over there to her.
arm. She moved her head towards me a little bit.
"Remmy?" She whispered
I nodded and she started crying again after stopping for a little bit, I sat down next to her, stroking her hair calmingly.
"Shh Brooke." I said "We're all here, Sirius, James, Me and Peter."
Just knowing that seemed to calm her down a bit more. Sirius joined me when I got an idea. I got Sirius to pick her up before rearranging our room so that two of our beds were joined together. James laid along the top and Sirius laid Brooke in the middle, I laid next to her and Sirius laid on her other side. FInally Peter laid by our feet. Brooke finally stopped crying, instead she smiled and rolled onto her side before snuggling into me. My face instantly turned red as I felt her beside me. Her and Sirius had a whispered discussion as I slowly drifted back to sleep, surrounded by my best friends.

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