Getting Ready

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"Hi guys, what time is the premier again?" Niall asked and sunk his hands deep into his pocket.

They all sighed, "How many times do we have to remind you Niall!" Liam said. He turned to us. "No wonder people call me Daddy Direction if I wasn't here these guys would be a mess." Sian and I giggled. "We are going to the girls houses. Picking them up and their things. And taking them to Carol and Lou to get ready for the film. Then we leave at 8 and get there at half past." He said it slowly and paused after each sentence so Niall could take it all in.

"What?" Niall asked genuinly clueless every one sighed again.

"S'okay boys I got it." They all laughed and Niall guided me to sit down on his knee. When I was sure no one was looking I purred in Niall's ear "I can't wait 'till tonight." I felt his breath quiver on my neck and his chest rose up and down sharply. "I remembered that." He smirked and I returned it.

Once the moment had passed I asked Niall genuinly curious."So who are Carol and Lou?"

"Our stylist and hairdresser, Caroine Watson and Lou Teasdale." I realised what they were going to be with us for.

"Nooo, we are going get our hair and make-up done?" I was astonished now I'm only even more exited! I really need to pee. Why did I think that? My brain is so random...

I told Niall and walked into the small bathroom on the bus. What is saw I was really not expecting it was the moment with Sian and Louis kissing all over again.

But it was much MUCH worse.

I stood there shocked my eyes wide staring at Louis toned arse. I slammed the door shut this all happened in a split second. I ran to the kitchen like part of the bus, attracting the attension off all the boys that is exept Louis. I started to wash my eyes thoroughly I didn't care if my mascara was running down my face; I didn't care if I was getting water everywhere and above all I didn't care that the guys were looking at me like I was crazy. I was surely going to hell for what I just saw. "Charlie are you okay?" Zayn asked nervously, as he passed me a towel. I dabbed it to my eyes as if I was dabbing away the image from my memory. "I-I'm fine. Just don't go to the bathroom." At this everyone but Niall and Liam because I grabbed Niall's hand and Liam was mature enough to listen to me. Harry and Zayn dashed down to the room in time to see Louis walking out pulling his shirt over messed up hair and Sian correcting her lipstick looking down guiltily. I started to splash my face with the cool water again. I heard ahh's of understanding and a certaing husky voice saying "Go Lou and Sian!" It was obviously Harry who would be cheering them on. Niall squeezed my shoulder and laughed "What exactly did you see?" I glared at him and mummbled.

"Too much." I avoided both Sian and Louis for the rest of the journey, we stopped out side our flat I ran in telling Niall to tell Sian I would get her things. I grabbed our new shoes still in the bags we bought them in and slung the dresses and our dressing gowns over my free arm before reaching the door and dashing down to the bus.

We picked up Perry, and Danielle was already at Liam's flat. It turns out the boys had already organised for us to get a shower and get ready at their place. Danielle, Liam, Niall and I would meet at Liam's flat with Caroline doing our make-up and Clothes. Then Sian, Perry, Louis, Harry and Zayn would be at Zayn's flat with Lou doing their hair and then we would swap over. Pretty complexed but it seemed like it would work. I passed Sian her things not looking her in the eye. It was silent until Dani grabbed my hand "I'm so exited!"

"Is this the first time Liam has done anything like this with you?" She nodded and 'Mmm-hmm'ed at me the enthusiasm radiating off of her smile. I grinned and we grabbed Niall and Liam's hand and raced into the elevator, it reminded me of when we went shopping with Sian and Louis. I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind. We were all impatient waiting for the lift to reach the right floor. 'Bing!' we calmed down but still walked quite quickly to the door there were two showers in Liam's flat and the guys let us go first. I cleansed my body until I jumped with a knock at the door, it was Niall, "Hey, Charlie babe, we need to hurry up, Carol will be here any minute."

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