#31 Royality: After SVS Redux

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Start writing your story

I don't know why but writing stories about what could've happened after this episode is just fun (in a sad, dramatic way). Anyways, enjoy!

*knock, knock*

"Go away!" Roman's hoarse voice strained as he yelled. It had been almost three weeks since Janus had 'won Thomas' from him. He hadn't left his bedroom, barely ate, couldn't focus on Disney movies, and worst of all...he hadn't spoken a word to Patton. He hasn't talked to anyone at all, unless he was telling someone to leave him alone or "go away'.

Of course Patton didn't like this, in fact, he hated it. The bubbly trait missed his boyfriend. But the thing that made him feel worse was, he didn't notice that Roman was struggling until his little outburst at Janus.

"What kind of boyfriend am I?" Patton sighed to himself as he sat in his room.

"An oblivious one." Virgil said, scaring Patton. He wasn't expecting to get an answer. "Sorry for scaring you, you left the door open." Virgil walked in, closing the door and sitting next to Patton on the bed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Roman needs you right now, he's just too much of an idiot to realize it. You're the only person that truly makes him happy."

"That's not true Virgil, he likes you and...most of the others."

"Maybe he does but have you ever noticed his reaction when you walk into a room?"

"I guess not, if you think it's that important-"

"He smiles Patton, his whole face lights up! The look on his face is just like a child at Disneyland! He adores you and loves you, what he needs most right now, is to see you."

"W-Well how do you know that?"

"Before he confessed to you, all he talked about was how cute you were. I swear to god he's the king of gay."

"Yeah," Patton giggled. "That's my Ro...are you sure he'd wanna talk to me right now? I don't think he wants to see someone who agreed with Janus."

"It wouldn't hurt to try. Just be yourself, he'll open up."

"O-Okay, thanks kiddo."

"No prob, I'm gonna go check on Re."

"Alright, bye!"

"See ya."

As Virgil left, Patton thought for a minute. He suddenly got an idea, he grabbed a few things, put them in a bag, and went to Roman's room.

*knock, knock, knock*

No response.

"Maybe he's asleep." Patton said to himself, slowly opening the door. He peeked his head in, seeing his prince passed out on the bed. 

Patton quietly closed the door behind him and sat next to Roman, combing through his hair. Roman slowly cuddled up to him, his head moving to Patton's lap.

Almost half an hour went by when Roman woke up. He groaned and rolled over, realizing he was in his boyfriend's lap. His eyes widened as he backed away, almost falling off the bed.

"W-When did you get here? I thought-" He stopped to cough, his throat burned.

"I came in half an hour ago, I'm not gonna let you go through this alone." He said, hugging Roman and rubbing his back as he coughed.

"You...you don't hate me?" Roman asked, "You agreed with Janus a-and-"


"I know I was wrong! You should hate me for what I did-"

"Roman stop-"

"I'm such an idiot sometimes-

"I know!" Patton raised his voice, pulling away from Roman. "I know you were wrong, I know I agreed with Janus, and yeah, you can be an idiot sometimes! That's not gonna stop me from loving you! Now stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, that's not gonna help anything. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Patton said sternly.

Roman sat there in awe, he didn't know how to respond. Who knew Patton could raise his voice like that?

"Uh...y-yeah. I think I needed to hear it from you, Logan said something similar a few days ago but...hearing it from you helped." Roman muttered, "I'm sorry you have to put up with me, you're right. Besides, sitting alone in my room all day kinda sucks, I don't know how Virgil used to do it."

The two sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, Patton gave Roman a small smile and opened his arms,

"Come here, Ro."

Roman gladly hugged him, holding Patton close to his chest. For the first time in what felt like years, he smiled, Roman was happy to be with his boyfriend again. Patton moved his head from Romans chest and looked up at him, letting out a small gasp.

"There's your beautiful smile!" Patton cupped Roman's cheek, giving him a sweet kiss. "You still look tired sweetheart, how about we watch a movie and take a nap?"

"M'kay." Roman mumbled, resting his head on top of Patton's.

"One second." Patton said, reaching behind him to grab his bag. "I brought your favorite movies and some snacks! Oh and, here." He handed Roman a stuffed animal puppy with a little crown.

"I was wondering where he went...thank you."

"Of course! When I was getting the movies from my room, I found him on the shelf. I was worried that you forgot him there."

"What would I do without you?" Roman sighed, kissing Patton.

"I don't know." He smiled, separating from the kiss. "You'd probably be fighting Janus to the death right now."

"Oh tell me about it. Without you, I'd still be an arrogant asshole."

"Maybe, but without you, I'd still be hiding my emotions like it was an olympic sport." Patton couldn't help but laugh a bit, "We were so..."


"Well, I was looking for a better word but, yeah." He shrugged. The two were silent for another few minutes until Roman kissed Patton's cheek, making him giggle.

"Now c'mon, let's watch Disney movies! I haven't been able to focus on one in sooooo long!" Roman said, setting up a movie and sitting back down with Patton. "Hey, I know I should've asked before but, are you okay? You've been focused on me this whole time and I almost forgot to ask."

"I'm alright Ro, I talked to Janus a little bit more and he really isn't that bad. I was still upset over what happened, after listening to me rant for a bit he gave me some pretty good advice. I really need to work on self care before worrying about everyone else."

"I guess he has some good advice...I'm still mad at him. I'm glad he could help you though. Did he say anything about-"

"Yeah, he didn't mean what he said about you and your brother. He took it too far, but that's what he had to do to be listened to. That's another thing we need to work on."

"Alright, fine. I'll admit I probably deserved it, I haven't been nice to him either."

"Well when you're feeling better, we can go talk to him and the others. How does that sound?"

"Fineeeeee." Roman whined, "Now can we please watch the movie?"

"Yeah." Patton couldn't help but laugh at his adorable boyfriend, he kissed Roman and leaned into him. It was great to cuddle with him again. 

I have like five unpublished chapters, this was supposed to go up a while ago. Thanks wattpad, you're great at lying to me about what is published -_-

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