#30 Dukexiety: Stay...please?

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After telling Thomas he 'used to be' a dark side, Virgil hadn't left his room very much. Of course the other light sides already found out, so they didn't make fun of him or anything. Instead, they made sure to check on him once in a while.

    Patton had convinced him to eat dinner with the family most nights, he just didn't want to talk much. He seemed to be feeling better but he hadn't talked directly to Thomas since...that.

    "C'mon kiddo, I promise Thomas isn't mad. I'll go with you if you want me to."

    "Pat, just stop...I can't."

    "It's true Virgil, Thomas has been asking to see you-"

    "Oh really? Why doesn't he just go to my room then? A closed door hasn't stopped him before."

    "The nerd is right, when I try to cheer him up with musicals, he keeps singing all the sad songs! Just go talk to him you emo nightmare."

    "Was that supposed to comfort me, princy? It just sounded like insults."

    "I'm trying, okay?! Your guilt and anxiety is affecting my work. It's been a week!"

    Virgil sighed, pulling his hoodie strings so his hood covered his face. He tied the strings tightly, he just wanted to lay there forever. Patton didn't like that very much. He sat next to Virgil, holding his hand to comfort him. Virgil didn't fight him on this, he just let it happen.

    "I'm starting to think that Patton might be magic." Logan said, watching Virgil and Patton. "He's the only one that Virgil will voluntarily be around when he's upset."

    "He has my boyfriend under an evil spell." Roman said, almost growling.

    "Ro, I'm not under a spell, you're still my prince." Patton smiled before looking at Virgil, "You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to Virge, you can go back to your room. We just wanted to see you for a bit."

"M'kay." Virgil responded, sinking down to his room. He put on his headphones and drowned out everything around him. For the past few days, being around the others just felt difficult. He didn't think it was because of what he told Thomas...but maybe something to do with Remus.

"No! I can't keep thinking about that! I never stopped thinking about him after I left...what's wrong with me?!" Virgil thought, "Do I still love-NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! That can't happen! A childhood crush can't hold me back. I need to move on!"

He stopped listening to his thoughts for a bit, quietly singing along to his music.

"Maybe visiting him would be nice. I haven't gone to see him in a year, maybe it's time to tell him how I feel...it's obvious I still like him."

Virgil grumbled at his thoughts as he got up. If worst comes to worst, Remus will stop talking to him for a few months...that didn't make Virgil feel any better.

By the time he was done considering his choices, he was already in front of the dark green door. He always loved looking at the black tentacle designs along it.

*knock, knock*            *silence...*

    Virgil suddenly heard movement, the footsteps getting closer.

    "I could still run...I-I. No. I'm gonna talk to him."

    "Hey Jan- oh...V?" Remus stared for a second, surprised. "Am I high again?"

    "I-I didn't know w-what to do...I-" He paused, trying not to stutter. "I know I s-shouldn't be here b-but... please..."

    He stopped as Remus pulled him into a hug, noticing that Virgil was shaking.

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