Google: "How to Clear Ones Head?"(9)

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Bill POV

Ice cold water washed down my shoulders, dark coarse mix of water and blood pooled at my feet. I was putting up with it but I normally don't enjoy cold showers, they do nothing but make your skin crawl and your bones shake. Warm water is good for cleaning, but in my experience cold water gets that smell of blood out of your hair better.

Still before I get out of here I'm going to have to put this shit to boiling if I want to put some warmth back into my blood.

And I ran my fingers through the knots in my hair, I stayed for too long after he lost consciousness some of the small amounts of his blood started to dry. Some of which turned into clots in my hair, so annoying.

Lazily I watched the water flow down my chest mixing with and washing away the dark thick blood.

Still, no matter how much fun that might have been, I couldn't get that image out of my head, it wasn't the same. Normally that would have fixed my little problem, but weirdly it didn't. Dipper Pines is a special form of interesting, and I don't think I'll be able to fully clear my head till I get the real thing.

Stepping out the shower without drying off or clothing I made my way back to the office, The mess had already been clean and scrubbed off the hardwood, no traces of what had happened was left in my office, leaving me still feeling unsatisfied.

Heaved myself into the desk chair, staring down at the new emails waiting for me on my screen. Work sounded utterly painful right now. But unfortunately, nothing can get done without bothering me around here.

A small knock came at my door, "Come in," I shouted coving a groan in the back of my throat.

"Sir-" a petite woman rounded the door, her voice died in her throat. I could see her buffer.

I stood and rounded the desk, "What is it? What do you need?"

Her face flushed dark and she spun on her heel to face the door, "I'm so sorry, it can wait! I can send for clothes if you need. I'm so sorry!"

I smirked, in a few steps I stood behind her, "what's the matter, are you shy. Have you never seen a man before." I whispered, flustering women was too easy and not very entertaining.

Her ears turned bright red and she jumped, "I'm sorry." She muttered pressing into the door trying to open it without bumping into me.

I don't like people apologizing, whining in general was annoying, I stepped back giving her room to pull the door open, "Bring me some clean clothes, and contact Pyronica, I need to meet with her once she gets out of the pigs sty."

She nodded fleeing the room as quickly as possible.

How annoying.

Dipper POV

The office was buzzing when I made it back in, more people were busy at work in the bullpen. Many hunched in their own desk or over the shoulder of another.

I take it all in with one deep breath, the smell of paper, heave cologne, and coffee. No matter where I go or who I work with this has always been the smell of the bullpen, it was the only solid thing I could call home.

Wendy looked up and politely waved at me when I came in. I gave her a small smile as I passed her desk, across from her at his desk Valentino squinted at her, something unspoken past between them.

The wall that faced the bullpen of my office was made of glass, there were blinds hooked up if I wanted them, but with a team of my own, I don't see the use in being cut off right now.

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now