#13 Prinxiety: Past Memories

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WARNING: This includes past abusive relationships, some ptsd and swearing. This story is around the time when the video "Moving On" came out.

*Third Person*
    Ever since Virgil had come to the 'light sides' he obviously stood out. He was more dark, distant, and had some serious trust issues. This ptsd like issue had resulted from a horrid past relationship he was in. But once he met the others he felt a bit more accepted, though still scared of what would happen next. He tried explaining this to the others when a certain piece of information came out.
    "...a-and that's why I c-couldn't say… I love you Roman-" He slapped a hand over  his mouth. The others stared in confusion as Roman blushed. "Shit! S-sorry I didn't-"
    "No, it's alright." He interrupted, Patton and Logan leaving them alone, "I… I love you too Virgil."
    "W-what? You do?!" He had turned a bright red, his breathing getting a bit too fast, Roman wrapped an arm around him, trying to calm him down.
    "Yeah, I do. That's not important right now though, you need to breathe, Virge. Remember, in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and breathe out for eight."
    After that, the two had started dating. Surprisingly, this helped Virgil improve himself and get better. Just six months had gone by when he had stopped having nightmares about 'you-know-who', smiled a lot more, and trusted the other sides. 
    Now they had been dating for nine months and Virgil had gotten much better than before. The only things that truly stuck with him were the fears of loud noises and making bad mistakes. That was really it though, he had grown to trust Roman the most no matter what his anxious thoughts would try predicting, Roman was the one.   
Well, this particular morning, Virgil had woken up next to Roman who greeted him with a kiss. 
    "Morning emo." He smiled, "How'd you sleep?" 
    "Mornin' Ro, I slept fine. What about you?"
    "I always sleep great when my dreams are about you."
    "Ha, dork." Virgil stuck his tongue out at Roman. 
    "As long as I'm your dork, I'm fine with that. Now, how about we get some breakfast?"
    "Sure, I'm starving."
    The couple walked downstairs, greeted by Logan on the couch. As they went into the kitchen, Patton came down the stairs unnoticed by Virgil. He walked over to the kitchen, 
    "Heya kiddos!" He chirped. Virgil jumped, accidently dropping the plate. His eyes widened whe he saw it on the floor broken, then looked over to Roman. 
    "It was a-an accident! I-I'm sorry!" He hid his face behind his arms, starting to tear up. "P-please don't hurt me!"
    "It's alright Virgil, we can clean it up." Roman told him, gently wrapping an arm around him so he wouldn't step on the plate. "I would never-" 
    "Let go of me!" Virgil tried to push away.
    "Virge, it's me, Roman. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He tried to hug Virgil again, this time being more successful. "It's okay, you're safe here." 
    His breathing started to slow back down as he slowly came back to reality. Patton had cleaned up the broken pieces of plate on the floor, trying not to disturb the two. Roman took Virgil back upstairs, asking Patton to bring some food for him. 
    Once they were in the prince's room, he sat down and set Virgil next to him. He had refused to let go of Roman, so they sat there for a bit as he rubbed Virgil's back.
    "T-Thanks princey." Virgil said, finally looking at Roman. 
    "Of course, stormcloud." He responded, kissing Virgil. "Do you wanna talk about it? You don't have to, I just…" 
    "I know, you wanna help and I'm glad you do. It's... just not something I talk about a lot. It's basically what I told you guys when I first got here. I was in a relationship with…" He cleared his throat, "A-Anyway, he wasn't very great. We s-started out fine but, i-it was just an act, this was all before your brother e-even knew us too. He doesn't know that side of him… But like I said, t-that's not important. The r-relationship we had w-was basically the embodiment of toxic. I even tried t-talking to him, that j-just ended up in a-another huge fight. Everything w-was moving too f-fast for me, h-he always wanted to be w-with me, it's like I-I didn't have my own life anymore…" Virgil started crying too hard to say another word, Roman held him close to his chest.
    "Shh, it's alright, you're alright. I won't let him hurt you anymore, I'm here."
    "S-Sorry, I can keep g-going." Virgil said, "I j-just haven't talked to a-anyone about this before."
    "That's okay, I won't make you keep going if you don't want to. It's up to you, either way, I won't judge you."
    "Thanks, I-I'll keep going." He wiped away a tear, "All he ever really did was h-hurt me, obviously I didn't r-realize that at first. But once I d-did, it was too late to turn back. I-I had to act like it was o-okay or… we'd fight again. He would h-hit me, yell a-at me… that wasn't l-love. He wanted to look g-good in front of the others, make them think h-he was a good guy. That bastard thought they'd t-take pity on them because he w-was with me! A idiotic, paranoid, self-destructive freak…" He sniffed, "Sorry, that g-got a bit emotional, I-" 
Virgil stopped when he saw tears in Roman's eyes... he actually cared.
"Ro? Are you okay-"
"Virgil, I'm so sorry! I fell for that asshole's lies!" He hugged the emo as tight as he could as he started to cry, "I can't believe he would do that to you! You don't deserve any of that!" 
"It's okay Roman… you don't have to-"
"No, it's not okay, you need to know what real love is. I love you Virgil, do you know that?."
"I know Roman, that's why I'm here. I love you too." He kissed Roman and wiped his tears away, "I know for sure this time, promise. Now c'mon, we're both getting too emotional about this."
"I'm a dramatic person, what can I say?" The two laughed a bit. "But… did you really mean that? What you said about yourself?"
"Hm? Oh… well, yeah. It's mostly true."
"Why do you say that?"
"You know why… unless you have evidence that says otherwise."
"Of course I do."
"Then go ahead princey, I'm all ears." He smiled.
"First off, you're not idiotic. Even if you make mistakes, that's how we learn. Just look at me, you think I'm so perfect while I think I make the most mistakes here! Which is probably true since I'm creativity but you get my point. Secondly, you're not paranoid, and if you are, I'm here to help every step of the way. There's a big difference between paranoia and anxiety, you've just never been with the right people to help you. And lastly, if you're self destructive, like I said I'm always here. I care about you so much, and you're not a freak, I don't need evidence for that one. We are the different personalities of Thomas, we're meant to be different. If we were all the same… wait… that would just make no fucking sence."
"Roman!" Virgil laughed.
"Language!" They heard on the other side of the door. 
"Uh… how long have you been there, Padre?" Roman asked, letting the door open.
"Ever Since you two said I love you. It was too cute, I couldn't interrupt! Here's breakfast by the way, and I'm sorry for scaring you earlier, kiddo. I forgot you're a bit jumpy."
"It's fine dad, thanks for breakfast."
"You're welcome! I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds alone now, bye!" And just like that, he left. 
"Is it weird that I've been here for a year and I'm already used to him doing that?"
"Not at all, my Chemically Imbalanced Romance. Do you feel better now?"
"Yeah, thanks again."
"Of course, I'd do anything for you."

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