Chapter 8 - The Dragon

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We continued our meeting and I was left wondering why Brooklyn got so defensive when Arden asked about Remus. Brooke was currently curled up on the couch with her head in my lap, her brilliant red hair spread around her like a halo of fire. Her eyes were closed but she was passing around suggestions to what pranks we could pull.
"We, as The Angels, could throw a party and then put a forgetting potion in the drinks, give the students clues to our identities and if they can't solve them then they won't remember."
I was about to reply with a question when Arden jumped up in a panic, drawing all of our eyes to her.
"It's dinner time! We have to get to the Great Hall stat."
Brooklyn got up, MIllie and I followed close behind, Brooklyn yelled goodbye over her shoulder as she raced out of the ROR and towards the Great Hall. Arden followed, then Millie and then I went taking a slight detour just in case Filch was around here somewhere. I finally arrived at the Great Hall, walking in towards my friends. I discreetly looked over at Brooklyn who was gazing out the window and into the yard, I looked away again before sitting down next to Honey who was in conversation with Lana, I smiled at them absentmindedly before trying to contact the Angels.
Brookey are you okay? I asked
Wha? Oh yeah, I'm fine, just tired
She's been tired a lot lately, the more time I spend thinking about it Arden's theory makes even more sense. I guess we'll find out everything tomorrow night. I looked over again as Brooklyn stood up and went to sit down with James, Sirius and Peter. She rested her head on Sirius' shoulder, closing her eyes gently, he rubbed her shoulders calmingly as he whispered something in her ear. She nodded before having a whispered conversation with James before leaving again. This is getting strange, Remus hasn't been in class the last couple days or attending dinners, Brooklyn always goes to Gryffindor tower often throughout the day and leaves dinner halfway through. Every full moon week she looks like absolute shit and wears light traces of makeup, which she never does. I have a nagging suspicion that Arden might just be onto something


It's been a whole day since that dinner and meeting so tonight is the night. Tonight we are going to try and find out whether or not Brooklyn is a werewolf, I'm kind of hoping not because I don't want her to get hurt. It was Dinner and once again Brooklyn left half way through after discussing something with James, SIrius and Peter. She looked left and right before racing out into the rest of the castle, no doubt towards the Gryffindor Tower. I stood up a minute or two later, Honey, Adele and Lana all looking at me curiously.
"I'm gonna head back to the dorm okay?"
"Yeah sure, see you later." Adele waved me off
They all nodded absentmindedly and I raced back to the dorms, putting in place my plan so they don't get suspicious of me being absent tonight. Arden, Millie and I had been planning it last night, we worked out that we should just act normal for the entire night and then when everyone is asleep and meet up near the front of the school. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brooklyn's brilliant red hair flying out in a trail behind her, in her hands she clutched a plate of food, it surprised me how she didn't spill any of the contents. I looked left and right before calling out to her.
She stopped dead and turned around, a grim expression on her face, it almost scared me how tired and just over all dead she looked.
"Tammy what?"
"Are you okay?" I asked
She looked at me strangely before answering quickly.
"I'm fine."
Okay she definitely isn't fine, nobody who says their fine is actually fine. I put a hand on her arm in what I hoped was a supportive manner, she made eye contact with me, her eyes softening as she did so.
"We're all here for you Brooky through anything, never forget that."
Her eyes were soft but intense at the same time, I stared into the cool blue ocean that was her eyes.
"I know and I really appreciate you all but I need to go."
I nodded, she gave me a hug before sprinting off towards Gryffindor Tower, I processed what just happened. She came from the direction of the kitchens and she was carrying a plate of food for someone, obviously it has to be someone in her house, Remus maybe? He wasn't at dinner and she said he was sick so maybe she was getting him food or something like that. I shrugged it off before walking to the dungeons to my dormitory. I noticed Honey, Adele and Lana on my way.
"Bugger!" I cursed
I ducked inside a secret passageway which was actually the quickest way towards the dungeons. I ran down it, bursting into the common room before sprinting up into the dorm which I shared with my friends and jumping onto my bed. I managed to mostly regain my breath as they all walked in, I looked up from the book I had just pulled out with a smile on my face.
"Hey Tamsin, whatcha doing." Adele asked
"Reading." I replied
I held up my book to indicate what I was doing, they all peered at the title, it was actually a book that Brooklyn lent me to read. Another reason why she and Remus are perfect for each other, they both love to read. This book is actually really good, it's called The Upside of Falling, Brooklyn has the best books and book recommendations I swear. Unlike Brooklyn the rest of us Angels aren't vivid readers but we occasionally read.
"Noice." Lana replied in a bored tone.
"What's wrong Lana?" I teased "Am I boring you?"
"Yes you are."
We all laughed before changing into our pyjamas, without the others noticing I didn't actually put on my pyjamas before jumping into bed. What's the point in wearing pyjamas if we're going Brooklyn hunting tonight. I crawled into bed before talking a while, we then all decided to go to sleep around ten.


I woke up as I set an internal alarm using a charm that Arden helped me with before pulling on a hoodie and my shoes. I crept out of our dorm and the common room before making my way quickly to the courtyard where we agreed to meet. Both Millie and Arden were waiting for me.
"Lumos." We said in sync
The end of our wands lit up and we walked towards the Forbidden Forest which we decided would be the best place to hide as a werewolf. We walked along the edge of the forest, stopping in our tracks as we heard voices coming from around the whomping willow. I checked my watch, two minutes to twelve meaning if Brooklyn was a werewolf she should appear hopefully.
"Wait you girls realise if she is a werewolf we'll be in a lot of danger if we find her. "
The other two nodded and I did as well we crept closer, all of a sudden Brooklyn rounded the corner, wild eyed and visibly panicked, her eyes landed on us and her face drained of all colour.
"What on earth are you three doing here!" She whispered yelled

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