Chapter 23

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When Kim Jisoo came home after closing her restaurant she couldn't help but coo at the sight that was so adorable. Her son and her brother were fast asleep on the sofa with Jin laying on Taehyung's shoulder with their hands holding together.

It gave a couple like feeling making Jisoo to giggle by the sight. She walked slowly making sure not to disturb the two hardworking students. She softly patted Jin's and Taehyung's hair and walked inside her bedroom.

Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin were so busy in working their brains that they forgot when they passed out.

In the bedroom, Kim Jisoo put her bag on the bed before opening her night cupboard where she always keeps precious things. She carefully opened the drawer and took a diary that held several memories.

She made sure to wear her glasses before going through her personal diary which she has been maintaining ever since her parents adopted Kim Taehyung.

Yes, Kim Taehyung was an adopted child who lost his parents during a ship wreck. Kim Jisoo and her parents found him in Jeju island when they were on a trip.

Jisoo was only seven years old and Taehyung was merely an infant. There were several people who got saved from the ship wreck. But unfortunately, there were no traces of Taehyung's parents. Kim Jisoo didn't want to let go of the child who was clinging to her like a koala.

The police in Jeju island told them that the survivors would be kept in orphanages but Jisoo was not liking it. She always loved children, and the boy with small face and innocent eyes stole her heart.

She begged her parents to take the boy with them. And after completing the formal procedures, Kim Taehyung was adopted legally.

Kim Jisoo giggled by seeing the photo on her diary where Taehyung was slurping his fingers and his other hand was tightly holding her fingers. She slowly started to turn pages that held so many photos of Taehyung and his childish acts.

There were times where Jisoo wondered. Had Taehyung been her parent's biological son, they wouldn't have let him drop out from school. Jisoo knew that her parents always treated her brother differently.

And that was the reason why Jisoo wanted Taehyung to pursue his studies. Had Taehyung's parents were alive now, they wouldn't have let their son like this. She always felt guilty for leaving Taehyung in Daegu with her parents when she eloped with his ex husband.

But she was thankful, when her brother had finally found his home. And now here he was living with Jisoo and her son. She was not aware about Taehyung's parents and their background.

But the way he was dressed when he lost his parents indicated that he belonged to a rich family. And Jisoo always felt sad for Taehyung who was living a life which wasn't meant for him in the first place.

Maybe Taehyung would be a businessman for a big company or take care of his parents' job. But here he was living in a small house and sleeping on an uncomfortable sofa like a baby.

Kim Jisoo wished she could do more for Taehyung but the other never asked for it. He never complained about anything. And that's what made Taehyung even more special about him.

Jisoo slowly closed her diary before looking through the website where people post lost people on the article. She looked through her profile where she had posted about Taehyung recently.

Even though, Jisoo wanted to be selfish and wished to keep Taehyung with her, deep inside she couldn't do it. She didn't want her brother to endure more pain in his life. She started a missing profile on Taehyung's name from the day of Taehyung's arrival to her house. After her parent's death, Jisoo decided to let Taehyung go where he belonged to.

So she was maintaining a profile where she had posted Taehyung's childhood photos to present photos. Everyday it became her routine to check for any notification asking about him.

She always ended up in disappointment. The reason why she put up this profile was, the police in Jeju island never found Taehyung's parents body. So there were chances of them being alive somewhere in the world and searching for their son.

She knew the pain of losing some loved one and she didn't want Taehyung's parents to endure it.

So when she was busy through scrolling through her profile, her heart skipped a beat when she got a message on her profile. She gasped in shock by reading the message over and over again only to confirm it.


Immediately Kim Jisoo closed the browser and turned to see her brother walking slowly towards her bed with puffy eyes. She could tell that he had just woken up from his slumber.

Taehyung plopped down on the bed and laid his head over Jisoo's shoulder and breathed a heavy sigh.

"Did I wake you up, Tae?" Jisoo asked softly while ruffling through her brother's hair who hummed softly.

"No, I just woke up . And I put Jin on the bed. He might get neck pain by sleeping in different position."

A soft smile played on Jisoo's lips while hearing about Taehyung's words. Of course, she always knew that her brother would always care for Jin no matter how badly the other had treated him.

"Are you tired, Noona? Can I prepare a hot tea?"

Kim Taehyung whispered tiredly making Jisoo to chuckle softly. She could feel that Taehyung would fall asleep right here, since he was drained out.

"I love you, Tae. Always know that your Noona loves you."

Kim Jisoo confessed by controlling her tears. Kim Taehyung smiled by the words. Of course he knew it.

"I love you too, Noona." Taehyung whispered before yawning loudly making Jisoo to make him lie on the pillow slowly.

She tucked her brother inside the duvet and softly caressed his hair. Her eyes locked with the website which she was looking through before Taehyung's arrival.

"Oh Tae!! What would I do without you?"

Kim Jisoo mumbled through her cries and sobbed silently by thinking about the meeting that was going to happen tomorrow.

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