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"Goooood morning, Los Angeles! It's time to rise and shine. The time is five AM and here's the weather forecast. It's going to be a hot but br-"

The radio shut off as soon as the hand landed on it and the room fell silent. The figure in the bed rolled onto their side with a huff of air and groaned.

"Hope! Come on! We're going to be late!"

The brunette shot up and practically tumbled out of bed, frantically looking at her alarm clock. With an annoyed groan, she laid her head back against the side of her mattress and sighed. They still had an hour before they needed to leave, her dad was just a stickler for time. Probably an army thing.


"I'm getting ready dad!" she shouted. Her dress and gown were hanging from the closet door, perfectly ironed and pressed. Hope ran her fingers along the tassels and grinned. Today was her high school graduation.

Even with an hour to get ready, Hope pushed her boundaries of time until her dad was practically pacing outside of her door. She slid on her graduation gown and opened the door to find him standing in the hall with a sheepish grin on his face.

"One of these days I'm going to glue a watch to your arm," Eddie Diaz joked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready, aren't I?" Hope tossed her stoles and cords over her shoulder before tugging them down. She raised her arms in a "see?" manner and he rolled his eyes.

"Just like your mother," Eddie muttered. He stepped forward and adjusted the cords, making sure they lied perfectly flat before he pulled her dark hair back into place. Eddie planted his hands on her shoulders and looked at his daughter. He blinked rapidly and Hope groaned.

"Dad, no tears," she whined.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I look so grown up."

"Well, that's what happens when you get older."

Eddie sighed and headed back down the hallway with Hope right on his heels. "Your brothers will meet us there, your aunts are already there... The whole family is just making some mass exodus to the football stadium okay. Liv is already in the car an- where are your shoes?"

"In my hand, dad."

"Right. Okay. Cool. Graduation day. Camera, check. Embarrassing streamers and cowbells, check. Huge photo of you so your abuela can wave it around, check."

Eddie paused in his teasing when he realized his daughter wasn't responding. He turned and found her staring at a photo hung on the wall. Eddie wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug.

"If she could be here, she would," he whispered. "There is nothing in the world she hates more than missing your achievements."

"I know. I just wish she could be here," Hope admitted. Her eyes locked with the same brown eyes she had. Mariana Ramirez grinned at her from the photo and Hope really wished she could see it in person.

"C'mon, conejito. We have to leave in order to get there on time." Eddie gently pulled her away from the photo of his wife. A pang of loneliness shot through his chest as he remembered that cruel fact that he would be going to their daughter's graduation alone.

"Hiya!" Fifteen year old Jess greeted them once they climbed into the truck. She leaned around the seat to hug her older sister. "I'm so excited."

"Why are you excited? It's my graduation."

"Yeah but you're valedictorian. It ups my street creds."

Eddie snorted at his youngest daughter's words. "What street creds?"

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now