Chapter 24 - The Unicorn

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Brooklyn showed us the barn and we shared a discreet look, she nodded and we pushed Tamsin and Arden inside before closing the double doors. Brooklyn smiled as she locked the doors from the outside, she turned her smile to me.
"Luckily the doors lock from the outside." She said cheekily
We giggled and waited outside the doors in hope that the time in which Tamsin and Arden were literally locked up inside together they would manage to forgive each other. Suddenly someone pounded on the door and Arden started screaming at us from inside.
We heard a loud gasp that could only belong to Tamsin, followed by the sound of wrestling and rough housing. There was silence before Tamsin started a yelling match with Arden, I was starting to regret our plan until I realised what they were saying.
"WELL I'M LISTENING NOW!" Arden yelled back at her "SO TALK!"
Brooklyn and I shared a smile, pleased that our plan was working. Slowly the two voices inside were lowered to a normal speaking tone, a huge improvement from the screaming and yelling only a few moments ago. We breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly I think Arden burst into tears, probably realising the whole truth.
"Tammy I am soooooooo sorry!" She cried "Can you please forgive me?"
I think Tamsin nodded and then they hugged, we both breathed a sigh of relief, hesitantly we unlocked the doors and walked in, shutting the door behind us. We were met with the sight of the two girls hugging on the ground, Arden crying and Tamsin close to tears.
"I'm sorry as well." Tamsin replied "I should have told Sirius no."
Arden shook her head and Brookey and I exchanged a glance before opening our arms and joining on their group hug. We all laughed loudly as we laid on the barn floor, Brooklyn was happy, Tamsin was happy, Arden was happy, I was happy and everyone was just happy. All of a sudden Tess the dog raced over and jumped all over us, we all squealed and groaned.
"TESS!" Brooklyn said exasperated
Tess looked down at us with such an innocent and cute face that we all immediately melted, we then all laughed while Tess cocked her head in confusion. We laid there laughing and eventually Tess left, fed up with our loud noise, Brooklyn jumped up and stared down at us.
"Right the Angles are back in business." She said "How about a prank then?"
"YES!" We all screamed
She smiled and we all got up, Brooklyn led us to a hay loft, there were four bales, one for each of us. We all sat down and Brooklyn got a piece of parchment and a pen as we all started brainstorming. We were all racking our brains when Arden spoke up.
"It's too early for the party one." She said "We need something to show everyone that we're back."
Brooklyn's face lit up with an idea and we all turned to her expectantly.
"Let's do something to the Marauders." She announced "Turn their hair pink or something, start small and we can do that party soon after."
We all nodded in agreement, and started planning, we were going to turn their hair bright pink and cause them to wear clothes that say I LOVE THE ANGELS. It was going to be hilarious, now it was just the matter of working out who was going to take recognition for the prank when the perfect person came into my mind.
"The Siren." I announced
Everyone looked at me, Brooklyn looked a little shocked while I went on to explain why I think we should have it credited to her.
"You haven't taken recognition in ages." I said "Plus the prank requires transfiguration and we all know that's your specialty."
Finally after a bit of convincing from Tamsin, Arden and I, Brooklyn finally came around and agreed to do the prank. I think the reason she was being so stubborn was because she felt bad for doing it to some of her best friends, her older brothers if you will. Sometimes I stop to wonder what would happen if anyone found out who we really were but I quickly push that thought away, it wouldn't be anything good no doubt. We then moved onto talking about Christmas when Emily stuck her head up into the loft with a smile on her face.
"Speaking of Christmas, how about we go shopping tomorrow?"
"YES!" We all cheered
She smiled and then revealed the thermos of hot cocoa and a plate of cookies for us all to share, she then smiled and left us to our discussions. We all laughed and enjoyed dipping our cookies into our hot cocoa, we moved onto talking about what our plans were for tonight, on the agenda was a girls night. We stayed in the loft for what seemed like hours before we finally climbed back down and walked out of the barn, Brooklyn smiled before looking at us with a mischievous glint in her eye.
With that said she took off in a sprint, we all exchanged a glance and a smile before sprinting off after her, one thought went through my mind, how the hell is she so fast? We arrived at the house and found Brookey leaning against the door, a bored and smug expression on her face, she smirked at us when we arrived. All three of us bent over to regain our breath, Brooklyn laughed and opened the door for us. I managed to start breathing again and walked inside, Tamsin and Arden following in my wake, Brooklyn walked in and shut the door behind her.
"How are you so goddamn fast?"
"Two words James and Quidditch." She replied "Our warmup consists of two laps of the oval, I can even beat James and Sirius, then up and back the length of the pitch doing suicides, two minutes planking, five minutes of continuous running drills, and then we finally get on our brooms."
We all looked shocked, she simply shrugged and moved into the drawing room where she picked up Maddy. Madeline started giggling as Brooklyn played with her while walking around and tidying up the place, all of a sudden an owl flew through the window, I recognized it as the Potters. It sat on the window sill, Brooklyn handed Maddy over to Arden before walking over and collecting the letter, giving the owl a scratch before opening the letter and reading it quickly. Once she finished she smiled, scratching the owl she turned to us.
"James' parents invited me to Christmas Lunch at their place as a surprise for the boys who are all going to be there." She explained "Though I'm not sure if I should go..."
"Of course you should go!" Tamsin exclaimed "We'll be fine besides it'll only be for a couple hours."
Brooklyn nodded and Emily made herself known just then by insisting that Brooklyn go, she also took Maddy off of Arden.
"Brooklyn you should go." She said "Besides Sirius clearly is worried about you so it'll do them all good to see you."
Brooklyn nodded again and scrawled a reply on a piece of paper before handing it to the owl and saying James. The owl took off and Brooklyn turned to us, her face bright and happy.
"Right then." She announced "How about that Girls Night?"


So the Angels have made up but that's not all that's in store with them this Christmas. Surprises and shocks are to come, and that is all I will say...

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter

❤️ Belle ❤️

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