#7 Logicality & Demus: Late Night Thoughts

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*Janus P.O.V*
"Sleep... all I want is sleep..." That was all I could think while listening to Remus talk. It was about 1:13 in the morning... he was getting really exhausting.
"Oh! What about this-"
"Remus, as much as I love you, you need to stop." I interrupted, laying my head on top of his.
"Hmm?" He moved to look up at me, "What time is it?"
"Oh my gods, it's past midnight. Let me go to sleep."
"Sorry J." He said, kissing me. "I got a bit out of control there, hehe."
"You're fine, just go to sleep."
"I'll try. I love you."
"Mm, love you too..."
*Logan's P.O.V (An Hour Later)*
I was asleep, having a nice dream when I felt someone lightly shake me. I awoke to see Patton leaning over me, looking upset... maybe confused?
"Patton," I yawned, "What time is it? Are you alright?"
"It's uh... a little past midnight. I'm sorry-"
"Wait, did you say past midnight?" I asked, sitting up and looking at the clock, "Oh my gods, Patton. It's 12:14... are you alright?"
"I'm sorry Logie!" He started crying, wrapping his arms around my neck.
"Hey, it's okay." I tried to comfort him, "Can you tell me what happened?"
"I-I had a bad d-dream and then I laid t-there for a bit before w-waking you up. A-all I could do was think and... I need s-someone to t-talk to."
"Alright. How long were you just laying there? Were any of the thoughts strange or confusing?"
"Um, I've been awake since about 11:48. And uh... most of them are kinda weird I guess. Like if you water an ocean, it grows."
"Wow, that's... I don't know what to say."
"I know, I'm sorry. That's why I woke you up, I don't know where they came from."
"You don't have to be sorry, Pat. Do you want to talk about the others?"
"If you're okay with it."
"Of course, I want to make sure you're alright. So, what else was concerning?"
Well there was..."
*An Hour Later*
"I'm starting to regret this..." I thought as Patton was explaining another strange thought, "Where are all of these thoughts coming from?!"
"And I... Are you still awake?" I heard Patton snap me out of my thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh yes, I just spaced out a bit."
"Oh, how long have I been talking?" I looked over at the clock.
"An hour..."
"I'm so sorry! Once I started I just couldn't stop myself..."
"Again Patton, you really don't need to apologize. Did you just need to get all of it out?"
"Yeah I guess. I think I'm done now. Thanks for staying up with me." He yawned.
"Well of course, I'd do anything for you. I love you." I told him, giving him a small kiss.
"Aww, I love you too."
"So, can we go to sleep now please?" Drowsiness took over me.
"Yeah, I can't believe I stayed up that long. Goodnight Logie."
"Goodnight Patton." I responded as we laid back down. Thank the gods that's over... hopefully it's over.
*The Next Day (Third Person)*
Around 9:00am, Janus and Remus walked downstairs. The others greeted them as Janus joined Logan and Patton at the table, Remus sitting on the couch with Roman and Virgil.
"Good morning." Logan said, taking a sip of his third cup of coffee.
"Morning." Janus responded, getting his own coffee.
"You seem tired." Patton said, sitting down with them.
"Ugh, Remus kept me up talking until almost 1:30 this morning." Logan and Patton exchanged looks, "What?"
"I woke up a bit after midnight and didn't fall asleep until 1:30..." Patton mentioned.
"So Remus and Patton were up at the same time for an hour?" Logan wondered, "What was Remus talking about?"
"Uh no, it was more then an hour! He was having all the weird thoughts, which is normal for him but... it's never lasted that long before. I don't even know how he's still functioning."
"Strange, it seems that Patton and Remus had a similar problem sleeping last night. Remus just stayed up longer... how is he awake?"
"I don't know. I usually don't wake up like that." Patton shrugged.
"Sorry, he may have accidentally dragged you into his thoughts somehow. He's done that to me and Virgil... multiple times."
"How about you get some sleep, kiddo. We can talk to Remus later."
"Are you sure? He's difficult when he stays up late-"
"REMUS, I SWEAR!" They heard Roman yell from the other room as Virgil burst out laughing.
"That's all the convincing I needed, goodnight." Janus said, not hesitating to walk upstairs.
"That was... weird." Logan stated, watching the group in the living room.
"Yeah, but it's our weird." Patton gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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