Chapter 1

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The college bell rang indicating the students to go to their classes. The corridors and stairs were busy with students running for their respective rooms. But except a couple who were busy in making out in the college restroom.

"Nngggh~" Jin moaned when his new and first boyfriend was sucking on his tongue. Yoongi started to suck Jin's tongue, and the way his tongue explored his cavern made him feel so hot. Jin grabbed Yoongi's shoulder by yanking his nails down on the shirt.

He had never been kissed like this in his life. Jin was saving his first kiss to Yoongi ever since high school. And he was happy that his long time crush also had feelings over him. It's been a week since he started his college as a freshman, and three days since being a boyfriend of Yoongi.

Yoongi started nibbing on Jin's jaw and licked on his neck to find a perfect spot to give a hickey. Jin rolled his eyes back in pleasure whenever Yoongi pressed his boner over Jin's dick. Jin bit his lips shyly when he felt Yoongi biting his neck and sucking on the spot to make it purple.

"Fuck, come with me tonight. Let's spend time in my house." Yoongi groaned while leaving butterfly kisses all over Jin's smooth neck.

Jin knew what his boyfriend meant. Going to Yoongi's home meant staying there at night. And he knew they wouldn't spend their night just by sleeping and cuddling.

"I-I can't do that. I am wearing my promise ring, Yoongi." Jin whispered and showed his ring making Yoongi to roll his eyes. He leaned back and adjusted his shirt before walking to the washroom.

"What are you? Twelve? Come on, Jin. Who the heck wear such stupid things?" Yoongi groaned and pushed his hair in frustration by seeing his new boyfriend being silly. He washed his hands before making sure to comb his hair back.

Jin pouted by seeing his boyfriend getting mad at him.

"I-I promised my mother that I would give my virginity once I get married. And you know that you are my first kiss and everything." Jin back hugged his boyfriend who tried to remain calm by those words. He knew that Jin was not like others. He gave his gummy smile while turning around and placing a kiss on Jin's forehead.

"Alright, I know you are mine. So I will wait. Now go to your class. I will meet you at lunch." With a final peck, Jin jogged out of the bathroom to reach his class. Though they both were in same college, they pursued different classes.

But Jin was happy that atleast his boyfriend understood him. He was thankful for Yoongi that the other didn't pressure him.

With little jumps on his toes, Jin made to his classroom and rolled his eyes back by seeing his friends smirking at him. He shrugged it off and sat on his chair only to be pulled back by the muscle bunny.

"So, got laid already?" Jin shook his head as a no, and gripped on his table for support since his chair was in control with his friend.

"Everyone can see your hickey, Jin. Is he that possessive?" Jimin asked his friend who was finding difficult to hold his table. He relaxed when he felt his chair coming to it's original position and turned back to see his friends waiting for his answer.

"Yoongi is not Jungkook, Min. And everyone know how possessive your boyfriend is. Not mine." Jin stuck his tongue out making Jimin blush by those words. Jungkook simply smirked and winked at Jin who was shrugging his shoulders.

Jungkook, Jimin and Jin were friends since high school. They got into the college after discussing and they already planned to take similar classes before they joined here. Jin was always thankful for his friends who were there for him and supported him with his love.

Soon the class became silent when the professor entered inside the room. And the students found themselves taking notes and listening to the lectures. Though Jikook couple were busy in holding their hands and playing XO, Jin was sincerely listening.

He never took studies as a game. He wanted to make his mother proud and build a restaurant bigger than now what his mother was running. It was a small one in the corner of the streets, and not many people visited there.

He wanted a restaurant at the center of Seoul city, so that they could gain more customers. He was studying in Seoul University with the scholarship, thanks to his marks in his final exams.

After what felt like hours, the college was over making the students to leave their classrooms. Jin was happy that he finally get to see his mother after a long day. He wanted to go to the restaurant to help her, but he knew that she would never allow it.

"See you tomorrow, baby." Jin blushed when Yoongi pulled him by his waist and claiming his lips in the public.

"God, get a room!" Jimin faked to puke and earned a smack from his boyfriend. He softly rubbed his shoulder and waited for the Yoonjin couple to finish their kiss.

"You too, Yoongi." Jin shyly waved his hands for his boyfriend who winked at him before walking to the parking area.

"You are his boyfriend, and why isn't he dropping you when he has a car?" Jimin asked Jin who sighed by the question.

"I told him not to. My mother would throw a fist at me if I say I am dating someone. I don't want to get caught." Jin pouted and walked along with his friends with a bag hanging on his shoulders. It took him fifteen minutes to reach the bus stop and he smiled by seeing his friends waving goodbyes after getting on their bus.

Jin was left alone in the bus stop and soon his face lit up bright when he saw his bus approaching. With twenty minutes of travel, Jin happily jogged to his house. He knew it would probably be empty since his mother would close her restaurant after eight.

It was just five and he had more time to talk with his boyfriend on the phone. Jin's eyes widened in shock when he saw his house main door being open.

"D-Did somebody break in? A-A thief or a burglar?" Jin asked himself and looked around to grab something. When he found a broken water pipe, he took it and carefully walked inside his house only to gasp by the person who jumped before him.

"Omo!, you look just like Noona." Jin got startled and felt disgusted when the weird man started to pull his chubby cheeks making the other feel uncomfortable.

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