Prologue - The Sorting

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Brooklyn Georgia Carson walked beside her parents through the busy King Cross Station, clutching tightly to her kitten, Boots, who she refused to put in a cage.
"Are you sure Boots won't run away." Her mother asked worryingly
Brooklyn shook her head.
"Boots wouldn't do that."
Her mother shook her head and sighed as she held onto Brooklyn's hand tightly as her husband, Brooklyn's father pushing the trolley containing all of her school supplies. They reached platform 9¾, her father gripped her shoulder.
"Together?" She asked
Her parents nodded and together they ran through the gate way and into the platform, Brooklyn's mouth dropped open as she looked around curiously. She continued walking forward, drifting away from her parents but staying in sight so she didn't get lost among the many people. All of a sudden she bumped into someone, knocking their cage with an owl in it to the ground, Brooklyn also fell to the ground. She looked up and saw a boy her age with long black hair and green eyes, her face lit up into a smile.
"Brook?" He asked
She nodded and stood up, throwing her arms around him, he wrapped his arms around her.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" She exclaimed
"My mother didn't approve of us playing together."
"Oh that's a shame, you remember my parents?"
He nodded and shook her parents hands. They loaded up her suitcases and she embraced both of her parents as Sirius waited.
"Stay focused and we'll see you in the holidays okay?"
She nodded and hugged her mother and then turned to her father.
"Cause as much trouble as possible, got it Brooky?"
She nodded and hugged him before turning to Sirius, swinging a small backpack over her shoulder and carrying Boots in her arms. She and Sirius walked off to find a compartment.
"You gotta meet my friend James, Brook, you'll love him!"
She giggled in return and followed him to a compartment where a boy with black hair, glasses and blue eyes sat, he looked up as they entered the compartment.
"Sirius, who is this?"
"James this is..."
"Brooklyn Carter at your service."
She stuck out her hand to shake, the boy smiled and shook her hand, she returned the smile.
"James Potter, nice to meet you."
The three children talked for around ten minutes until Brooklyn stood up, the other two looked at her and she smiled.
"I'm gonna go explore, I'll see you later, Sirius, James."
"Bye Brook!"
She waved before venturing away from the compartment, sliding the door shut behind her. She walked down the corridor and almost ran into a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes and a pretty smile.
"Hi my names Brooklyn."
"Hello my name is Millicent but most people call me Millie."
"Nice to meet you, I'm just exploring the train and meeting some people."
"Have you got a compartment?" Millicent asked
Brooklyn nodded already warming up to this girl who she just met.
"Yeah, I left my bag and my kitten there, but I trust the people I left them with, one of them is my best friend."
Millie smiled and they both turned when a compartment door opened and a girl with long red hair and green eyes stepped out.
"Hello my name is Lily." She introduced herself
"I'm Millicent, nice to meet you."
Brooklyn looked down at her watch with a smile.
"Well I better get back, I don't want Siri to start looking for me. Bye, nice to meet you Millie, Lily."
They both waved and Brooklyn went off back to her compartment where she found James and Sirius sitting with another boy. James and Sirius looked up with a smile.
"Oh hey Brooky" Sirius "This is Remus, Remus this is Brooklyn."
"Hey." Brooklyn replied sitting down next to Sirius
She pulled out a book from her backpack and Sirius passed her Boots back.
"Thanks Siri."
He smiled at the name, no doubt remembering the day when they first met, they lived on the same street and were both playing on the same playground. A friendship formed that day and solidified into a solid sibling bond between the two. Brooklyn began reading her book, tuning out the other three conversations until the compartment door opened, Brooklyn looked up.
"Hi Brooklyn, we're arriving soon and I thought I'd let you know so you could change but uhh that might be a bit of a problem." Lily announced
Brooklyn put away her book and retrieved her robes, before jumping up, the boys exchanged a glance, curious to what she was up to.
"I'll just head to the toilets, in the meantimes you three can change while I'm gone."
She closed the compartment door and went on her way to find the toilets so she could change. She found them and slipped on her school uniform, which included a skirt, white tshirt, and black robes. She bundled up her other clothes and then walked back to the compartment. The three boys had already changed. She resumed her previous seat next to Sirius, they began talking about the things they looked forward to at Hogwarts, soon enough the train pulled into the station. They all tumbled out, Brooklyn clutching her bag and Boots, she spotted Lily standing with a boy with long greasy hair, they both waved at each other.
"First ers, first ers over here!"
Sirius, James, Remus and Brooklyn walked over to a large, burly man who once everyone was gathered, led them to an array of boats.
"Four per boat." He demanded
The four exchanged a glance and climbed into a boat together. The boats rowed themselves and the children all marvelled at the castle. They arrived and clambered out of the boats where they were met with a lady dressed in a green gown.
"Welcome first years to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I am Professor McGongagall. The Sorting Ceremony will commence momentarily, please follow me."
They all followed the Professor as she led them through the Great Hall towards the front where an old hat was sitting on a stool. It sung a song and McGongagall pulled out a scroll.
"Anderson, Marilyn."
Everybody watched as a girl walked forward and sat nervously on the stool, McGonagall placed the hat on her head, it thought for a minute before shouting.
She walked off.
"Barnes, Millicent."
Millicent hesitantly walked up and sat down timidly on the stool, the hat thought for a bit before seeming to reach a decision.
Millicent walked off towards the Hufflepuff table. McGonagall looked down at her list.
"Black, Sirius."
The Gryffindor's all cheered as Sirius joined their ranks, McGonagall checked her list.
"Carson, Brooklyn."
Brooklyn walked up with courage, deciding not to fear the hat, the worst she could do was upset her parents by being sorted into Slytherin. She sat on the stool, the hat was placed on her head. Mm she could almost hear it thinking
Sirius cheered loudly as Brooklyn sat down across from him, as they watched the sorting continue. Lily and Remus were both sorted into Gryffindor, much to the delight of Sirius and Brooklyn. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin also claimed a few. Now it was James' turn.
Remus, Sirius and Brooklyn all cheered loudly as James sat down next to Remus and across from Lily. Now it was a girl named Arden Thomas' turn.
The Ravenclaw's all cheered and she joined them with a smile on her face. A couple people later was a girl named Tamsin Wood, she sat down confidently on the stool, a slick smile on her face.
The Slytherin table all cheered and she joined them, a peaceful smile on her face. They all began eating after the opening remarks of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Brooklyn examined the people who had just been sorted into her house. There was Sirius, James, Remus and a boy by the name of Peter Petengrew. The girls were herself, Lily, Marlene McKinnon and Alice Fortesque. They were then lead to Gryffindor tower by the Prefects, Brooklyn noticed all the others doing the same, she made eye contact with Millicent and they both waved at each other. She watched the girl named Arden and when they made eye contact she waved, simply trying to make friends. The girl smiled and waved back, however she didn't look away, the two girls were simply looking at each other from across the room.
"Brookey, come one!"
Brooklyn broke eye contact and raced off after Sirius, catching up to him and laughed at a joke that James told. All up it seemed that she was going to enjoy this year. Brooklyn looked across the room at Tamsin Wood, in return she got a small smile that soon faded.
"This is going to be amazing!"
The boys all nodded and Lily smiled from behind her, the next seven years looked promising for everyone



First of all I would like to apologise. I am absolutely terrible at writing in third person. This should be the only chapter from it but you never know.

Thank you for choosing to read this, I hope you enjoy it.


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