Chapter 1 - The Siren

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THIS IS NOW GOING TO BE SET IN THEIR SEVENTH YEAR!!!! There may be times when there are flashbacks but I will make those clear

"Urgh, potions are sooo annoying." I announced
Sorry Tam but it's true, I thought. The boys laughed as we laid under the tree next to the Black lake, we were trying to complete our potions essay, key word being trying. Remus was getting somewhere but the rest of us, not so much.
"Give it here Tiggy."
"Thanks Rem, you're a lifesaver."
We all laughed, the whole Tiggy thing is an inside joke, when I found out Remus was a werewolf in year five I demanded that I help so the boys and I became animagi. My animagus form is a tiger so they demanded that I get a marauder's name, at first it was Tiger but I thought it was too obvious so we rolled with Tiger in Portugues which is Tigresa, still kind of obvious but I like it.
"Brookey can you do my transfiguration homework for me?" Sirius asked
I shook my head with a smile and Sirius gave me puppy eyes which made me laugh.
"Oh I can't say no to that face."
I giggled and took a look at his transfiguration homework, it was a mess. I quickly fixed the majority of the mistakes without making it too obvious to McGonagall that I did it. As you've probably guessed, transfiguration is my best and favourite subject, Defence against the Dark Arts is close second.
"There you go" I announced passing the homework back to Sirius
"Thanks Brookey, I owe you big time."
I smirked.
"Okay so can I put my head in your lap?" I asked
He sighed and patted his lap.
"Yass!" I celebrated
I laid down on the grass with my head in Sirius' lap and my feet on James'. He sent me a glare about that one so I simply stuck out my tongue. He rolled his eyes and returned the favor. We heard footsteps and I couldn't even be bothered to look up.
"Well, what do we have here. Two little blood traitors gettin' cozy." Tamsin teased
I groaned, and didn't even look up, who could be bothered today?
"Did you hear something Sirius?" I asked looking up at him
He shook his head with a smile on his face, he knew what I was going to do.
"Oh that's right I didn't hear anything because I choose not to listen to people's bullshit."
"You absolute Bitch!" Tamsin screeched
James sat up pushing my legs off his lap and stood up, taking a step towards her, I knew Tamsin was about to be hammered.
"James, chill it's nothing." I assured him
He sighed and sat back down.
"Ahh, is Potter gonna stand up for pathetic little Carson I wonder why? He could do so much better than a slut like her!"
A growl emitted from Remus' throat as Sirius stood up, I sat up as well, mainly to let Sirius stand up. Sirius took a big step towards Tamsin and I saw fear flash across her face for a minute.
"Back of Brooklyn or you and I are gonna have a problem, got it?"
"And if I don't?" She challenged
"You'll have me to deal with." Sirius announced
"And me." James stood up, standing next to Sirius
"Me too." Remus joined them, forming a barrier between me and Tamsin.
"Me three!" Peter joined them
Tamsin clearly got the message that if she messed with me she would be brought to justice by four very angry Marauders. Upsetting the Marauders is one thing you don't want to do, they make your life a living hell here. Tamsin walked away with her possy behind her, the guys sat back down and we resumed our previous positions, my head in Sirius' lap.
"Don't worry about her Tig." James announced
"Yeah we got your back Tiggy." Remus assured me
"Don't worry about it." Peter added
"Don't ever listen to what she says? None of those things she said was true, you're loyal, brave and got the sassiest mouth in all of Hogwarts! So don't pay her any attention, got it Brookey?"
I nodded and smiled, being best friends with the Marauders basically is like having four older brothers, they would kill someone who hurt me, after they beat them up of course.
We all looked up to see a very angry Lily Evans storming our way, James took the wrong opportunity to try to flirt with her.
"Come all this way to see me, Lily Flower?"
"No I would rather die, Brooklyn what the hell, you promised us girl time!" 
I groaned, I completely forgot that I promised Marlene, Alice and Lily that I would hang out with them this afternoon.
Lily shook her head with a smile, it won't be that hard to get her to forgive me. I opened my mouth to come up with an excuse when I remember the very important meeting I had to attend, two minutes ago.
"Look Lils I'm sorry, we were studying and I promise that we will have all the time in the world tomorrow, a whole entire day just you, me, Mar, and Alice."
She smiled and nodded.
"Okay then but promise?"
I nodded and crossed my heart.
"On Sirius' life."
"Don't take it personally Siri, I gotta go, I'll see you all at dinner?"
They all nodded and I took off running towards the castle. I raced up all seven million flights of stairs to reach the seventh floor. The Room of Requirement revealed itself and I hurried through the door, shutting and locking it behind me, without looking behind me I knew the door was already fading from the outside. Three faces looked up at me.
"Well, well, well, we've been expecting you."
"About time Brook!"
"Why are you always late?"
I held my hands up in a surrender but I knew it was all just banter, they weren't really angry besides, I was only three minutes late.
"Sorry, I was with the guys and then Lily needed me quickly, but I'm here now."
"As far as excuses go" Arden advised, "that is by far the most convincing."
"It's not an excuse!" I cried exasperated
"It's really not." Tamsin confirmed
I smiled in her direction, at least someone's on my side. I know what you're thinking, don't I hate her?


Up in the media is roughly what I imagine to be what Brooklyn looks like.

Below this author's note is the insignia that appears whenever Brooklyn does a prank. The groups is on the cover.

Thanks for reading and I hope you stick around!

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