Blind Folds(38)

441 30 4

Dipper POV

The car ride was a bundle of nerves, it hadn't started that way but I think that was my fault. Originally the close proximity to him kept my mind on the important things, however now separated, by the flash of red or green lights and cold ac slowly pumping in from the dashboard, had thoroughly killed the vibe.

My, albeit normally helpfully analytical, brain took as it's time to info dump me with everything I knew of BDSM scenes, most of which was researched not practiced.

As the streets in front of me blurred, I kept trying to predict what would happen past Bill's front door.

Maybe he'd explain what he wanted in gentle words and slow actions filled with affection and care. That thought almost made me laugh out loud, in everything I knew of Bill Cipher he was not a gentle and caring man. No, it was more likely going to be rough and fast and hopefully exciting.

The overwhelming imagery of Bill's hands and, more importantly, the way he uses them to touch me, the careless abandon he's always had for a traditional build-up of sexual tension, added my understanding of sex toys, ropes, and personal kinks almost brought back the flush mood I'd been in before.

There was no comparison to the heat he drowned me in moments after arriving at his place. I never thought that reckless abandonment of public indecency would be a turn-on for me but here we are. I had only just closed the car door when I got pinned to it. The door handle digging sharply into my hip bone had absolutely nothing on his hands anchoring into my thighs, thoroughly pinning me from behind.

Any responses or thoughts I might have had died under the commanding tone of his voice, which came as an impossible to ignore whisper pressed to my ear. "I could fuck you right here and normally I would but even that has nothing on what I could do upstairs."

He disappeared just as quickly, leaving me leaning all my body weight on the car moving much slower to make sure my legs would still support me. Once I was sure of my footing Bill was already at the door of the parking garage elevator. Leaning on the wall staring at me haughtily and openly.

I felt like meat or maybe the way strippers on stage feel, but I had none of their confidence or practice at this. Bill was not helpful, he was dead silent, hadn't even pressed the button for the elevator, focusing entirely on me. More directly my body, his eyes roamed every part of my body but he never met my eyes.

It only took seconds, a few strides from car to elevator to catch up with him, but it'd felt like an eternity. Once over, it left me feeling on fire.

When finally close to him again he caught me by the waist and brought me into his side making me practically trip into him. The soft ding of the elevator arriving brought my attention to it, when did he call for it?

Bill seamlessly tugged me into the elevator, cutting off the small distraction by meeting his lips to mine. Officially putting all my attention back on him and every inch of his being that was touching mine. The shift of the elevator taking off came perfectly in time with the shift of Bill's body weight against mine. He used himself to push me into the back wall.


I was mid reaching for his hair and shoulders for touch, purchase against the overwhelming stature he had pressing against me, when his hands caught mine in the air.


With his lips now pressed to the skin of my neck, he turned his hold on my wrist with enough force to restrain my hands against the bar I was leaning into on the wall. One knee fell in between my legs taking out the support they'd previously been providing for me and suddenly I was very glad to have my hands on the bar as my last resort of stability.


His hands left mine to rip at my clothes pushing it out of the way to find my skin, they were surprisingly cold. It made me tense which only made him push further into me.


Lean harder on the knee against my crotch, run his hands further up my chest spreading the close traces like water over my skin.


The trail his lips left on my neck turned much harsher as his teeth found that one extremely sensitive spot on the nape of my throat.


I was nothing more than putty in his hands, guided by hot touches through a somewhat familiar home in the dark. He was all pull and push of skin and clothes stripping my shirt from me in what I could guess was the hallway.

His lips met mine smothering sounds I could no longer stop as he shoved my pants down, my skin stung in places where his nail caught me not fabric.

We crashed through the bedroom door and all I could do was hold tight to his arms and neck trying desperately to keep touching him and not fall over.

"Dipper." He murmured into my mouth, I barely heard him over the flaming response my body had to the sound of him saying my name.

Instead of letting me just ignore him and keep doing what we were doing he spun us and shoved me away from him. Tangled in half removed pants I fell, half sitting and almost missed, onto the bed.

"Dipper, slow down." He stood in front of me, his hair disheveled and his clothes messy, and oh so hot. "I told you, we do this my way."

I nodded as cold air slowly crawled over my skin.

"Good." He looked almost as if that wasn't the answer he was expecting, "Stay there."

Swaying slightly in my place all I could do was watch him, He pulled something from a drawer that I couldn't make out and almost forgot about as he pulled his shirt off coming back to me. Even in the darkness I could see every muscle, every tone in his chest. Even having seen him like this before I still couldn't get used to it.

He could have been carved from stone, built by hand and painstakingly made.

"God, you're beautiful." I breathed, it's been a thought meant to stay in my head but oh well, the smirk it put on his lips was worth the bit of embarrassment for letting it slip.

"I'm glad you think so," He settled over my knees, I sighed from the return of body heat as he towered over me. "But unfortunately for you, I don't care what you think right now." His eyes dropped to his hands, reminding me he'd not walked away from me for nothing. What he had made my pulse spike.

Black silk draped from one hand to the other.


This is one of the rare moments that I wish you could see my face right now. I am so beat red it's not even funny. Ya'll have no idea how many hours I've spent on this chapter, for one thing this is the third version of it because I didn't like the first one or the second one. Anyways I'm stopping here because I honestly don't know what would happen next, well that's not true but, I don't feel qualified to try. I'm Acesexual and the only sexual encounters I have had with men were not friendly ones and before you go assuming my gender I don't even have the right equipment for this and I would feel really uncomfy trying to write the rest from guessing.

So do with the information I have given you and have fun. 

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