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WARNING: New P.O.Vs haha x


He looked at me. He laughed at me. And he noticed my existance! After that single second, I felt a sharp stab of pain in my left shoulder, "Eeeeeiiiikkkkk" I shrieked out in agony, tipped over my feet and fell to the floor cradling the limp arm. "Niall's mine you stupid moronic BITCH!" A brunette with a slightly deranged look in her eye lurched towards me. As her fist impacted my face, I shouted again

"Shit! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Argh!" My hand went to my cheek, but retourned to my arm as when it drooped it hurt even more so than it did before.  Sian pulled her back.

"What are you freaking doing that's illegal I cold take you to court for this!" She screamed in the girls face. I got up and let go of my limp shoulder I cried catching some people's attention "Argh!" My hand reached to a purple patch that had erupted under my eye. She tried to hit Sian but Sian was too strong. 

"Let her go Sian!" I spat out. 


"LET HER GO NOW SIAN!" A circle had formed around me, Sian and the girl. The attention had shifted from One Direction to my direction. 

As I predicted she stood shocked. I flexed my fist and threw the hardest punch I had in me, she stumbled back shocked. I winced once an tried to hide my pain, I left my thumb in my fist when I punched. I looked up at her and said triumphantly "You ready for round two?!" She looked up at me, a red river was now running down her face, and her nose was now facing left. I met her eyes she was clearly intimidated, she picked herself up and ran for it, through the startled crowd. "Ch-ch-Charlie what the HELL was that?!" Sian shouted at me. "I've never seen that side of you!"  

"You never got on the wrong side of me now get me to a FUCKING HOSPITAL! SHIT! ARGHHH!" I let out one more yelp. When I tried to move my shoulder I bit my lip to stop myself screaming. Blood flooded into my mouth, I bit my lip too hard. And that's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

Sian's P.O.V

I was scared. Her face was purple and her shoulder looked terrible it hung there limp but at least it was facing the right way.  

"Ch-ch-Charlie what the HELL was that?!" I yelled at her. "I've never seen that side of you!"  

"You never got on the wrong side of me! Now get me to a FUCKING HOSPITAL! SHIT! ARGHHH!" She shouted. Now I was shit scared. 

Charlie never swore. "Ohhh no. No! NO! Charlie!" I caught her just as her head was about to hit the ground. She collapsed. "God someone help! Please!" I howled the crowd had dispersed. Probably as the band had left or because there was no wi-fi. A firm hand gripped my shoulder."Is she okay?!" I looked up startled to see him staring into my green eyes. Liam Payne.

"N-n-n-no I need to get her to a hospital! S-s-soon!" I stuttered. A strong Yorkshire accent said "Liam get her in the tour bus." I didn't need to look up to see it was Zayn Malik. Liam scooped up Charlie's lifeless body and took her to the black bus. I saw a tuft of light brown hair peek out from the doors of the bus as soon as he saw Charlie in Liam’s arms moving towards him, he raced to me away from her. Towards me. "Who is she?" He asked. 

For the very first time in my life I was speechless. The boy who was standing in front of me was none other than Louis Tomlinson. I had practiced this speech since I saw him on my TV screen in 2010 but I never thought that this would be how we would meet. "She is my best friend." I choked from the catch in my throat "I need to get to her!" Every emotion you can think of had hit me at once, love for Louis, hate for that brunette bitch, pain for Charlie, and and even awkwardness because I could tell that was how Louis was feeling. 

"Oh. I saw what happened... We all did. Niall is so upset he thinks it was his fault." Louis said in barely a whisper. "She has some guts."  

"Yeah I know...” He had followed me back to the bus. I was now inside one directions tour bus but all I could think about was my friend who was now sprawled across two seats with a dead arm and a bust lip. WAIT what about her Dad! "I need someone to stay here with me, Charlie's Dad went to get coffee and-” 

"I'll stay." A green eyed member popped his head round from a curtain which separated the back and the front of the bus. Was he listening in on us? This was too much for me Harry Styles just told me that he would stand with me in the middle of London on our own. He's going to get flipping mobed. I'm completely and utterly suprised that we aren't being mobed now.

"Thank you so much guys for this no wonder you are world famous. Umm... We will meet you in the hospital." I glanced at Charlie for the last time and walked off the bus with Harry close behind. Things like this never happen to girls like me. I'm sorry Charlie had to pay the price, was it worth it?


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