Chapter 21

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No matter how many times Kim Seokjin tried to erase those words, he couldn't succeed in deleting it from his memory. He knew whatever Yoongi said was out of limits but every words held truth to it.

He had treated his Ahjussi very ill and had bullied him to the core. Not physically but mentally though. Jin knew that he can't imagine himself as a good person after all his actions. If Yoongi was a bad guy, Kim Seokjin was also a bad guy.

Both people did harm to someone knowing or unknowingly. They both won't get a chance to change it. But they do have a chance to change themselves. And that's what makes Kim Seokjin differ from Min Yoongi.

Yoongi doesn't realizes his mistakes yet and he wasn't ready to change or accept his ill behavior. But Seokjin had understood his wrongs, and has already changing his self. Not to a different person but a best version of himself.

After small scene in the food court, Jin had become silent. He and his friends had arrived their classes and listening to the lectures. Kim Taehyung knew that his nephew was not paying much attention to the class.

No one could pay attention after recalling all the events that happened in Seokjin's life for the past two days. Deep inside Taehyung knew that Jin was feeling guilty over him and his actions towards him.

But to be honest Taehyung never felt sad or bad for Seokjin's behavior. He had no one to fight for or speak to some college students in his village. But here, Taehyung got good friends, a sweet sister and a nephew whom he had shown lots of love.

The sound of the bell ringing echoed through out the college indicating that the classes were over. The lecturer and students were already packing their bags to get ready to go to their houses. Taehyung looked at his nephew who was moving still and his face was directed towards the window where once could see the beautiful tree dancing to the rhythm of the wind.

He looked aside to see the Jikook couple rushing outside the class without waiting. Taehyung frowned by looking at the weird scene, since Jungkook and Jimin would always wait for them to go out together.

His frown deepened when he saw their bags placed on their chairs.

"Maybe for the restroom. But why do they go together for a restroom?" Taehyung mumbled himself and shrugged by deciding not to give much thought about it. He could see the classroom getting empty for every minute and he decided to cal Seokjin that the classes were over.

But just when he was about to get up from his chair, he saw Jin placing his head on the table inbetween his hands and bit his lips when he found Jin's broad shoulders shaking.

The classroom was now empty by leaving Taehyung and Jin. His nephew was crying silently under the table making Kim Taehyung's heart break. He knew that he can't disturb Jin since crying is better than remaining silent.

He can't imagine how much pain would his nephew would be undergoing. The best he could do was to be there with Seokjin during his hard times. He didn't know how much time went by, Taehyung and Jin were startled when they heard loud giggles coming from the door.

Jin immediately wiped his tears and looked at the classroom door to find Jimin and Jungkook entering the room with happy hops. This made both the Kims to frown by their weird behavior.

"Oh Jinnie, don't worry about that fucker, he will be walking for miles today." Jimin said happily before plopping down the seat next to Seokjin while Jungkook mirrored the same.

"W-What do you mean?" Kim Seokjin asked his best friend confusedly. He wasn't sure what the other meant and what was the reason behind their happiness.

"What do you think we mean?"  Both Jimin and Jungkook wiggled their eyebrows with a wide grin while showing the thick needle in their hands. This made Jin to gasp in shock by looking at the sharp knife. Taehyung widened his eyes in shock by seeing the object.

"No you didn't."

"Yes we did. No one hurt our best friend. And if he does, we flat their car tire." Jimin said firmly making Jin to laugh through tears. The three best friends were giggling together happily while thinking about their actions.

The sight made Taehyung to bring an unknown smile to his face and  something in his heart fluttered by seeing those beautiful giggles. He was thankful that his nephew had very good friends who cared for him and loved him to the core.

Soon the four friends left the college by walking down the entrance. The Jikook couple took the bus to their house before giving a tight hug to Jin and waved happily. Now Kim Seokjin was left with Kim Taehyung who was sitting in the last seat of the bus while Jin was seated few seats in the front.

They both didn't share much conversation when they got down from their bus. Their walk to their house was awkward with Jin following Taehyung like a lost puppy. Deep inside Kim Seokjin's heart itched badly. He felt like his heart was about to explode if he didn't say it now.

So he took a deep breath and looked at the front to see his Ahjussi, who about to open their house door. He softly gripped on Taehyung's shirt making the other to halt his actions.

Kim Taehyung confusedly turned around since he knew that his nephew would never initiate a talk with him. But now when he looked back his nervously licked his lips when he saw Seokjin directly looking at his eyes.

"A-Ahjussi~" Seokjin whispered before gulping hard by thinking about what to say. He was brave enough to call Taehyung, but no words were coming out of his mouth when his Ahjussi looked directly at him.

But Kim Taehyung was known for his patience. So he waited for his nephew to continue. After taking few deep breaths, Jin gathered courage before saying those words that were aching his heart.

"I-I am sorry, Ahjussi~"

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