Chapter 29

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Kim Seokjin was sitting in the classroom like a zombie with his eyes focused on the table before him. The place where his Ahjussi would always sit. The place where he longed to get filled.

He was having eye bags under his eyes with sleepless nights and his face was puffy from all the crying. He couldn't believe what was happening around him. Everything felt like a blur for him.

After his Ahjussi left their family, he couldn't sleep at all. Memories were haunting him and he had cried the whole night that he couldn't remember when he passed out. There were no messages or calls or any information about Taehyung.

And on Monday morning, he was shocked to see the television news in his house. Just when he was on hurry of going to college, his heart stopped when he heard the news that was spreading all over the world.

Whichever channel Seokjin changed, everything consisted of the news of Kim Taehyung stating,

"Long lost heir of Kims Enterprises has finally made home. The next CEO is on the line. The handsome man with handsome brain." And several more news were spreading through the news channels.

Kim Seokjin could hear his mother's cries form the bedroom. But to be honest, he would admit that the house felt empty. Whenever Seokjin was here, he would always hear the television sounds and Tom and Jerry series being watched by his Ahjussi.

After the news, Jin got calls from the Jikook couple and he got no words to explain since he was crying out loud. Never in his life, Jin thought he would cry for someone other than his mother. But now here he was holding his cries in the middle of the classroom, with his best friends trying to console him.

"You know Jinnie, Taehyung will come back. You are his all time favorite." Park Jimin softly rubbed Jin's broad shoulders who was losing his hope by every second.

It's been a week since the news had spread, and it was evident that Taehyung would be busy in running his big Enterprises. He had watched news where his Ahjussi was wearing an elegant suit that almost cost his life time. He had seen interviews given by Taehyung who looked different.

Kim Seokjin sighed heavily and looked aside to his best friend Park Jimin to give him a sad smile. The Jikook couple came to know about their best friend's feelings for Taehyung. Jin had revealed his truth and had cried by hugging his best buddies.

"I am really an unlucky person, Jiminie. Being born poor, then I got into a shitty relationship and got hurt. Now just when I am sure about my feelings for Ahjussi, he left. Can my life get fucked up anymore?"

Seokjin exaggerated with a heavy sigh and leaned back on his chair. Jungkook and Jimin looked at their best friend with concern in their eyes. They had never seen Seokjin being this depressed, not even when he broke up with Yoongi.

They could definitely see a change in Seokjin's behavior. Taehyung had made a positive impact on their best friend, but they all know that they could never stand against the Kims Enterprises. It was a larger one and they had so many securities.

Students started to leave the classes when the lunch break was given. With lots of pressure, Seokjin found himself being dragged by Jimin and Jungkook to the food court.

"You need food to cry, Jinnie. Let's eat and fight together." Jungkook said firmly before pulling his friend to the canteen area. There were lots of students roaming here and there with friends giggling and chatting loudly.

Seokjin and Jimin sat on an empty table while Jungkook was on his way to buy some snacks. When both were simply chatting silently, they saw someone sitting infront of them.

"Would you look at that? How are you, Seokjin?"

Jimin rolled his eyes by seeing Yoongi giving an ugly smile at them. He wished his boyfriend Jungkook was here to give a nice punch on the face that was disturbing their peace.

"We were good, until you came. Don't you have any other job to do?" Jimin asked and shook his head in annoyance by seeing Yoongi still smiling at them happily. Seokjin was not having any of it, since he was already depressed.

"Well, I do have a job. And did you know what I found out?"

Yoongi was testing their patience, making Jin and Jimin to breathe through their anger.

"Please leave, Yoongi." Seokjin tried to make his ex-boyfriend leave but only for the other to lean on the table further more.

"You are really a lucky bitch, Seokjin."

"Mind your words, Yoongi before I chop off your tongue." Jimin looked madly by seeing Yoongi hurting his best friend.On the other side, Seokjin was feeling weak. He wished he had his Ahjussi here, who would always protect him from negative things.

"Well, I am not someone who would go after rich people like a whore. But your friend is. First he used me, and now Taehyung. I thought he was your uncle, but you just got a good catch. Mind teaching me how to seduce rich guys, Seokjin? I am sure you would have seduced him already and used him for the money.

I guess he just left you because you are a money sucker. Always targeting rich people and showing fake love towards them. I guess Taehyung is lucky and he escaped from you. Or are you still seducing him for money?

You want your friends to believe that you love him? After all what you did to him? You are after his money right?"

"That's it!!" Jimin stood up straight with angry eyes making Yoongi to gulp hard. Yoongi know that 'Mad Jimin is always dangerous.' So before Jimin could punch him, the other had already ran off casually by leaving a heart broken Seokjin.

Park Jimin with worried eyes looked at his best friend who was having teary eyes. Just like what Seokjin imagined had happened. He knew that everyone would judge him. And now after hearing it, he couldn't help but have his heart broke.

"Seokjin, don't mind his words. He is an asshole. We know about you, and you don't have to worry about others. I strongly believe that Taehyung knows who you are. So don't mind others, we can't stop their judging eyes. And we are not living our lives for them."

Jimin tried to comfort his best friend who was tightly hugging him and letting his shirt wet from those tears. When Jungkook returned with handful of snacks, he was shocked to see his friend crying.

But soon he became quiet when Jimin signaled him to keep silent. So he placed the snacks on the table and hugged Seokjin from behind along with Jimin who was whispering sweet words.

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