Chapter 11 - The Unicorn

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Something was wrong with me and everyone knew it, I didn't laugh, I didn't smile, hell I barely even talked. That is something of a record for me and it made everybody concerned, my eyes were hollow and filled with sadness. People were asking me if I was okay continuously throughout the day and I just didn't have it in me to reply. Brooklyn seemed okay when we ran but Sirius was there longer and he seemed on the verge of an emotional and mental breakdown, who knows what could have happened after we left. It came to dinner time and I sat down with Hally, Jane and Kat sitting around me, joking around, talking loudly and laughing together, I just didn't have the heart to join in. I ate some food and drank a little bit of pumpkin juice. After dinner we all walked back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, I curled up in front of the fire with another one of the books that Brooklyn recommended for me, it was called Something New. Hally, Jane and Kat all went up to the dorm and slowly the common room ended up empty, I checked the time, ten past eight. I put my book down before slowly creeping down the hallway and towards the Hospital Wing. I peeked my head into the door only to hear quiet talking. Brooklyn was in a hospital bed talking to Tamsin and Arden, in the next bed over was Remus who was asleep. I walked in quietly before coming to a stop at the end of her bed, her face was pale and she looked so weak, her eyes were missing their usual mischievous glint and even her bright, fiery hair looked a little pale.
"Hey Millie." She said quietly
Her voice was quiet and hoarse, it almost sounded like it pained her to speak. I gave a little smile which she returned to the best of her ability, for the record the smile wasn't very good. We both looked her up and down, wondering what on earth happened to get her into this state.
"Uh Brooke" Tamsin asked "What happened to you?"
Brooke stopped moving for a second before she looked over at Remus, making sure that he was asleep I think.
"I haven't told anyone and only James, Peter, Sirius and Madam Promfrey know but when I jumped on the werewolf to protect you girls he stabbed his claws into my stomach before throwing me against the tree. As I'm sure you know Millie werewolves have a lot of brute strength," I nodded agreeing with her "I'm going to put it into perspective for you, imagine the strongest weightlifter you've ever seen and imagine him or her throwing you against a strong thick oak tree."
I shuddered just thinking about it, a werewolf could be the thinnest, weakest little person in their normal form but they are incredibly strong in their werewolf form. They have incredible long razor sharp claws as well but I don't think they'd be that incredible if you were stabbed with them. I dared the next question.
"What injuries?" I asked
"Five small stab wounds in my stomach area and three cracked ribs, all up not too bad but they almost sent me to St Mungos. Oh and I also got a cold because I was lying in the rain."
St Mungos! That is really serious, that is quite bad, I decided not to mention it, Arden was the next to dare a question.
"Who was the werewolf?"
Brooklyn sighed, looking around briefly, her eyes landed on Remus' sleeping form for a minute before she looked back at us.
"WHAT?!?" We all yelled
She shushed us quickly as Remus stirred in his sleep, we all shut our mouths with a snap, Brooklyn turned to us, her face mixed between pleading and anger.
"Please keep it down. Nobody knows about it and we all want to keep it that way." She gave us a pointed look. "He doesn't know the full extent of what happened that night because he never remembers but I don't want him to know because he'll blame himself. It wasn't his fault, he didn't mean to."
Which means it was our fault because we were there in the first place, Brooklyn realised her mistake a little while after.
"It wasn't your fault either, it was really my own because I ran at him without really thinking. I'm reckless that way, the only thought that ran through my mind that night was to protect you three, I didn't think about the consequences."
We all nodded, Brooklyn looked really tired, she had massive bags under her eyes, and her eyes were drooping. That's when I knew it was time to leave her to rest, I tugged Arden's arm lightly, she turned to me but worked out what I was implying. She nudged Tamsin lightly in the ribs, Tamsin smiled at Brooklyn before reaching down and giving Brooklyn a light hug, careful not to hurt her too much. We all took turns in hugging her before tiptoeing out, we looked behind us and almost immediately Brooklyn was falling asleep. We smiled at her fondly before walking away, I gave them all a hug before going towards the Hufflepuff common room, I knocked on the barrels using the correct rhythm before sneaking inside, luckily everyone else was still in their dorms. I smiled before collecting my book and going upstairs to my dorm, Hally, Jane and Kat looked up and smiled at me upon my entrance.
"Hey Mills."
They all exchanged a glance, and I walked over to my bed before putting my book on my bedside table before changing into my pyjamas. I layed down under the covers, staring at the ceiling, sending a silent prayer to God to help Brooklyn recover quickly.
"Feeling better." Hally asked
"Yeah." I replied "Night."
They all looked at me weirdly as I curled up in a little ball, trying to keep warm.
"Millie." Jane said "You realise it's only eight thirty right?"
I was kind of sick of Jane, all she talks about was Remus this and Remus that and it was starting to piss me off. Not to mention Hally and Kat are encouraging her to no end, extremely annoying, how can they not see that Brooke and Remus belong together? Along with I was out after midnight last night, one of my best friends is in Hospital and she almost died and got sent to St Mungos. Also I just found out that Remus Lupin, one of the kindest and sweetest people I know, is actually a werewolf.  I think I'm allowed to go to sleep whenever I want, thank you very much.
"Yes I'm aware Jane." My tone was a little edgy "But I'm tired so I'm going to sleep."
"Okay then." She replied awkwardly
I pulled up the covers with finality before closing my eyes.
Goodnight Arden, Brooke, Tam
Night Millie!
They all replied except Brooklyn but I didn't really expect her to considering she's currently asleep in the hospital wing. I was trying to sleep yet I could still hear Hally, Jane and Kat whispering loudly to each other, I was very tempted to yell at them but settled for just kindly asking them to be quiet.
"Can you three please be a little bit quieter?"
"Sure Millie."
"Okay sure thing."
I snuggled up under the covers even more and closed my eyes again, thankfully this time my other three roommates were much quieter. I soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


There's another update for you all, hope you enjoyed it.

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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