Chapter 51

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The moon was glowing brightly and the cool breeze was blowing  perfectly. The sound of the wood burning in the bonfire echoed through out  the area.

The family were on their camp trip and was enjoying the weather by dancing around the bon fire which Jungkook tried hard to make.

A warm smile played over Kim Seokjin's lips by looking at his family dancing to their own rhythm of the music. Only sounds of wood burning and their beautiful laughter echoed the forest. The Jikook couple, the Kims couple were dancing together making Seokjin to giggle cutely.

His eyes locked with his mother Jisoo who was feeling shy and trying to dance along with Taehyung teaching her few steps. The sight was too adorable to look at his mother and his husband who was soon to be the father of their child.

Kim Seokjin's hands reached over his stomach and a soft smile appeared on his face when he rubbed his nine months belly. He was looking like he was about pop out anytime sooner. He didn't expect time to run so fast.

It just felt like, he and Taehyung got married. And it seemed like yesterday, that they were on their honeymoon. But here he was sitting on the camp chair and enjoying his time with his family while caressing their baby boy inside their stomach.

That's right. Taehyung and Seokjin were going to have a boy, and they were jumping in joy when they found the gender.

It's true how they say that, time runs fast when you are with someone you love. In Kim Seokjin's case it was perfectly true. After their honeymoon, the couple found themselves being pregnant within few weeks. The family were celebrating the news by giving free food in their restaurant, and discount in Kims Enterprises products.

The Kims made sure to not let the media people know about their private lives. So they were keeping it secret, but it couldn't be held much longer when people met Seokjin in his restaurant with big belly.

In the past few years, many things have changed in their lives. The Jikook couple had achieved their dream by starting their dance tutorial classes and now they were visiting several event ceremony to perform dances with their students. They have been trying to get pregnant for the past few days. But they didn't know what their future holds, they still hoped for the best.

Kim Seokjin's restaurant was already famous with customers buzzing in every second. The building which was only one storey, turned to two, with a small garden like settings in upstairs. It was exclusive for only dating couples, and people who wanted to propose.

Kim Taehyung had restricted Seokjin from entering the kitchen area ever since he reached his fifth month of pregnancy. So Mark and Jinwa were in charge of the cooking area while his mother Jisoo was loving the sight of the restaurant growing day by day.

Although they got many business proposals to open branches in several places, Kim Seokjin denied it. He wanted his restaurant to be only in Seoul, and people must visit here to taste their food. This made several tourists from all over the countries to come here and eat whenever they were on a trip to South Korea.

"Will you dance with me, beautiful?" Kim Taehyung reached his hands for his husband who was staring at him with dark glance. Ever since Seokjin's belly started to grow, the other became conscious about his weight gain. So Taehyung always made sure to call him with pet names everyday.

But there were times where Taehyung was made to sleep on the couch or in the living room when addressed his husband with pet names like, 'Pumpkin or Watermelon'. But hey, don't mistake him. He really admired how beautiful Seokjin was, but he wasn't careful with the usage of words.

"Do I look like able to dance, Ahjussi?" Seokjin angrily pouted while folding his hands against his big belly. Taehyung found the sight adorable and he couldn't help his giggle.

With pregnancy, Seokjin had mood swings. And his husband was feeling like walking on the glass. Along with Jin, Taehyung too sometimes cried by seeing the sight of his husband crying over the empty pickle jar or no matching socks.

"Come on, love. Just one dance?" How could Kim Seokjin stay mad at his husband who was looking like a baby. With a smile, he placed his hands over Taehyung's and allowed the other to pull him off from the comfortable chair.

Kim Taehyung wished he could hug his husband but because of the big belly, they couldn't. So he made Seokjin to turn around, and letting his chest to touch his husband's back. They were literally back hugging, while Taehyung's hands were possessively securing around Jin's stomach.

The Kims couple and Jisoo were tired, so they seated on their respective chair while letting the young couples to enjoy the trip. A warm smile spread on their faces by looking at their children. Jisoo was in awe by seeing how much her son has grown up. Not just by the belly but mentally and emotionally.

Kim Jisoo always wanted her son to achieve in his life. Because she never had an opportunity to find her true self. But she was afraid when Seokjin was in his teen years. He was fearless and arrogant during his college time. His behavior soon turned violent, when Taehyung joined their family. She always hoped that they both would get along well.

But now seeing her son looking so happy with Taehyung made her heart feel ease. She was confident that Seokjin had changed for good. She knew that her son wasn't a bad person. And it all took only for Kim Taehyung to enter in Seokjin's life to make a change.

Now the Taejin couple were slowly moving their legs while humming an unknown music. Seokjin was having his head leaned back on Taehyung's chest, while Taehyung was resting his head over Jin's broad shoulders.

They were both having their eyes closed and enjoying the cool breeze along with the warm air coming from the bonfire.

Kim Taehyung softly placed a kiss over Jin's neck before looking up the night sky. Never in his life had he expected that he would be a father. Heck, he didn't eve n expect to get married. Everyone thought he was crazy and were sure that he would end up alone. Because who would marry a clown who dress and behave like a child?

But here he was, married to the love of his life, Kim Seokjin.

The person who had given a reason for him to live. The person who had blessed him to be a father by carrying their baby in his stomach. Most people said that, Kim Seokjin had changed because of Kim Taehyung.

But in real, they both were the missing pieces in the puzzle. Without one another, they wouldn't have created something so magical.

And that magical was growing inside Jin's belly.

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