#6 Prinxiety & Remile: The Surprise (part 2)

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*Emile's P.O.V*
Once Virgil and Roman left, I let out a sigh,
"Are you alright?" Remi asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I gave him a small smile, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Oh really?" He replied sarcastically.
"We both know that you're hiding something, you can talk to me y'know?"
"I-I know." I paused, "It's just, that was the third time this month that Virgil had to come in unexpectedly. Don't get me wrong, I want to help but... we're not even halfway through the month."
"Oh, well he's had a lot on his mind. He talks to me after you help him out, mostly to tell me that he's okay."
"Aww, that's sweet. I know he's had a lot on his mind, Roman's been all over the place, De- I mean Janus told the light sides his name-"
"Wait, didn't Virge and Remus already know?"
"That's what they told me. But anyway the point was, he's been going through a lot and he's worried, Roman's worried... I'm worried."
"Hey, hey, it's alright. I think tomorrow will make it better."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well... I may have taken a little, tiny peek at Romans surprise for Virgil."
"Remi!" I exclaimed, taken aback, "Give me the details!"
"Okay, but then we're going to bed. Deal?" I nodded, "Okay, so..."
*Third Person, The Next Day* (Yes, I do this for the suspence and yes, I'm maniacally laughing right now while imagining your reactions.)
After the group had breakfast and talked for about two hours, everyone had gone to do their own things, the couples spending time together. Virgil had noticed Roman was acting a bit weird but decided to ignore it, Roman's always being weird.
It eventually became a bit darker outside, the sun lower in the sky.
"Ro, we should probably go down for dinner soon."
"Actually, we won't be joining the others tonight."
"I was actually wondering if you'd like to go on a date tonight."
"O-oh! Sure! When are we going?"
"Well, I need to get ready so... half an hour?"
"Alright, I'll change in my room. Meet me there?"
"Of course, stormcloud." Roman said, kissing Virgil before he left the room.
*Roman's P.O.V*
Alright, it's showtime! I ran to my closet to get my outfit. I had a white suit top with a red tie and matching boutonniere. I carefully put it on and then went to do my hair.
I can't wait!
*Virgil's P.O.V*
Holy shit! I'm going on a date with Roman! It's not the first time obviously, it's not even the first time he said it out of the blue. That's why I always have two outfits in case this happens because knowing Roman, it's gonna happen more in the near future.
I chose the dress I had prepared, it just gives me a random confidence boost, and it's drop dead gorgeous. The dress is a dark(ish) purple with black floral patterns, it goes to my knees and it's long sleeved. My arms get cold easily.
I got dressed and put on some matching purple flats. I then made my way to the bathroom to fix my make up. Instead of the black eyeliner, I found black eyeshadow (with cool glitter) and made sure my foundation was even. I did my hair and took a breath as I heard a knock on my door. I walked over, trying not to let my nerves get the best of me.
"Wow... you look amazing!" Roman blushed as I opened the door, then he handed me a rose.
"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself."
"Aww." He pressed a kiss to my lips and held out his hand, "Shall we go?"
"Of course." I chuckled, holding his hand. We walked down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the common room. We told the others that we were going.
"Alright, don't be out all night!" Patton called.
"Good luck!" Remi yelled.
*Third Person*
The two walked hand in hand, Roman leading the way. They talked on the walk over, Virgil trying to figure out where his boyfriend was going.
"Here we are!" Roman said proudly, standing at a cave covered in vines. He saw Virgil's confusion as he pushed the vines away, "Are you ready?"
"Don't worry, it's safe." He assured as the two walked through, revealing a big grassy forest with a clear river flowing through.
"Woah..." Virgil looked around in awe, Roman watched him and chuckled.
"We're not there just yet." He told the other, walking towards the forest.
It was beautiful! A stone path passing through the trees, some birds chirping in the distance. Virgil couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was like a dream come true. When they were toward the end of the path, Virgil saw a hill with candles lighting the way. They walked up the hill, showing a table with their dinner and some wine.
"R-Roman... is this for me?" Virgil asked, looking over at his boyfriend.
"Of course," He pressed a kiss to Virgil's hand, "Only the best for you."
He hugged Roman as tightly as he could,
"Was this what you were working on?" Roman nodded as he brought Virgil over to the table, an amazingly prepared meal waiting for them.
Once they had eaten, Roman looked really nervous. He and Virgil had a great night so far, nothing could ruin it. Or so he hoped.
"Hey Virge?"
"Can you close your eyes for a second?"
"Wait, what?"
"Just trust me, I have one more surprise."
Virgil agreed and closed his eyes, Roman moved so that he was in front of the emo and kneeled down.
"Okay, you can open your eyes." Virgil opened his eyes and looked confused, then seeing Roman kneeled down next to him. The princely trait reached to grab Virgil's hands and took a breath.
"Virgil, when I met you I couldn't help but try striking up an argument. I now realize that... I was jealous. Jealous of your beauty and popularity with the others, I thought I was being replaced. But my mind was really hiding the fact that I loved you. Somehow I couldn't face the fact because... I was scared of your reaction. Rejection is the thing I fear most, but that didn't happen, you loved me too. I couldn't believe it and I want to be with you forever, to show you how much I love you. So Virgil," He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a ring, "Will you marry me?"
Virgil had tears forming in his eyes,
"Yes!" He tackled Roman in a hug, "Of course I will!"
The pair shared a kiss as Roman slipped the ring onto Virgil's finger. There were two small jewels, one red and one purple, Roman's name was also engraved into the inside of the band. Roman then showed his matching ring with Virgil's name engraved into it.
"It's beautiful!" He looked at the ring in awe.
"Yes, but not as beautiful as you~" The princely trait replied, guiding Virgil to a blanket on the grass. They laid down and watched the stars for the rest of the night. As the pair cuddled Virgil smiled,
"I love you so much, Ro. This is the best night of my life."
"I love you too, my little stormcloud. I'm glad you're happy."
They shared a kiss and watched the night stars.

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