Chapter 12 - The Dragon

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We all went our separate ways after visiting Brooklyn secretly in the hospital wing, I can't believe that much happened to her! It didn't look like Remus dug his claws in but we were running pretty fast so I wouldn't be surprised if we missed it. I ran back to the Dungeons, taking different roots so that if Filch was out patrolling this particular area, lucky for me, he wasn't. I arrived at the entrance and had to give the password.
The passageway opened and a shiver ran down my spine as I said the word, I hate having to pretend to be a Pureblood Supremacist. I have nothing against Muggleborns, after all Millie is one and she's the nicest person I know. I snuck into the common room that was thankfully empty, meaning I didn't have to explain anything or make up any excuses. I walked up to my room where Adele, Honey and Lana were all sitting on their respective beds talking. I changed into my pyjamas, processing everything that had happened this evening. I found out Remus is a werewolf, that was a big shock but it made a lot of sense, why he never attends dinner or school, why Brooklyn and the rest of the marauders is more protective of him than usual, why they all show up shit tired the next days. I mean come on if Brooklyn is an animagus then I bet that James, Sirius and Peter are as well. I layed down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the others all talk about everything that was happening around the school.
"Did you hear that apparently Evan Rosier and Megan Ryan slept together last night?"
"Oh my god yeah I did."
That is the perfect example of my friends in their gossiping prime, they don't do it very often but tonight is the occasion that they do. I giggled quietly to myself as they continued, I was really tired so I decided to go to bed now instead of later.
"I'm going to sleep, okay?"
Thankfully they didn't question as to why because that may be more than I could lie my way out of but they didn't so I'm safe. I curled up under the covers, turning out the lamp that sits on my bedside table before allowing myself to succumb to sleep.
I woke up in the morning before everyone else, I jumped up before pulling on my school robes and going around and waking the rest of my roommates, who were unwilling to get up to say the least.
"Why Tamsin, why?" Adele groaned
I giggled before walking towards the door before looking around behind me.
"I'm going to get breakfast." I said "I'll meet you there later."
I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me before walking down to the common room, I was then met with Regulus who was sitting on the couch reading a novel. I smiled at him when he looked up from his book, he returned with a  smile.
"Morning!" I greeted him nicely
"Morning Tamsin, you heading down to breakfast?" He asked
I nodded and he stood up, stretching as he did so.
"Mind if I join you?"
"No of course not." I replied
He nodded and raced back upstairs to his dorm before returning empty handed, no doubt he returned to his dorm. We walked out of the Slytherin Common Room before making our way towards the Great Hall, when we arrived I instantly looked over to the Gryffindor Table to look if Brooklyn was there, obviously she wasn't and I knew it but still I looked. To my surprise Regulus was also looking over there, I followed his eyes and he was looking at Sirius, who was laughing with James, Remus and Peter but he also looked concerned at the same time. Probably about Brooke but I shook that thought away, I know she's fine and on the road to recovery so I should try not stress about it too much.
"So what are your plans for the christmas break?" I asked
He sighed and looked away from his older brother and at me.
"I'm going home, I wish I could stay here but my parents expect me at home."
I nodded sympathetically, I know exactly what he feels because I have to do the same thing. Then I remembered the other awful thing I have to do over the holidays, a christmas party, I shuddered at the thought.
"I know how you feel." I commented "I probably have to go to the Malfoy's Christmas Party."
He looked at me and smiled.
"Me too!" He said "Save me a dance?"
My stomach erupted into butterflies and I looked down briefly before my eyes returned to his.
"Of course sir."  I replied "But only one, unfortunately I have many men vying for my attention."
His face fell and he stopped as I walked ahead of him and sat poshly down in a seat, I looked behind me and laughed. I beckoned him to join me by patting the table beside me, he finally started computing again and sat down next to me. We both dished up some breakfast and I leaned towards him and whispered in his ear.
"Don't worry, you can have as many dances as you want." I whispered "There are no other men vying for my attention."
His face changed again and he scooted even closer to me and whispered in my ear in a tone that sent shivers down my spine.
I started eating my breakfast using the etiquette that my parents drilled into me from a young age, Regulus and I talked and laughed while I kept an eye for Adele, Lana and Honey to make an appearance. Somebody sat down directly in front of me with a loud bang and I jumped a little, so did Regulus, we both looked up to see Evan Rosier sitting there. He had a look in his eyes that I didn't like one bit and apparently neither did Regulus.
"Rosier." He said cooly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders "What do you want?"
Evan Rosier looked a little shocked to find his arm around me and if I was honest so was I but I didn't say anything and instead focused on eating my breakfast.
"Black I just need to talk to Tamsin Wood here."
Rosier looked at me and I didn't look up from my breakfast, refusing to make eye contact, in retaliation Regulus moved even close if that was possible.
"Well can't you see we're busy here." He retorted "Talk to her later."
Rosier sighed before joining his friends and I breathed a sigh of relief, thank goodness, everybody knows that Evan Rosier is big in the dark arts movement and I don't want to get involved in stuff like that.
"Thanks for that." I said to Regulus
He nodded
"No problem."
It definitely did not go unnoticed that he didn't remove his arm from around my shoulders throughout the time we were eating. Currently the butterflies had taken up permanent residence in my stomach and were throwing a housewarming party. Hopefully he couldn't hear or feel my heart thumping in my chest the whole time. We finished breakfast and stood up before walking back towards the dungeons, only then did he remove his arm from my shoulders. I'll admit it I was a little sad about it as well.


I'm trying to get a couple scenes between the couples. So Brooke and Remus have had a scene where she sang him to sleep and then Tam and Regulus have had that little moment of him being protective.

I hope you enjoy the things I have planned for these Angels.

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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