Chapter 6

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"Why are you turning back for every second?" Jimin asked his best friend who was looking at their university entrance gate for every fucking second.

Kim Seokjin was getting terrified of thinking about Taehyung following him inside and embarrassing infront of his friends. He didn't want to talk about his Ahjussi whom he had started to dislike day by day.

"Are you looking for that creepy guy? Jeez, did you look at his outfit? Probably he could get a job in a circus."

Jeon Jungkook said making Jin to give a small smile. Jimin on the other side wasn't satisfied with his boyfriend's choice of words.

"Kookie, stop talking about someone when you don't know them in the first place." Jimin gave a stern look at his boyfriend who immediately mouthed a "Sorry" by surrendering his hands like he gave up.

So the three best buddies reached for the class rooms along with other students who were chilling out in the corridors. The Jikook couple were bickering for some chocolates when Jin was feeling restless.

He wasn't sure whether his Ahjussi had reached their home safely or not. He didn't have his number neither did Taehyung had a phone in the first place. He knew that he can't call his mother since she would be busy with the restaurant.

But Jin knew that he couldn't be peaceful until he knew the whereabouts of his Ahjussi. When he was about to call his mother to ask if his brother had reached or not, he got a call from his boyfriend.

Immediately Jin's worries vanished away and he looked back to see his best friends feeding each other chocolates. He decided to pick up the call and walked out of the classroom while answering it.

"Hey babe. You reached?" Jin felt himself blushing by hearing his crush calling him with nickname. He never expected that Yoongi would be his boyfriend. But here he was with his school crush whom he was head over heels for.

"Yes, Yoongi. What about you?" Jin was busy with talking with his boyfriend while playing with his shirt buttons. He could see students walking to their respective classrooms and

"I heard that they are throwing Freshers party. I want you to come too." Jin pouted through the line when he knew the answer already.

"You know that my mother wouldn't let me stay for long hours." Jin could hear Yoongi's sigh, and he had upset his boyfriend.

"I want to introduce you to my friends. Don't you want to mingle with us all?"

Of course Jin wanted to meet Yoongi's friends. he remembered how they teased him during high school when he was chasing his crush like a lost puppy. He wanted to show proudly that he was his boyfriend.

"I-I do, b-but-"

"You will come if you value my love for you, Seokjin. But we got time, so no worries. You can ask your mother's permission to make sure that you are not grounded."

Jin could hear Yoongi's mocking tone on the line. Before he could reply the other had hung up already. He wished he could yell and let his frustrations all out. But he could never cross his mother's words.

After experiencing his father's eloping Mrs. Kim Jisoo became over protective of her son. She made sure that Seokjin was safe in her hands. She never allowed her son to attend parties or stay at friend's house.

When Kim Seokjin walked along the corridor to release his stress he furrowed his eyebrows when he found someone standing outside their university gate. He was in second floor but he jogged to the near by stairs to have a perfect look only to gasp shockingly.

There Kim Taehyung was sitting on a chair with the security and having a nice chit chat while drinking something.

Kim Seokjin looked around to make sure that no one had seen him. Without waiting he ran down the stairs hurriedly and walked fast to the gate. He could see Taehyung and their university watchman giggling happily.

Kim Taehyung who didn't know what to do after Jin left him alone in the gate, he befriended the watchman who seems to be funny to talk with. The both discussed about politics and the students life.

Jin walked towards Taehyung whose eyes widened by seeing his nephew outside. He stood up in surprise and put his coolers back while adjusting his shirt by tucking it inside his bell bottom pant.

"Is classes over already? We can go home?" Taehyung asked happily when all he got was a stern look from his nephew. Without waiting Jin pulled Taehyung outside and far away from the gate. They both stood under the shade of the tree which was few feet away from the gate.

"W-What are you still doing here?" Jin asked while his eyes were busy in looking around. He hoped that no one saw him with his Ahjussi and so badly wished that Taehyung leave this place as soon as possible.

"I am waiting for you to pick you up." Taehyung said casually while enjoying the cool shades under the tree. Though his village was always chill and cozy, the city was hot and sweaty. He found difficult to breathe in this suffocated city.

"P-Pi- Ahjussi." Jin wished to bang his head on the bark of the tree by listening to Taehyung.

"My classes will be over in the evening. You can't w-wait here." Kim Taehyung pouted by seeing his nephew trying to push him away.

"It's okay. I have fun talking with Kai over there. A nice man with more knowledge." Jin looked behind to see their university watchman waving at them when Taehyung gave him a boxy smile.

He never looked at that old man neither had he talked with him. His job was supposed to open the gate and close it after the class timing. Jin's brain suddenly lit up with a bright idea to kick his Ahjussi from this University.

"Do you want my mother to work all alone? I thought you wanted to help her." Jin smirked when he saw how Taehyung frowned by his words. He knew that this man was a sucker for his Noona and he could move his coin by using his mother's trouble.

"Omo! I-I should help Noona." Jin smiled happily by his victory. He nodded enthusiastically while taking his bus card and their restaurant's visiting card from his pocket. He took Taehyung's hands and placed it on his palm.

"Here, use this for bus. And go to this address." Before Taehyung could say further, Jin was already pushing Taehyung away signaling him to go.

"B-But, I didn't say goodbye to Kai." Jin rolled his eyes and he shook his head in disapproval. He further pushed Taehyung who was stumbling in his feet by the hard push. He didn't know why his nephew was adamant in making him go.

But he knew that he needed to be with his sister. He bid goodbye to Jin before walking to the bus stop while looking around for buses. Kim Seokjin finally breathed a heavy sigh, by seeing his Ahjussi disappearing from his sight.

"Oof! Such a stubborn village man~" Jin cursed while wiping his sweat off. He turned around and walked inside his university with a happy smile. He was happy that finally he got rid of his Ahjussi who was already on the way to their restaurant.

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