#5 Prinxiety & Remile: The surprise

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*Virgil's P.O.V*
My breathing sped up, it almost felt like I was being suffocated. Of course Roman is gone in the imagination again, Remi was with him for a while too. Speaking of, guess who just texted me,

*Bold- Remi , Underlined- Virgil*
"Heyy, just left the imagination. Roman is still there, how r u holding up?"
"I'm fine." I responded, "I just wish I could go with him, see what he's doing."
"Aww, I can keep you company. He's making a surprise, that's all I can say."
"Nah, go see Emile, I'll be okay. Knowing Ro, it's probably some huge party."
"Lol, maybe. He won't let anyone else see it. Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yeah, I have things to do." I lied, "I'll see you later."
"Okee, ttyl."

Once I got off my phone, I noticed my breathing slowed a bit. My hands were still shaking a little, I've gotten good at covering that stuff up. I'll just wait it out. "Roman wouldn't try to ignore me... right?"
No, I can't think like that. Just focus on breathing Virge, it'll be okay.
"Shit-" I covered my mouth, no one knows that I hate thunder. Well, except Roman, he probably can't hear it from where he is. He went to the far side of the imagination, just to hide this surprise. I hope he comes home soon, I'm crying so hard that I can't get up. "I'm just stuck here... probably forever." I tried to keep those thoughts away, it's just gonna make things worse.
*Knock, knock*
"Oh thank the gods! Roman's back!" I thought.
"Virge, are you in there? I wanna make sure you're alright." Wait, is that...
"E-Emile?" I tried not to stutter, why is he here?
"Can we come in?" Oh right, Remi came back. I didn't respond, the door creaked open as I saw them poke their heads in. They then looked in my direction.
"Oh... Virgil." Remi looked worried, how much have I been crying? I saw Emile whisper something, Remi nodded and walked over to me. He put a hand on my shoulder and before I knew it, he snapped his fingers and we were in Emile's room. I ducked my head in my arms again, hoping they would go away.
"Virgil, can you talk to us?" I heard Emile ask as he sat down, Remi was still next to me with an arm around my shoulders. I shook my head, I didn't really wanna talk right now, not like this.
"Virge, it's okay." Remi whispered, "You're safe, no one can hurt you."
"I... I know." I said, lifting my head up a bit, "I j-just-"
I clung to Remi's arm, they realized what was going on. I felt Emile wrap a blanket around me.
"It's alright, just focus on me and Remy, Roman will be here soon." He tried to comfort me.
We talked for a little bit, it was mostly the two of them talking to distract me. I kept my head lowered for most of the conversation.
"Is this helping?" Emile asked.
"Y-yeah... thanks g-guys." I was still shaking but, I think I'll make it.
"Shit!" Remi exclaimed, "That's loud."
I completely hid in my blanket, lost in my thoughts. "I'm not gonna make it! Please Roman, for the love of-"
*Third Person*
"Virgil!" Roman rushed into the room and jerked to a stop. He saw Emile and Remi on the couch next to... a blanket?
"Where is he?" Roman asked, panicked. The 'blanket' moved a bit as Emile told him to sit down. When he went over, he saw that there was someone under the blanket... "Virge! Oh thank the gods you're alright!" He got under the blanket and wrapped his arms around Virgil.
"Ro-Roman?" He choked, tears in his eyes.
"It's okay, I'm here."
"Aww, that's so cute." Emile said, watching the couple.
"Yeah." Remi agreed, pulling Emile into his lap, "But not as cute as you."
Emile flushed red, "R-Remi!"
Remi started to chuckle, forgetting the others were in the room.
"Thanks for keeping him safe guys, but we're gonna go to our room for the night." Roman told them, still holding Virgil.
"O-Oh, no problem! I'm always here to make sure you guys are okay!" Emile smiled.
They said their goodnights as Roman snapped his fingers, teleporting the two to their bedroom. He carried the small emo to the bed and sat down.
"Virge..." He paused "Virgil, I'm really sorry. I should have been here, I knew I was spending a lot of time in the imagination. I knew that you wanted to come with me. I knew that I shouldn't have left you for so long but I-"
"Ro... y-you don't have to apologize. You can't predict the weather a-and you have things to do. I get it." Virgil looked up from Roman's chest, "I miss you when you leave but that just makes me happier when I see you again. I still love you no matter what, I always will."
The two then started to cry, relieved that everything was okay.
"I should be sorry... I inturupted you when you were in the middle of something important, all over a stupid storm."
"No, don't say that." Roman told him, wiping the tears away. "Nothing is more important than you. You didn't interrupt me either, I got here fast because I was starting to leave when Emile texted me. Then I sprinted to get you. The only thing I need is for you to be okay."
"Thanks Ro." he yawned, "I'm tired..."
"Aww, I love you my little stormcloud."
"Mm, love you too."

Author's Note: There will be a second part to this, I promise.

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