Chapter 14 - The Mermaid

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I had changed into my hospital uniform before walking happily towards the Hospital Wing for my shift of helping Madam Pomfrey with the patients. All in practice of becoming a healer, it was a deal I made with her to better my experience in the field.  I walked in to find Madam Pomfrey nowhere in sight and a large, scary pool of deep red blood lying in the middle of the room, I gasped in shock.
"Arden?" A small voice asked
I turned around and looked over at Brooke, no doubt that was her blood on the floor and staining the sheets that she now lies in, I raced forward and to her side.
"Brooke?" I asked "What happened to you?"
"I tripped and my wounds reopened." She lied pathetically
I knew she was lying so I gave her a look, she sighed before explaining.
"My father."
I gasped again and I gave her a small hug, careful not to hurt her too much. In the distance I thought I heard the sound of footsteps but shrugged it away, who would be coming?. Brooklyn suddeningly pushed me away, I was about to protest when the words died on my lips.
"Arden hide!" She pleaded "Sirius is coming with James, Peter, Remus, Lily, Marlene and Alice."
I nodded and ran into Madam Pomfrey's office, before starting a conversation with her about healing and how my training was going. In the background I could hear the chatter of the Marauders, the concern of Lily and the joking of Marlene and Alice. I watched from the window as Madam Pomfrey walked out to shoo them all away, before they left Remus kissed her on the forehead, James gave her a hug and so did Peter before Sirius lingered a little longer and gave her one last hug, whispering something to her. Madame Pomfrey left me in charge before leaving to escort Brooklyn to St Mungos, there was nothing to be in charge of considering there were no other patients once Brooklyn left. I simply took it upon myself to clean up the pool of blood, it made me sick to know that it belonged to my best friend. I was fuming over the fact it was her own father who did this to her, I knew I needed to tell the other Angels but I couldn't help wonder, what else is Brooklyn hiding from us? First her being an  animagus and Remus being a werewolf, even though that one was justified, it wasn't exactly her secret, and now her Father abuses her. What next, her mother died in a tragic accident? I finished cleaning up the blood and sat down on one of the beds, processing what I had learned, poor Brooklyn. I pondered over it for a while before contacting the other angels.
Girls can you meet me in the hospital wing please?
Sure! Millicent replied
Be there in a sec Tamsin added
I sighed before standing up and returning the mop and bucket using magic. A couple seconds later Millicent walked into the room, looking left and right before joining me, sitting on the bed opposite me. A minute later Tamsin walked in, joining me on the bed I was sitting on, they both looked at me expectantly.
"Wait where's Brooklyn?" Millie asked
I swallowed, well no time like the present I suppose.
"She got transferred to St Mungos about five minutes ago."
They both gasped in shock and I nodded, I knew I had to be quick and I didn't want to tell them about Brooke's dad because it was her own business and I'm sure she'll tell them in her own time. 
"What happened?" Tamsin asked
Um quick Arden, make up an excuse.
"Pretty sure she tripped and her wounds reopened." I replied "At least that's what I think happened."
I mentally facepalmed, typical me, using an excuse the Brooke herself just tried to pull on me literally not even ten minutes ago. Well at least they bought it anyway, Brooklyn can tell them herself what really happened to her when she gets back. They stayed for a couple more minutes before they both had to leave, besides I'm pretty sure Madame Pomfrey would be getting back from St Mungos any moment now and we can't be seen together. She arrived and put me to work re-stacking shelves, I finished up and she let me go early, I didn't complain because I needed to process what had happened. It was thursday and classes were almost over, meaning I had nothing to do, besides I had a free anyway.
It had been two days since Brooklyn was transferred to St Mungos, two days since I found out that her father was the sole reason she was there. Well and a little bit of Remus I suppose but she was mostly recovered from that so I chose to blame her father. It was Saturday and I was lolling about around the grounds because I chose not to go to Hogsmeade. I eventually settled down under the tree next to the Black Lake, I was writing a letter to my family on a bit of parchment when I felt someone sit down next to me.
"Hi." I said not looking at them
I jumped as the deep, husky voice of Sirius Black, I put a hand to my heart, trying to get it to stop racing while he laughed at me. I shook my head.
"That wasn't funny!"
He shook his head in disagreement before he finally stopped laughing at me.
"Arden Thomas isn't it?"
I nodded, my face the picture of calm when inside I was screaming. I mean how could I not, my crush of two years is talking to me, only me and not because of school work. Wait then I realised something, where were the rest of the Marauders, usually the only person I see him having one on one time with is Brooklyn, and usually that's 'saving' her from Marlene's boy lectures. He smiled at me and I'm pretty sure I just died from happiness. 
"Sirius Black isn't it?" I mirrored his action
He looked shocked and I fought the urge to laugh, his face was priceless. I purposely did that to confuse him, I mean EVERYONE and I mean everyone at Hogwarts knows the dynamic duo, James Potter and Sirius Black.
"You don't know about me?"
I nodded and he breathed a sigh of relief while I laughed at him playfully.
"That's not very nice." He commented
"All's fair in Love and War." I sassed
I looked down at my letter before looking up to find that his face was extremely close to mine, in a split second I had leaned away only to find that he followed.
"Indeed it is."
His voice was incredibly husky and I accidentally dropped my piece of parchment, but did I care? No I did not. All my attention was on what Sirius was doing and right now he was looking at my lips. I swallowed nervously, he leaned in and my eyes instinctively closed.
"Sirius!" The voice of Peter Pettingrew rang through the yard
We broke apart really quickly and spun around to find Peter Pettingrew standing there awkwardly and Remus Lupin behind him, sending us apologetic looks. I picked up my parchment and stood up.
"Well um I gotta go."
I leaned forward and kissed Sirius on the corner of his mouth before racing off across the grounds.


Well I updated again, whose proud? Anyway so I would like to use this opportunity to give a shoutout to someone:

mstyles_7 because we are absolutely unstoppable when we brainstorm for this book. It would literally not look like this at all if it wasn't for her, particularly in future chapters. Thanks so much for helping me plan, I owe you so much!!!!! Love you honey!!!!!!! ❤️❤️

Anyway that's me done for the day. Now I bid you farewell as I go and write more!

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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