#35 Remile: Soulmate

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I know I keep writing these but there are SO MANY soulmate prompts!!!!!

    It's a strange world we live in. If your soulmate had a scratch, bruise, burn, or any kind of scar; you would have pain in the same spot and the skin in that area would be red, like rug burn but it wouldn't hurt.

    Right now, Remy had a red circle around his eye. His younger brother, Virgil had been calling him Todoroki for the past few days. This didn't bother Remy as much as it usually would, he was more concerned about his soulmate. It pissed him off that the person got hurt so much, when he found out who was hurting his soulmate, he was going to make sure they felt the same pain.

    From Emile's perspective though, he had a black eye on the left side of his face, it sucked. His eye hurt, it was very noticeable, and he had to wear his glasses lower on his nose so it wouldn't hurt more. His friend Patton was concerned, Emile had been bullied for years and there was no reason for it. Emile was nice to everyone he met, including the people that were rude to him. He wasn't the kind of person who snapped at people easily, he was too polite and a bit scared to yell at people.

    Senior year, Emile was walking through the hallway with Patton. The two were talking about the newest season of Steven Universe. That show was the thing that brought them together. They also started talking about collage, the two had visited a few collages together.

    Patton stopped talking when he saw Roman, but of course, he was with Remy and the new couple, Virgil and Remus.

    "Is something wrong Pat-" Emile noticed who he was staring at, "Oooh~ I see."

    "E-Em stop!" Patton whispered, "He might hear you and he might wanna say hi, then I'll embarrass myself and-"

    "Patton, Patton, calm down." Emile chuckled, "We can be blushing messes together..."

    "What do you mean?"

    "They're coming this way."

    "What?! Why didn't you stop me?! We need to-"

    "Hey Patton!" Remus called, trying to make his brother jealous.

    "Remus!" Roman whisper-yelled before looking at Patton. "Sorry about him, he's been making fun of me ever since he noticed that we both had a scratch-" Roman paused, seeing a bandage in the same spot that was hurting him earlier. "Um also, I-er we were wondering if you two would like to have lunch with us?"

    "Roman just admit you like him." Remy rolled his eyes, his left side bothering him. "We should get to class before Mrs.J kicks my ass about being late again."

    They group had wrapped up their conversation about lunch and walked away.

    "Oh by the way, Emile, right?"

    "Uh y-yeah?"

    "At lunch you should tell me who gave you the black eye, I'll give them one back."

    Once the semi-popular group was out of earshot, Emile and Patton quietly squealed. The two had a small celebration in the hallway, luckily there weren't too many people around.

    "Ohmygoshohmygosh! Was that real?!" Patton shouted.

    "Y-Yeah it was real! I can't believe it!" Emile beamed, "Remy barely knows me but he's willing to fight Kenny over a black eye!"

"I thought you-"

"No, I don't like violence but it showed that he cared." He interrupted Patton. The two couldn't be happier, "But we should get to class too, we only have a minute!"

At lunch (bc I don't wanna write about school)

    Currently, Emile and Patton were debating about going into the lunchroom. They were right outside the doors, internally panicking.

    After some discussion, they both took a breath and walked in, seeing the group waving them over.

    "Hey, I was about to look for you guys!" Remy joked as Emile and Patton sat down between their crushes. "You alright, cutie?" Remy winked at Emile.

    "Y-Yeah I'm fine." He smiled, "I'm just a bit tired from class, my math teacher talks nonstop and it's hard to understand anything she says."

    Good job Em, you talked to a pretty boy without stuttering every second :)

    Emile and Patton got along with Remy's friends really well,  everyone was really nice to them. And of course, Roman was flirting with Patton the whole time. Throughout the conversation, the oblivious prince-like teen realized that he and Patton were soulmates when talking about the scar on his arm. They had more conversations with each other for a while.

    Everything was going perfectly, Emile had already become close with Remy. He barely stuttered when talking now, that was even better, it made him feel more confident.

    "Hey by the way, isn't it hard to see in here when you have sunglasses on?"

    "Pff, they're my signature glasses." Remy chuckled, "Why would I take 'em off?"

    "You usually have them off inside, you weirdo." Virgil spoke from behind, "Emile has a point, why are they still on? You-"

    "I just like them-"

    "Can I see them?" Emile asked, interrupting Remy.


    "Why not?" Virgil questioned, "You let Roman try them on-"

    "I...don't want them to break." Remy said, making another excuse.

    "Hah sure!" Remus joined in, "Or are you hiding your eye?"

    "What?" Emile gasped, "Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

    Remy sighed as he took off his sunglasses, revealing a red mark in the same spot as Emile's black eye. He handed the glasses to Emile.

    "There, happy?" He asked, sarcastically. "I couldn't cover it with foundation so I kept my glasses on for the past week."

     "Ooooh I get it~" Roman teased, "You didn't want Emile to know that you two are soulmates."

    Remy and Emile looked at eachother, their faces red.

    "Y-Yeah, I think he's right...could we go on a date sometime, Remy?" Emile asked, his face completely red.

    "Uh y-yeah, sure." He stuttered out. "Can I have my sunglasses back now?"

    Emile giggled, handing Remy the glasses.

    "You really shouldn't have them on inside though, it can give you a headache and make your eyes more sensitive to light."

    "Fine." He put them on his head. "I can be a bad bitch without them."

    Remy wrapped an arm around Emile's waist as the group talked through the rest of lunch. The two started dating, causing Remus to mess with them. Oh boy, conversations wouldn't be as 'interesting' without Remus.

    I didn't want this to drag on but I think I'm gonna make a part 2

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