#39 Incorrect Quotes (3)

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Remus, drunk and speaking spanish: "¿Alguna vez te he dicho lo hermosos que son tus ojos?" (Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?)

Virgil: "Remus, I have no idea what you're saying."

Remus, drunk and now speaking french: "Tes yeux me rappellent le soleil à travers un verre de whisky, plus beau que tout ce qu'on peut voir" (Your eyes remind me of sunshine through a glass of whisky, more beautiful than all that can be seen)

Virgil: Seriously Re, I have no idea what the fuck you're saying.

Remus, now in english: I fucking love you, you little shit.


Janus: *struggling to reach something on the top shelf*

Roman: Do you need me to get it for you?


Roman, laughing: Okay, okay...

*A few moments later..*

Janus, sighing: Help meeee


Remy, talking to Emile: Have you ever liked someone but you're too scared to say it?

Emile: All the time.

Remy: Same.

Emile and Remy: *silence*

Virgil, walking down the stairs while they were talking: They're idiots, oh my god! Kiss already! If you don't, I'm gonna hear about this all week from Remy!


Patton, petting a cat in his lap: Awww, you're the prettiest kitty in the whole world.

Logan, walking in: Hello Pat... Aren't you allergic to cats?

Patton, petting the cat slower: Maybe.

Logan: Patton, please put it down-

Patton: I can't, he's too cute!


Remus: Hey Ro, bring me some chips!

Roman, walking into the kitchen: Maybe if you ask nicely.

Remus, sarcastically: Oh wonderful and talented Roman, please bring me some crispy snacks so that I might behold your greatness!

Roman: That's more like it.

Remus: *confused because why the fuck did that work*

Roman, handing him a bowl: You could've just said I was the better twin-

Remus: HA! Not happening

(This is platonic please don't make this romantic, This is platonic please don't make this romantic, THIS IS PLATONIC PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT ROMANTIC)


Patton, telling Virgil that he made new friends: They even showed me this cool friendship symbol!

Patton: *Shows a symbol he drew on his arm in marker*


Virgil: That's a gang symbol! YOU JOINED A GANG!


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