#2 Demus: For the love of-!

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    After a long day in the Dark Mind Palace, Janus was walking downstairs trying to start some laundry. He was walking through the living room, noticing Remus on the couch, when half the pile fell out of his arms.
"Oh fuck me." He sighed, scooping it back up and tossing it in the washing machine. He walked over to the couch, hoping to relax with his boyfriend. But as he walked over, Remus had an amused smirk on his face. "What?" Janus questioned, sitting down.
"I heard ya." He responded, sitting closer to the snake. He sat there flustered, thinking of what to say.
"T-that wasn't an invitation." He stuttered, Remus now leaning against him. "I can't let him mess with me, I've had a long day. I don't have to deal with this." He thought as he mustered another sentence.
"I mean it. Leave me alone." He sighed, trying to look away. Remus then got close to his face with a low hum, still smirking. Janus couldn't help but blush more (if it was even possible at this point). Once he snapped out of his thoughts, his boyfriend had already put a hand under his chin, leaning toward his ear.
"I think we should have Chinese for dinner." Remus whispered, sitting back down like nothing happened. Janus grabbed a pillow from beside him,
"Oh for the love of-" He yelled repeatedly smacking Remus with the pillow.
"Ha, ha! You- know you love- me!" He exclaimed between laughs. This continued for about five minutes until Janus decided it was enough.
"Ugh, yes I do." He admitted, putting the pillow down, allowing Remus to sit on his lap and cuddle. "But you're difficult."
"I know, but that's why I'm your favorite." Remus chuckled.

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