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"Oh River!"

The two highschool boys couldn't hide their giggles as a woman called out in pleasure.

"Dude, do you think we should turn around and wait till tomorrow?" Blake kept his flashlight off.

Carl made a noise in his throat. "I think we are getting close." He giggled again and took a deep breath. "Besides, how fun would it be to walk up on some girl friggin' in the snow. Her ass has got to be cold."

Blake shook his head. As tempting as it was to walk up and see some hot girl naked, he didn't want the wraith of whoever was making her feel as good as she was audibly feeling. He looked down at the snow. They didn't get as much a few nights ago, probably about five inches or so. They usually didn't start getting the big numbers until February. The thought of the miserable time ahead of him caused him to shake his head.

"What dude?" Carl asked him and bopped him in the shoulder. "Maybe she'll let us join." He giggled.

"You wouldn't even know what to do." Blake scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Carl stopped and looked at him. "What's your fucking problem?"


River tensed as he kissed Azzalea's neck.

He had released himself inside of her as she cried out his name. He didn't know what was going on with his mate, but he liked what just happened. The female couldn't get enough of him.

He thought he heard a crack. It was so quiet and faint, it could have been something wild. River nipped at Azzalea's neck and listened harder.

Azzalea looked up to him. River's eyes had changed. He may have been kissing her as he normally does, but his eyes were locked on the door. "Is something wrong?" She whispered to him. He growled deep in his throat and crawled away from her, his eyes never leaving the door.

She watched him take their water and poured it on their fire, the sizzle caused her shiver. The now dying flames left just enough light for her to see River putting his suit on. He reached down and handed her hers. Before all of the light was gone, she quickly closed herself inside it and sat down. "What's wrong?"

River put his finger up to his lips. "Ok. River and Azzalea, ok." He pointed towards the door another growl coming from deep inside his chest. "No ok. Oomans no ok."

Azzalea rushed over to his side and practically wrapped herself around him. "What are you going to do?"

River tensed as he heard them speaking to one another. He had already figured there were just two of them. By the sound of their voice, they were still younglings. He thought of the one the female beside him carried. He hoped if anyone had ever stumbled upon his child they would show it mercy. That they would give his youngling the same mercy he was about to give these. 

They wouldn't and you know that, River.

He tensed. His Father's voice echoing in his head. Now the ancestors decide to guide me?

You aren't even going to have a full giant. Half human, half giant... Who knows what kind of creature your mate is going to bear.

River glanced over to his poor female. She crushed herself against him, probably afraid of the dark. The fire was gone now, nothing remained by the scent of charred wood.

They will go back to their chief. They will bring guns and kill you. Take your mate and separate her from the child. They will poke and prod your youngling. Take it's blood until there is none left.

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