Chapter 10 - The Mermaid

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"What's going on Brooklyn?" I demanded
A werewolf broke through the trees and Brooklyn turned before standing between us and the werewolf, good to know she would rather die then let us get hurt but uh this was a very bad idea.
"RUN!" She screamed at us
We did not need to be told twice, turning and running out of the forest, we kept looking over our shoulders at Brooklyn to make sure it was okay. All of a sudden she ran forward and changed into a magnificent tiger, she jumped up and bit the werewolf on its shoulder, we all gasped in shock, Brooklyn was an animagus! The werewolf lifted a paw, and put it against her stomach roughly before throwing her against a tree, she hit it with a sickening crunch and a wince before transforming back into her human form. We kept running and this time I couldn't watch any longer. I dragged Millie along with me as she was falling behind, we made it to the gates of the castle and carefully made our way to our dorms via the secret passageways so we didn't get caught by any teachers. I hugged them both before running the rest of the way to Ravenclaw Tower. I entered in the early hours of the morning and hurried towards my dormitory, I tiptoed in, thankful that the others were all asleep. I climbed into bed and let sleep overcome my senses.


"Arden get up!" Jade implored
"No!" I protested "It's too early."
They all groaned and I stuck my head deeper into my pillow, unwilling to get up and face reality that is called school. Reyna pulled away my blankets and that finally got me up. I groaned and they all stepped back with shock. I looked up at them curiously.
"What?" I asked groggily
Isla shook her head.
"You look worse than me."
I cracked a smile before getting up and changing into my uniform, I brushed my hair before tying it back into its usual high ponytail. I slipped my feet into my shiny black shoes before jumping up and walking to the great hall with the others. We arrived and I allowed myself to look over at the Slytherin table where Tamsin had her head in her hands, I giggled at that. I looked over at the Hufflepuff table and Millicent looked like she had seen a ghost, her face was pale and she had bags under her eyes. Finally I looked over at the Gryffindor table and my eyes wandered up and down the length of it but I couldn't see Brooklyn anywhere. I could see James, Peter and Sirius looking scared and tired, Lily, Marlene and Alice all looked confused and were discussing something between them. Judging from their faces Brooke didn't make it back to their dorm room last night. Jade leaned forward from where she was sitting with Reyna across from Isla and I.
"Where is Brooklyn Cole?" She asked
That made Reyna and Isla look at the length of the Gryffindor table and that's when they realised she was missing. I ignored their discussion of what could have happened to her, I however know that she must have done some damage when she hit that tree last night or early this morning, I wasn't really sure what time it was. I wanted to talk to the other Angels but I don't want to wake Brooklyn in case she's asleep or something but I might as well risk it.
Brooklyn? I asked If you can hear me, are you okay?
I could see Millicent and Tamsin were waiting to see if Brooklyn was in a position to reply, when she did we all breathed a sigh of relief.
I'm fine, a little sore but otherwise okay. I'm in the hospital wing currently.
Even now her voice in my mind sounded frail and weak, like all the life had been drained from her, that just made me even more concerned, when Brooklyn says she's fine she usually isn't. She hit that tree with way too much force to only come away with a couple scratches. All of a sudden a loud bang echoed through the Great Hall that gathered the attention of every student and professors. We all looked over to the Gryffindor Table where Sirius had stood up suddenly, knocking over his plate of breakfast with a bang.
"Stuff it I'm going to see her!" He announced loudly
He started to walk off, oblivious to the entire hall staring at him, James stood up and grabbed his hand, stopping him from moving. Sirius spun around and fixed him with a glare that would have made me die on the spot from pure fear, but James didn't even blink.
"Not now Sirius, later."
"But what if she's dead?!?" He said
It didn't take a genius to figure out who they were talking about, Brooklyn. I started stressing, what if she is going to die? She would have died because of us, she would have died because we couldn't approach her with our questions. I looked over to watch the interaction between the two Marauders, Sirius seems on the verge of a breakdown.
"I'm sure she's fine." James reassured him "Now eat some breakfast."
Sirius nodded and allowed James to sit him back down before dishing him up some more breakfast, Sirius even tried his best to eat a little bit. Me on the other hand could no longer eat anything. I stood up suddenly, attracting the attention of Isla, Reyna and Jade.
"I'm going to the bathroom." I said barely audible
I walked out of the Great Hall, choking on my own tears. What if she is dead? It would be my fault, all my fault. I was wandering aimlessly through the halls when Millie and Tamsin arrived out of nowhere, they immediately wrapped me in a group hug.
"What if she dies?" I asked
"Then we'll work through it." Tamsin replied, rubbing my back soothingly "Also you just spoke with her, she's not dead yet."
I sniffed, allowing a few tears to leak through, Millie also was crying a little bit. Saying yet just makes it seem like she will die.
"Will we really?" She sniffed "The Angels aren't the Angels without the The Siren."
"We aren't sisters without Brooklyn." I added
That set Tamsin off as well, in the back of my mind I knew that Brooklyn was a fighter and she could pull through anything but I feel like she might die. Oh god what if that werewolf bit her or something, I would never forgive myself? We stayed in our group hug until we realised all the other students would be coming out of breakfast soon and we couldn't afford to be seen together. I sent them off with a hug before ducking into one of the girls bathroom, I splashed my face to try and make the drying tears less obvious. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked presentable at best, I turned on my heel before walking out of the bathroom. I collected my books from my room before making my way to my class. Up first I had charms and it seemed wrong not to see Brooklyn joking around with Lily in front of me. I sighed. I decided to talk to Brooklyn
Brooklyn we're coming to visit tonight around eight o'clock I announced through our necklaces
I wouldn't have it any other way She replied
She sounded so frail and weak, another wave of guilt crashed over me, Professor Flitwick walked in, his face had a small smile on it. Usually it would make me smile but all I wanted to do was curl up and die, at this rate I might drown in guilt.


Heyyyyy I'm back. Here's another update for you all.

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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