Chapter 36

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"Order number 75, Table Number 5, One Bul gohi with chicken marinated sauce and spring roll with minced pork with vegetables." The waiter hit the bell and yelled out the order to the kitchen area where only smoke could be seen.

"Got it!" Kim Seokjin yelled while coming through the smoke and pinged on the bell before plcing the plate on the serving table.

"Order number 73, Table Number 1, Japchae with vegetables and Steamed beef and vegetable dumpling."

Within few seconds a waiter came and picked the order. Kim Seokjin wiped his sweat from his forehead with his chef coat before running to the kitchen to continue his cooking.

The restaurant kitchen was filled with sounds of cooking and some yelling through the area by taking the order. It was the Friday night, so obviously, the restaurant would be crowded with couples and families.

Kim Seokjin was working as the assistant chef in the four star Seoul Restaurant that was famous all over the South Korea. After completing his graduation, Kim Seokjin took an internship in Culinary arts and finished his internship by working as part-timer in Seoul Restaurant.

But with his skills and talent, he got appointed as a full time employer in the very same kitchen and been working for two years by now. Although he very much wanted to lie down on his comfortable bed, he got so many orders to complete. So gritted his teeth in frustration and continued to do his job.

"Just few more days, Seokjin. Once you get the paycheck, get the heck out." Kim Seokjin said to himself and motivated him by completing the order. Since it was a four star restaurant, he was getting a very good salary in hands.

And for the last two years he had been saving the money from his salary. But he still needed few more to build his dream project.

 Yes, he was working hard to fulfill his dream. He know that still his mother is working in their restaurant everyday. Even though he sends money to his mother, the other always puts it in a savings and work her body off.

In these last two years so many things have changed. Just like the Jikook couple's dream, they are working hard to rent a building for their studio. Since they aren't born rich, the both are working in a large Enterprises for very good salary. Even though they rarely have enough time to see each other in the same building, they are trying their best to earn very well, so that they could achieve their dream.

Kim Taehyung has become the CEO of the Kims Enterprises. He has been guided by his father for the first few days. But soon he learned the basics and company's projects. So he was busy in running their own Enterprises.

Of course, he had tried to offer some money to his friends and also his boyfriend. But they declined his help and didn't get a penny from him. Though Taehyung felt proud by seeing them not accepting the money, his heart broke by how hard they were working.

They were working for their dream which they need to build after a strong basement. He hopefully prayed that they don't end up giving up on their dreams and get used to the stressful jobs.

What even frustrated him even more was, he couldn't meet his boyfriend Kim Seokjin. It's been almost months since he had last seen his boyfriend. After Jin joining the internship, he indulged himself in the work. And with the restaurant being the four-star, they don't provide leave for the employers very much.

The employees don't even change their shifts to adjust for someone. So he kind of hated by not seeing his boyfriend. After finishing his work, Jin always called his mother and face timed Taehyung before going to bed.

But Kim Taehyung always told him to rest and hung the call within few seconds. Because his heart always broke by seeing how tired Jin would look in the call. He could see eye bags and tired eyes. He knew that Jin would sleep the moment he lies on his bed. So Taehyung always made sure to not waste his time by talking silly things.

He used to say that 'It's only for few months'. And just like his wish, the struggles were coming to an end. Jin was going to get the amount which he needed for this month. They both have already looked for a building to rent a restaurant.

And with Kim Taehyung pulling some strings off, he got a nice building in the heart of the Seoul. It was situated near the subway as well as near university. So it was the perfect spot to gather customers from all over the sides.

Kim Taehyung loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar button before leaning on his chair. His eyes locked with the design he had come up for his new project. His heart told him that this was it. He had been working on this design for the past few weeks and finally he was in success.

With a satisfaction smile, Taehyung looked at his watch and his eyes widened in shock.

"Omo, I am going to be late." He whispered himself, before getting up from the seat and rushing out of his building. Today was Friday, and he had already made plans for the night. He took the elevator to the parking area and got inside his car.

Recently he got license and with his salary he bought a new car. Of course, he took a long ride on the road with Jikook couple, Seokjin, Kim Jisoo also the Kims couple. It was just a five seat car, but they adjusted by sitting on other's laps.

He put the address in the GPS and turned on the engine before exiting the building. He was humming a happy song and was enjoying the night sky above him.

A shy smile played over his lips by thinking about his destination. After forty minutes of driving, Taehyung slowly parked the car in the destination and walked inside the restaurant. He had already informed about his arrival to the manager who kind of gave permission for him to enter the restaurant kitchen.

That's right. He was here to meet his boyfriend Kim Seokjin. For the past few months, he had controlled himself from not driving here. But he couldn't take it anymore. So he thought maybe Jin would be energetic after seeing him.

That was the reason, why Taehyung was now guided to the kitchen. He could see so many customers and he could only sigh with a frown by thinking about his boyfriend working hard.

"I will take it from here, thank you." Taehyung saw the manager leaving and his eyes looked over the kitchen area where smoke and smell of delicious food was filled. A boxy grin played over his lips when his eyes locked with his handsome boyfriend.

Just when he was about to call Jin's name, he could feel smoke coming from his ears and nose by seeing another man talking with his boyfriend.

Not talking precisely flirting by giggling and disturbing Jin from working.

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