Chapter 19 - The Mermaid

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I arrived at Sirius' party that Brooke and the other Marauders' were throwing in the Room of Requirement. I was wearing tight grey trackies and a khaki green sweater with a bandana holding my hair out of my face, on my feet were simple white converse. I headed down there with Isla, Reyna and Jade, making sure not to be caught by Filch or Mrs Norris, that would ensure us a one way trip to detention which we definitely did not want. We arrived and walked into the room, where we were met by Brooklyn, I flashed her a smile which she returned, she took the joint present we brought before putting it on a table with the rest of them, she returned to us.
"Welcome, food and drinks are just over there." She directed "Help yourself, there's both butterbeer and firewhiskey."
We nodded and walked deeper into the room, I looked around, noticing that both Tamsin and Millie were here. I smirked as I picked up a butterbeer, watching as the others all opted for a fire whiskey, I shrugged at their choice, they'll regret it later. Everyone had arrived and the party was in full swing, Brooklyn, who was done with being the hostess, walked over to where Marlene, Alice and Lily were all dancing. Marlene wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Have a drink Brooke." She announced "Chill out and party a little."
Brooklyn instantly shook her head, I moved closer so I could listen to her a bit better.
"No thanks Mare. Someone's got to be a hostess." She declined the offer "Besides you can bet that both James and Sirius will be absolutely wasted and I need to make sure nothing happens to them."
All of a sudden someone tapped me on the shoulder, I spun around to see Remus, a butterbeer in his hand, a bright smile on his face.
"Remus!" I said giving him a hug. "I have seen you in forever!"
He returned the hug and we fell into an easy conversation about our Charms homework, we sometimes studied together and became friends in between homework and essays. Brooklyn came over, interrupting our conversation with a smile on her face.
"Sorry to interrupt." She said "But Remus Sirius is demanding we take a group photo using the camera Lily brought me a couple years ago."
She sent me an apologetic smile and I waved it away, telling her it was okay. I said goodbye to Remus as Brooke led him over to where Sirius, James and Peter were all gathered, dancing together. I watched as Brooke got Lilly to take a photo of her and the boys, then Brooke got a photo of James, Sirius, Remus and Peter all dancing and laughing, a fond smile on her face. Isla came over and swept me away to dance with her near to where Brooklyn and the others were, I watched as she took photos of her and Lily, Marlene and Alice. I laughed, taking a sip of my butterbeer, I noticed during my watching that Sirius actually hadn't drunk anything except for a glass of butterbeer, which was extremely unusual for him. However James was the complete opposite of him, he was over talking to Millicent, sipping on a Firewhiskey. I smiled and shook my head, getting lost in the moment with Isla, who then abandoned me and went to dance with her boyfriend at the time, Fabian Prewett. I shook my head as someone snuck up from behind me.
I jumped and spun around, a hand on my racing heart as I came face to face with Sirius Black. I shook my head at him, slapping him lightly on the shoulder.
"It's not funny."
He shook his head and continued laughing at me.
"That's where you're wrong." He replied "It's absolutely hilarious."
I shook my head at him again, before taking a sip of my drink, he watched me as I did so. We fell into an easy conversation about anything and everything, particularly Quidditch. I'm a Chaser and Sirius is a Beater for the Gryffindor side, this of course led to some friendly banter between us about who was going to win our next game.
"Obviously Gryffindor."
"No chance." I replied, shaking my head "We are going to whip your arse."
I knew we probably would lose, I mean the rest of the teams, other than Gryffindor of course, have a nickname for Sirius, James and Brooke, the trio of trouble. They are unstoppable on the pitch, Brooke in seeker, always watching, yelling advice, co captaining like the queen she is. Then James, scoring goals left right and centre, running his team like a military unit while having the best time. And finally Sirius defends the entire team while launching attacks of his own with only another person by his side. They are ultimately feared among the school, they are literal Quidditch Legends. They don't really know about it, most people talk about it behind their backs, Hogwarts Gossip Ring is like no other. All of a sudden our bantering as Brooklyn walked out on the stage, it was clear she wasn't comfortable so Sirius turned to me almost instantly.
"Great talking to you." He said "But uh I better get up there."
I nodded and pushed him towards the makeshift stage, he waited down the bottom to wait if Brooklyn wanted assistance. So far she was managing okay.
"Alright everyone if I could have your attention please." She paused, taking a deep breath "So today is the birthday of one of my closest friends. Sirius can you get up here?"
He smiled and joined her on stage, he wrapped her in a hug, she smiled before making a speech that she wrote herself, she didn't even need notecards.
"Sirius Orion Black, named after the brightest star in the sky, and as cheesy as it sounds, sometimes you were the brightest thing in my life." She said "You've seen me at my best and have definitely seen me at my absolute worst."
They smiled at each other, like they had a little secret that nobody else knew about.
"Without you I may not even be standing here now." She said, starting to tear up "You always say you don't think you could ever replace Parks but you're as close to being him as you'll ever damn know. You are like an older brother to me, Sirius, and you once told me you'd have my back. Well I've got yours, and now forever."
Sirius will pretend like this never happened but I definitely saw a couple tears leak from his eyes as he embraced her furiously. He wiped away her tears and then she left the stage, walking into the embrace of Remus and James, they both wrapped her in a hug between them, comforting her and shielding her from the view of the crowd. Sirius stepped forwards, raising the microphone that Brooklyn passed to him, he smiled at us all.
"Uh thanks to everyone for coming out tonight." He announced "Special thanks to Brooklyn, James, Remus and Peter for organising this party so without further ado LET'S PARTY!!!"
I shook my head as everyone cheered, my friends all included. I found myself watching as everyone continued dancing, snogging and overall just partying around me. I watched as Tamsin happened to walk over to Sirius, conversing with him for a bit, before they both leaned in and kissed. A gasp escaped my mouth as it felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped over my head. I turned on my heel, racing out of the room, trying to contain the tears that threatened to spill over, I found myself in an empty classroom and there I let the tears spill. I thought Sirius and I had a connection but turns out I was only kidding myself, it hurts that he was kissing someone else but it's worse because he was kissing someone who I thought was my best friend. And the worst thing is I know they both hadn't even had anything to drink.


Twist and some drama, y'all thought Arden and  Sirius were gonna live happily ever after but um no not yet.

Have a fantabulous day or night, which ever applies to you.

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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