Chapter 3

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Arthit's POV
It's my first day as a freshman and apparently, everything tends to start off really bad for me on important days.

"Arthit! Arthit! Wake up you little shit! We're gonna be late for orientation."

And splash. I was woken up from my dream full of pink milk and sweets by a pail of water. Apparently, it was a gift from my dear friend Toota who's going to be murdered soon.

"What the hell, Toota! Are you trying to drown me?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just get your ass ready, we're leaving in 15 minutes." Then, he left me alone in my room with me all wet.

Seriously, can't he wake me up like any other ordinary person or maybe splash pink milk on me.

Time is ticking and I couldn't waste too much time on cursing Toota. I quickly hopped into the shower and shoved the books needed into my bag before dashing out of our dorm with my wet hair sticking out to every direction.

"Dude, don't you want to dry your hair a little? You might get sick." Knot said to me concernedly. He's the father and mother figure in our group as he's always cautious about our well-being, making him the only sane one in our gang.

"It's alright, Knot. Let's just go. I don't wanna be late and leave bad impressions on the teachers and seniors."

As we arrived at the hall of the engineering faculty, I was busy stuffing my phone into my bag and wasn't focusing on the road.

And as I said, accidents only happen on special occasions.

I bumped into someone with my wet hair perfectly staining his clothes.

"You fucker! You just ruined my shirt!" The guy that I bumped into grabbed both of my collars harshly.

The voice is quite familiar to me and as I raised my head, I saw him standing right in front of me. I never knew that he would be studying in the same university as me, let alone the same major.

I closed my eyes as I saw him raise his fist. Is this the end? Me getting punched by someone I really desire the most.

"Kongpob, stop! He's not doing it on purpose, just let him be." I could hear a girl's voice as I reluctantly opened my eyes just to see her holding onto Kongpob's wrist, pulling his left hand away from my collar and intertwining both of their hands.

"Fine!" He rolled his eyes before letting go of my other collar. He then hugged the girl's waist and they left together.

I turned towards them, looking at his retreating back. It's been a few years since I last saw him and I couldn't take my eyes off of him until my friends woke me up from my stupor.

"Let's go, Arthit. Orientation is gonna start in a while."

With that, Prem held my wrist and dragged me into the hall.


Kongpob in the same university as me is bad news.

First day of school and I could hear rumors about him flying around.

I heard that he is the same old casanova but something different is that he's no longer under 18 and he did the deed with every girl he dated. And most importantly, the seniors said he's really good at it and they always come back to him for more,  just to be rejected as he doesn't date the same person twice.

Well, the thing I could confirm is my virgin ass will always stay intact. Not sure it's a good thing though.

Amidst being in the rowdy crowd at the cafeteria, I couldn't pull my gaze away from Kongpob who's feeding a girl lovingly. Both of them shared kisses occasionally and with every affectionate gesture, my heart was repeatedly being pricked by needles. I could feel my eyes brimming with tears and I could only lower my head to prevent my friends from seeing my helpless self.

"Arthit, are you alright?"

I sniffled a little and said," I'm fine, nothing's wrong. I might have caught a cold but I'll be alright in a minute."

I couldn't bring myself to look at Knot when I replied to him as he'll see my red rimmed eyes.

I don't want anyone to know about my pitiful crush or love towards Kongpob. It'll be a joke to anyone. They will be wondering how I fell for him and why I fell for him. And when that time comes, I need to tear off all of my façade and expose the most vulnerable part of me.

"Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

"I'm fine, Knot."

With those words, I managed to stop Knot from questioning further.

After being forced by Knot to finish up the food, I packed my bag and stood up. I waited for a moment to be the last one to leave. I glimpse him for one last time and I saw him giving a sensual kiss to the girl.

With that, I quickened my pace as I lowered my gaze, just to let a lone tear fall from my cheek.


"Ai' Oon! Over here!"

"Hi, P'Forth, P'Tum. P'Forth, can you stop calling me 'Oon'? It's embarrassing." I saw P'Forth waving from one of the seats in the cafe and I went to him and P'Tum.

"Oh, come on. It's a cute nickname and you being all cute suits the nickname well."

Well, no point in arguing further with both of my cousins.

"P's, why did both of you want to meet me all of a sudden?"

"Well, it's been quite a long time since we met up and your mom called us yesterday." P'Tum said as he placed a cup of pink milk in front of me. I took a sip of it and couldn't help but let out a soft moan at that delicious sensation.

"What did mom tell you guys?"

"She wanted you to join the student council of our faculty and since I'm the president, she decided to ask for help from me."

Hearing what P'Forth said, I couldn't help but choke on my pink milk.

"But I don't want to. It'll waste my time and I'm not that kind of person who loves to participate in this sort of organization."

"Well, no can do, Oon. We'd promised your mom that you'll be in the student council."

"Yeah, and Forth and I have the perfect position just for you."

This is bad. Real bad.

I decided to exclude hazing activities as not all universities have them. I really like Forth from 2moons so I decided to include him in my story. He'll be in 3rd year, same as Kongpob and P'Tum will be in 4th year.

Thanks for reading, voting and leaving comments. I really appreciate them.

My Mr Casanova [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें