Chapter 19

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Kim Taehyung wiped his tears that were falling down his cheeks. He felt emotional by seeing his sister and nephew crying for a long time. He was finally happy that Jin had opened up to his mother instead of hiding it.

After what felt like an eternity, Kim Seokjin stood up and hugged his mother one last time before burying his head on her shoulders. Kim Jisoo was softly patting her son's hair and calming Seokjin.

"Be careful, baby. Don't hide from your mother anything. I would never hate you but protect you." Jin softly nodded to her words while letting the last drops of tears on his cheeks. He wiped his face and kissed his mother a goodbye kiss, before turning around to see his Ahjussi standing there.

He totally forgot that his Ahjussi was also in the living room. He immediately bowed his head down, since he felt ashamed to see Taehyung in his eyes. He felt guilty by seeing his Ahjussi. He couldn't believe himself that he had ill-treated a human being worse than he could have thought.

"W-We will leave Noona."

With that Kim Taehyung walked out of the house followed by Kim Seokjin who looked sleepy and lazy. He wasn't ready for the college, but he didn't want to disappoint his mother. So he packed his things in the bag, and left with his Ahjussi while following him like a lost puppy.

Jin and Taehyung shared no conversation and they both felt the situation was awkward. No one dared to speak anything, the two boarded the bus with Jin sitting in the window seat. Without his conscience he looked over his side to see his Ahjussi sitting in the back while busily watching the scenery outside.

Kim Seokjin looked at his bag that was resting on he empty seat near him. He forgot to take his bag on his lap since it became his habit to avoid sitting with his Ahjussi. When he was about to pick his bag up, he looked at Taehyung who was already standing infront of him.

"We have arrived, Seokjin." With that his Ahjussi walked down with Jin following him. A cold shiver ran down his spine, when Seokjin looked at the university before him. He felt terrified by thinking of accidentally meeting Yoongi anywhere in the campus.

But the hands behind his back assured him that he was safe. With a big gulp, Jin walked with his head down, Kim Taehyung walking along with him by assuring him that he was okay.

It felt like hours, when they reached their class. Soon Jin ran to his seat and laid down on his table by making sure that he was safe. He could hear students rushing inside class, and he tried so hard not to let his tears fall when his friends were calling out for him.

He heard his Ahjussi saying, "He is tired, Jimin-ah. Let him sleep."

For once he felt happy that his friends didn't disturb him. His face was puffy and red. Jungkook and Jimin weren't fools to not notice their best friend's distress. But they didn't want to push either. They both trusted Jin that he would open up.

"Alright class, so for the project I have decided to pair you guys by my choice. You will always end up together with friends. I want you to be friends with everyone. So, here goes the list." Professor Kim Namjoon was reading out the names of the project partners whom he had paired with.

Kim Seokjin was not interested in anything. But he felt happy to see his best friends getting paired together. Jungkook and Jimin tried to control their laughter since the Professor was unaware of their love relationship.

"Lee Hyujin and Hyun Byul, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung, and finally Hani and Park Jisung." Jin's eyes widened by listening to his partner's name. The Jikook buddies were also shocked along with Kim Taehyung.

The three knew how much Jin disliked his Ahjussi. But little did they knew that Jin wasn't bothered for the first time being with Kim Taehyung. He wasn't comfortable with his other class mates. He felt his heart ease after knowing his partner.

But soon it all came to an end when he heard his Ahjussi raising his hands and asking his Professor.

"C-Cher, is it possible that I could switch partner? I-I am new here, I don't want to put my partner's grade down along with me. Maybe you could partner Jin with someone who knows the syllabus well."

Although Kim Seokjin felt his heart being broken, he smiled sadly by hearing his Ahjussi. Of course after all his ill treatment towards Taehyung, how could he expect that the other would want to be his partner.

Even now, Taehyung was worried about his nephew's grades and looking out for him.

The Jikook couple weren't much surprised. Because they knew that Taehyung was doing this for Jin sake. But what they didn't expect was to see Jin standing up from his table and talking after so long time.

"It's okay, Mr. Kim. I have no problem with being partner with him. We will work together." Kim Seokjin said firmly before turning his head to look at his Ahjussi who was shocked by the sudden words.

"Uhm, are you sure Seokjin? Taehyung does have a point. Maybe you co-"

"No, Cher. I-I want this." Jin so badly wished his Professor would just let this go. And finally he was relieved after seeing Professor Namjoon nodding his head. Taehyung was gulping hard by Jin's sudden change and so did the Jikook couple.

Jungkook and Jimin's jaws dropped when Kim Seokjin offered a small smile towards Kim Taehyung before sitting down on his place. No one could tell what was going through Jin's mind but secretly they loved this small change in their friend's behavior.

The class seemed to take everyone's attention, with Taehyung for every fucking ten seconds looking at Jin to make sure that he was okay. He knew that Jin didn't want to attend college today, but the other had to do learn and graduate. Nothing should come across his studies.

Jin tried to tag along with his friends, and Ahjussi who as unusually was walking close to his nephew. The Jikook couple were busy in walking inside the food court with their friends and soon stopped when they saw Yoongi standing near a table with some box.

"Of course, here it goes." Jimin rolled his eyes back and turned around to see Jin having his head down, and softly holding Taehyung's hem of his shirt. He furrowed his eyebrows by the weird scene, but the nudge from his boyfriend made him to shook from his thoughts.

"Seokjin, your boyfriend is here." Jungkook's words were enough for Jin to go rigid, and he could feel his body shivering. His hold on Taehyung's shirt tightened making his Ahjussi to stay even more alert.

The Jikook couple who were unaware of many events looked confused by not seeing their best friend running towards his beloved boyfriend. They looked back to see Yoongi walking with a happy smile and soon frowning when Taehyung stood before Jin by blocking the view.

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