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Niall had his arm round my waist, "So what next?"

"Hm..." I thought swinging my bag with my new designer shoes in, "I don't-"

"Accessories!" Louis shouted he said it in the same funny voice he had been using most of the day, Sian laughed.

"Can this be a regular thing?" She said dreamily. Niall and I looked at each other scared, that it might actually become one neither of us were genuine shoppers.

"Ha ha maybe?" I laughed nervously. Then something hit me it was the familiar short flash of a camera, and then loud shouts soon followed. "Louis!" "Niall!" "Over here!" I was freaking out inside but on the outside I remained cool and collected waiting for Niall's reaction. "RUN!" This time it was Niall to set off running first I ran behind him laughing. A rush of adrenalin grew though my veins and I sped ahead of them all, "Come on guys! Betcha can't catch me!" Niall instantly took on the challenge, racing in front of Louis and Sian. He caught up and captured my right hand entwining our fingers we smirked at each other before running into a small tight alley to catch our breath. "I-got-you!" He managed to pant out. After we calmed down he grinned and said "What do I win?" I laughed,

"What do you want?" I asked innocently.

"You." He replied shyly staring at the floor, I walked up to him and kissed him softly on the lips as I pulled away we were interrupted by Sian and Louis. "Oh-hey-guys." Sian said in between breaths.

"We need to get to an accessories store before the news gets out!" Louis was still obsessed with getting us stuff. "No Lou I want FOOD!" Niall complained. I approved for obvious reasons,

"Yeah and we need to get to HMV to get some new DVD's! And while we are on the subject NO horror please, and we all get to pick one. Is that okay with you guys?" They all nodded. "NO wait I have a better idea! What if we go back to yours and we could invite all the guys and their girlfriends? It could be a couple's night in? We don't have enough time to get a TV." I had had an epiphany why hadn't I thought of this before?

"Yeah one slight problem Harry has broken up with Taylor." Niall commented.

"Duh, then get him a guyfriend!" We all stared at Louis confused,

"What?!" we all said simultaneously.

"A guyfriend, well a guy in the place of a girlfriend to provide moral support and stuff. Like I'm usually Harry's guyfriend but now I have Sian." He hugged her tightly then kept his arm on her shoulder before it drifted down to her hand. "So we find Harry another one?" I asked, Niall had a Light bulb moment.


"Who?" I asked, "An old friend?" They both laughed at me,

"Ed? Ed Sheeran? You don't know him?" My eyes widened and my heart raced a million beats per minute, "OF COURSE I KNOW WHO ED FLIPPING SHEERAN IS!" I shouted then started to fangirl like mad. They all looked at me like I was crazy, and they just might be right! "I didn't know you meant Ed Sheeran! I need to calm down!" I was physically shaking with excitement!

"She is a huge fan if you can't tell." Sian unhelpfully announced. "You should hear her go on a rant about his album."

"So should I call the guys?" Louis asked.

"Yeah I think it's a great idea." Niall said,

"Hey Sian ya know we might meet Perry as well?" Now it was Sian's turn to freak out "Oh my gosh Little Mix! Argh!" We waited for her to calm down. Sian and I were so ecstatic! "Call them NOW!" So Niall and Louis whipped out their phones.

"I'll call Liam, Dani, and Ed, and you can call Zayn, Perry and Harry okay."

"Yup!" He said popping the P. "Hey Zayn it's Lou you wanna come to a movie night at mine with Perry there are some people I want you to meet?" I didn't hear what he said but it was clearly a success, "could you call Perry or do you want me to?" Again I didn't hear but they were both in. "Perry was with Zayn so she could answer there." He said to Sian and I so we understood. This continued until they all accepted, this was going to actually happen!

"Hey Ed it's Niall mate I was wondering if you would like to come to a movie night with us and our girlfriends, but Harry has broken up with Taylor so he needs a friend. You in?" Niall nodded signalling that he could come. My outward appearance was calm but smiling however inside the mess that was my mind I was going insane.

"So you ready to run again!" Louis said with a cheeky glimmer in his eye, and then we all set off running again, until I saw a Greggs that was virtually empty! "Guys stop!" I yelled and pointed for the shop Niall went in with me instantaneously, although Louis and Sian casually walked in and cut in the queue with us. "My treat!" I stated before anyone could say anything. "What do you want?"

"Cornish pasty please."

"Err pizza bread thanks."

"Yeah 2 pizza breads." When we were at the front I ordered.

"Um one Cornish pasty, two cheese and tomato pizza breads, and err a stake bake please." I chirped. She handed us the food and I gave her the money. I took the bag and ran outside with the others close behind, I gave Louis and Sian their pizza and I gave Niall his Cornish pasty. He tried to take a bite out of mine but I didn't let him, "You're gonna pay for that!" He said mischievously.

"I'd like to see that!" I happily munched on my stake bake while we slowly walked up to HMV. I guess there weren't many fans today, they were either working or at school and I like it quiet, well other then the 'paps'.

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