I Am Consumed By You (the end)

341 24 13

Dipper POV

Throbbing, sharp, ice pick like pain shook my senses pulling a groan from my throat. This is wrong. Everything is really really wrong. My body protested strongly as my mind tried to drag me up, to wake up.

Everything felt so heavy against the unrelenting cold surface pressing into my cheek and side, biting into my shoulder and knee bent at odd angles. Trying to open my eyes felt as if my eyelids had been caked in mud and left to dry. The world sounded as if it was underwater, I couldn't tell if the echoing came from the room or the pounding going on in my head, there were footsteps. Blurriness in my vision barely gave way to gray concrete floors in dim lighting and sleek black dress shoes approaching. Everything was clearing oh so slowly accompanied by the increasing volume of warning sirens I was desperately setting off.

The figure crouched close to my head, the yellow end of an overcoat brushed the ground, and I fought against the pain to look up, to see who it was.

Painfully white light glinted off golden blond hair, backlighting a smiling face. "I'm going to fucking kill those idiots." The man's voice floated through the air loud enough to drive another prick through my brain. He noticed me flinch. This time, closer, clearer, "I would have handled you myself but I had some preparations to make for us." As soon as he spoke, his voice came in a crushing wave of ice cold water that stung my skin.

The pains and heavy aches were nothing compared. Bill, it was his voice, it was his smile. I tried to move, instinct told me to reach for my gun but I wasn't wearing it today, pressure around my chest and wrist not only denied the movement but shot another mind-clearing dose of cold through me. Bill reached for me and I was powerless to do anything, confined by binds of rope and deep confusion. He lifted me from the floor, my vision swam and I groaned against his shoulder. Bill dropped me into a chair, my arms bent awkwardly against the restraints to compensate.

He stepped back, a thoughtful smile teasing the edge of his lips, drinking in this site for a long drawn out moment. Bill stood tall in lean black pants, a tight gray vest and white shirt, coated in a long overly large yellow jacket that pinched at the waist and ended in a flare. "Do you like it?" The question drew my attention back to his face, he was padding the collar of the coat, "I had to get a new one after gifting the original to you."

"Bill." I finally found the words, forcing them out of the fog that threatened to consume me, "what's going on here?"

"I thought this might happen, the dosage was too high on top of the first airborne dose." He tilted his head to the side, "Don't worry it will work out of your system quickly and you'll be returned all those sharp detective senses of yours." He stepped closer, crouched down in front of me, with his elbows on my knees he rested his head in his hands. I watched him carefully, unable to look away. This close I noticed the golden buttons of his vest, and the hint of eyeliner around his eyes making the gold of his hazel brown eyes stand out sharply in the light.

Fearful and horribly pained ugly thoughts, everything was crashing down, "Are you..." the words felt like poison in my mouth, I couldn't speak them so instead, "You know you're not going to get anything from me. There's nothing to get." A hissing laugh slipped between the words, shooting a shot of pain through what could be a broken rib, "You already got your name cleared, I already did that for you. There's nothing left. Bill you-" His hand came up, covering my mouth, his fingers gripped into my jaw.

"I don't care about the investigation, I've been so far out of those pigs reach for years they aren't gonna get me now." The soft smile playing on his lips made my stomach churn. "I could have done circles around them for years." Nails dug harsh crescent moons into my skin, "But then there was you." He let go, then stood up. With a shake of his head he continued, "I just meant to mess around a little. I just wanted something shiny to play with but you turned into something much more. And infuriatingly made everything else so dull in comparison."

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