#10 Prinxiety & Logicality

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*Logan's P.O.V*
    I was sitting with Patton as we watched a movie. Well… technically we were cuddling, he was in my lap. I was rubbing his back and tracing shapes, and I started tracing the words 'I love you'.
After a while, I started tracing the words 'I love you', thinking he was asleep. Or at least hoping that he was asleep. I heard a quiet laugh,
"I love you too."   
    "W-What?!" I turned red, "I thought you were sleeping…"
    "Well, I was." He yawned, "But I woke up and didn't wanna stop you, I like it when you rub my back."
    "O-Oh, well do you really feel the same?" I asked.
    "Uh… yeah, I do. I love you, Logie."
    "I love you too, Patton." I leaned down to kiss him, "Maybe Roman and Virgil will stop teasing us now."
    "Yeah, we can tease them now!" Patton smiled.
    "Should we make a plan?"
    "I already have some. One idea is…"
*A Couple Days Later, Third Person*
    Virgil was walking into the kitchen for a snack, Roman already in there. He was humming a song from 'Hamilton' while getting some water, not realizing that an ice cube fell and melted on the floor. Virgil walked toward the fridge, not noticing-
    "Woah!" He yelled, luckily Roman caught him just before he fell.
    "Are you alright, cutie?" He winked. 
    "Holy shit… I guess I'm alright. I'm still trying to figure out what just happened."
    "Well, you fell and I gracefully caught you." Virgil blushed, realizing that he was still in a dipped position, Roman leaning over him. 
    "H-Hey Ro?"
    "You realize that you're still um…" Virgil couldn't finish his sentence.
    "Oh! Yeah, I know."
    "So… are you gonna-"   
    "Nope! Instead I want to do this." Roman said, leaning down to kiss him. Virgil kissed back, surprising the prince. When they seperated, Roman stood up, pulling the other up with him.
    "Um, Roman?"
    "Yes my stormcloud?"
    "I really… love you." He blushed as red as Roman's sash. 
    "I love you too." The princely trait said, giving him another short kiss.
    "That was SO CUTE!!!" They heard Patton squeal, Virgil hid in Roman's shoulder.
    "Oh jeez…"

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