#12 All Ships (Mostly Demus): Shortie

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(Idk, I just imagine Janus being taller)
*Third Person*
Roman and Virgil were curled up on the couch watching a movie. Well mostly listening to it, they were talking for most of it.
"Maybe Patton and Logan could go on a double date with us sometime." Roman suggested.
"Sure. Do you think the others would wanna join us?"
"Eh, maybe. We can ask Remi and Emile when they come back."
"Yeah, but we can ask Remus and Janus now." Virgil said, pointing to the two in the kitchen, "They're right there."
"I know, but that means we have to get up, I just love cuddling with my little stormcloud." Roman said, laying his head on top of Virgil's.
"I like cuddles too, Ro. But I think you're just making excuses."
"No! Is it really too much to ask that I cuddle with you?" He dramatically gasped.
"It's not too much to ask but-"
"Ow, shit-fuck!" They heard Remus yell. He fell off the counter trying to get something of the very top shelf.
"You alright, bro?" Roman looked over at him.
"I think he's alright." Janus said, walking over to Remus. "He likes to use every curse word in the book."
"Yeah, I'll live!" Remus told them confidently, "Can you get it for me babe?"
"Really?" He questioned.
"Yes really, Patton tried hiding the damn coffee because I'm apparently 'hyper enough without it' according to Logan."
"Well maybe they're right, you're kind of insane when you drink coffee." Virgil called from the couch, "You know I lived with you for years, right?"
"Oh whatever, it's not like YOU don't get hyper from coffee."
"No..." Virgil stared at him, "It really just makes up for sleep I don't get."
"C'mon, we're going upstairs for a nap." Roman looked concerned, ignoring what was going on. He took the emo upstairs, no complaints at all (probably because Virgil knows what's about to happen).
"Ugh, I'm done listening to this." Janus sighed, "You can have the damn coffee Re-"
"Really?!" He looked at his boyfriend in disbelief.
"Yes," He held it above his head with a smirk, "If you can reach it."
"...Are you serious?"
Remus started jumping, he wasn't gonna give up that easily. He even tried jumping at different angles.
"So close, yet so far." Janus teased him.
"You wanna play like that? Because I'll play." Remus had an evil grin on his face. He snuck behind his boyfriend and jumped, tackling him.
"Ah, dammit!" The snake yelled as he fell over, dropping the coffee beans.
"I win!" Remus chirped, grabbing the jar.
"Ugh... I hate you."
"No you don't, you're jealous that I grew some brain cells."
    "Pfft, whatever shortie."

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