Chapter 4 - The Dragon

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I was sitting on my bed in my dorm listening to Honey, Adele and Lana talk about their plans for the rest of the weekend while I thought about what I said to Brooke. I feel so bad, what if she takes the things I say to heart, I mean I can be really mean. My thoughts were cut off when I felt my necklace warm up.
Code red! Code red!
Millicent's voice filled my head and I almost fell off my bed in my shock, capturing the attention of everybody else in the room.
"Everything good Tam?" Adele asked
I nodded and they returned to the listened as my necklace went off again, this time it was Brooke.
Everything okay Millie?
Yeah Brooke, it's all good. Mille replied
Code red is serious, it means that someone else likes someone or someone is going to ruin our ship. Obviously it must involve one of us because Millie seemed upset, she obviously didn't want to say much. Almost three minutes later an owl flew straight into our window and landed next to me on my bed, a note in its mouth. I pulled it out and opened it, my eyes hastily reading the note.
It's an emergency I couldn't say much through the lockets because Brooke could listen, yeah it concerns her. I need you to meet me in the ROR at 8 o'clock tonight, I'll get a message out to Arden. Just don't be late!
Well this is a sudden turn of events, ROR tonight without Brooke, hopefully she doesn't get suspicious about anything.


It was now eight o'clock and I made some bad excuse about going to the kitchens to fetch a drink, thankfully the others believed it. I cautiously walked at a fast pace through the halls towards the seventh floor trying to reach the ROR without being seen. I finally reached it and thought about what I needed. I need to meet Millicent and Arden without being seen, I thought. The door revealed itself and I rushed through, anxious to see what this was about. I walked in and closed the door behind me, locking it just to be sure, we can't be caught. Both Arden and Millicent were already seated on the couches, warm cocoa in their hands, they passed me a thermos and I sat down next to them.
"What's this about Mills?" Arden asked
"Yeah Mills, but make it quick I told the others that I was getting water."
Arden nodded in agreement and took a deep breath in before spilling the reason she brought us here.
"My friend Jane, Jane Forster, know of her?"
I nodded, I'd heard of her before mainly because Millicent talks about her a little bit, Arden also nodded.
"Well.. she has a crush on Remus!"
Arden and I both gasped.
"No!" I uttered
"She'll ruin Remook!" Arden exclaimed
"I know, we have to either force Jane to move on, or we force Brook and Remus together." Millie offered
I thought about it.
"Millie what is Jane's personality?" I asked
"Shy and introverted, why?"
"Well I don't think we should interfere with Brooke's love life, I mean come on imagine if she found out?" I replied
Millie and Arden both shivered, there are three or four rules when it comes to Brooklyn. One: don't mess with her friends or family, two: don't interfere with her life, she does what she wants in her own time, three: don't interrupt her when she's reading, cooking, writing, or composing and four: don't steal her food.
"That would be violating rule two. So if Jane is shy hopefully she won't act on her crush." I continued
Arden nodded, agreeing with me.
"All in all, I don't think Remus would actually date someone else, I mean come on. He's freaking in love with Brooke; she's just being oblivious! Also if he did, maybe it would help her to realise her feelings for him, a couple months sacrifice is worth it for a life of happiness. Also I don't really want to deal with an angry Brookey"
We all nodded, agreeing on our plan of action.
"So how's the prank coming along Tam?"
"Good, I would love to give you all the details but I really need to get back before my roommates get suspicious. But the prank is definitely ready, I would advise not to drink anything at the feast tomorrow."
They both nodded and left the ROR. I lingered for a few moments, waiting for them to clear the corridor to ensure we aren't seen. I waited for about three minutes before exiting the ROR. I went back to my dorm.
"What took so long Tamsin?" Adele asks
"I stopped by the bathroom." I replied
They bought it although it was one of the lamest excuses in the book, speaking of which I need better excuses. I curled up under the covers, wished them all a good night before drifting to sleep.


I woke up in the morning with a smile. Today is the day that we pull the prank. It's gonna be great, before dinner I'll have to just put the potion in the drink, the house elves shouldn't mind. I got up and thankfully it was Sunday so we had no classes today. First order of business, go check on the potion. I dressed in my jeans before chucking on my queen jumper over a white long sleeve before pulling on my converse. I tiptoed out of the dorm. I walked towards the room of requirement, wishing to find the room where I brewed the potion, almost immediately the door opened to reveal a room with a caldron in the middle and countless potion ingredients, some not even Professor Slughorn has access to. I looked over the potion and the instructions, deeming it ready. I smiled before racing out of the ROR and making my way to the great hall. Thankfully none of my roommates had arrived yet so I didn't have to come up with an excuse.
The potions ready to go
I could see Brooklyn with Remus and Sirius laughing before her voice filled my head.
Brilliant Tammy can't wait
A smile came to my face as I could hear her laugh.


Tam how much longer? Millicent asked
Just wait
All of a sudden Professor McGonagall stood up to make an announcement, instead when she opened her mouth her words came out as opera. All of a sudden anyone who drank juice this evening began singing. I silently conjured my insignia, fighting my smile as panic ensured in the great hall.
Nice one Tam Brooke congratulated
Yes, that should put the Marauders out of business Arden added
I smiled to myself as I watched everyone struggle to regain their voices.


Sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've been busy writing all my other books!

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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