Chapter 6 - The Mermaid

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The prank was a success, the entire great hall was pandemonium, none of my friends except Isla had drunk anything so she was the only one singing. Soon after we left the great hall and settled down in our dorm.
"Night Reyna, night Isla, night Jade." I announced
"Night Arden." They all replied
I smiled before turning out my light and snuggling under the covers I could hear my roommates fall asleep so I decided to try and contact the Angels.
Debriefing in the ROR?
I waited a while until I got a reply from Millicent.
Yeah sure
Then Tamsin replied.
Sure why not, missing you all anyway
That brought a smile to my face, however minutes passed and we still didn't get a reply from Brooklyn.
Brooky? Tamsin asked
Sorry busy, can't make it
That's strange, usually she's always available except on full moons. An idea entered my head and I didn't want it to be true but it could be, I need to speak with Tam and Mills right now.
Oh well, we'll fill you in later, ROR now!
I got up but shoved a pillow under my covers so it looks like I'm still there in case one of the others wakes up. I ran to the Room of Requirement, it opened and I sat on my usual couch. Millicent and Tamsin entered at the same time before sitting down across from me.
"Whats up?" Millicent asked
"Yeah and I can tell this isn't about the prank." Tamsin added
I'm just gonna come out with it.
"I think Brooklyn is a werewolf!"
The effect was immediate.
"No surely not."
"She would tell us."
"Think about it." I explained "She's never available for meetings on a full moon and she always looks tired and sore the next day."
They came around the theory and we agreed that in two days we'll go investigate, considering full moons the last three days. We all stood up, deciding we should get some sleep so we don't look like death tomorrow morning. I returned to my dorm, thankful that none of the others had woken up in my absence. I settled back under the covers, closed my eyes and let sleep overcome my senses.
I opened my eyes to the sunlight streaming from the open curtains, Isla groaned and pressed her face into the pillow. I laughed and got up, dressing in my robes before leaving with Reyna to breakfast, we were talking about what subjects we had today. We walked into the great hall, I laughed at a joke she told before we sat down at the Ravenclaw table. I let my eyes wander over to Brooklyn sitting with Lily, Marlene and Alice, she was laughing at a joke one of them told. I scanned her face, she looked extremely tired like she hadn't slept at all last night and appears to be wearing makeup which she never does. She looked in my direction, caught my eye and sent me a wink before laughing quietly. I smiled before turning back to my breakfast, thankfully I have charms with her today so I can investigate more then. Jade and Isla arrived, the latter looked like she had looked death in the eyes. I couldn't help but laugh.
"You good Isla?" Reyna asked
"Yeah?" I teased "Also did you say hello to Death for me?"
She gave me a disappointed look before holding up three fingers lazily.
"Three words." She replied, "I need coffee."
We all laughed before I poured her a cup and slid it over to her. I've learned that lesson with Brooklyn before, never keep coffee from a coffee addict, as of now I can see her drinking some. I shook my head before eating some toast, discussing our plans for the next Hogsmeade trip. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Brooklyn get up and leave the great hall after discussing something with the marauders. I finished my toast and stood up.
"I'm gonna go prepare for today, see you all in lessons?"
They nodded and I speed walked out of the great hall and ran to go find Brook, I didn't have to look very far because I found her coming out of the kitchens. She was holding a plate of food she started running and I followed suite, following her to Gryffindor Tower. I sighed in defeat, I couldn't exactly follow her now. Instead I gave up and walked back to Ravenclaw Tower, I fetched my books before making my way to my first class, which happened to be potions, shared with the Slytherins. I wanted to be a healer when I was older, meaning I had to be good at charms and potions, charms is my best subject and potions in probably my second. Slughorn entered the room while everyone was getting seated, I sat next to Isla who also shared this lesson with me.
"Where were you?" She whispered "You weren't in the dorm when I checked."
"I went to the bathroom real quick." I whispered back
Thank goodness she fell for it, I couldn't exactly say that I was chasing one of my best friends around Hogwarts trying to discover her secret.  Slughorn was droning on about some potion but no one was really listening except for Tamsin, I could see her vigorously taking notes. Isla leaned towards me, her voice a little smug.
"Tamsin the potions nerd."
I looked over at her, I felt really bad for what I was about to say but I knew I had to, I had to keep up appearances.
"I know right, a pig and a nerd."
Isla stifled a laugh and I had to fight the need to say sorry even though Tam couldn't hear me. I look forward to graduation, no more hiding and no more sneaking around, just us spending time together normally. Not that I don't love pulling pranks with the Angels, it's just all the secrecy, I want to be able to introduce Brookey, Millie and Tams to Isla, Jade and Reyna but it just can't happen at Hogwarts and I think it's really sad. Finally Slughorn finished talking and the lesson was over, it was a double and now I have charms with the Gryffindors which means I can watch over Brooke a little more, gosh that sounds so weird. I walked to the Charms classroom by myself because none of my other friends take it except Brooklyn but obviously she sits with Lily usually. I walked into the classroom to find both Lily and Brook seated at a joint desk. They seemed to be having a good time.
"So when are you gonna get with Remus Brooke?" She asked
Brooke rolled her eyes, exasperated, I fought back the giggle, it seems the other Angels and I aren't the only ones who ship Remook.
"I've told you Lily, we're just friends."
"Like I haven't heard that before."
Brooklyn groaned and Lily laughed.
"Your insufferable Lily Flower." She teased
Lily groaned and hit Brooke lightly, I giggled quietly to myself as I watched the interaction.


Here's an update, my friends pestered me again,

*rolls eyes*

Annoying am I right? Anyway here it is, hope you enjoyed this chapter, anyone think their theory is true?

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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