Chapter 23

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Arthit's POV
When I finally got in bed it was already past 1am but I still couldn't sleep and ended up staring at the ceiling for more than half an hour.


When I started feeling drowsy, my phone rang, indicating an incoming message. I reached out and grabbed it from the night stand and saw it was from P'Kongpob.

"Have you slept yet?"


"I have something to ask."

"Go ahead."

I was waiting for his message for minutes but all I can see is the word 'typing' and no actual message from him. I was a little tired and I'd decided to not wait anymore.

"I'm going to bed. Let's talk tomorrow, goodnight."

I put my phone down and pulled my blanket under my chin. That's when I heard someone turning my door knob gently as I sat up and leaned on the headboard. The door creaked open slowly and I squinted my eyes because of the sudden source of light but I still managed to see a familiar silhouette peeking inside my room. He jumped back a few steps when he saw me sitting up.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just checking." He then came into my room and was gazing around.

"What are you looking for?"

"Um... you're alone, right?" He said while eyeing me carefully.

"Yeah." I nodded and still felt strange about his behavior.

"You sure?"

"Mmhmm." He came and sat by my bed, smoothing out my slightly messy hair.

"It's late, you should sleep soon."

"You too, dad." I snuggled under my blanket again and he tugged it even higher till my shoulders.

"Goodnight, Oon." He said, getting off the bed and walking to the door.

"Goodnight. Love you, dad." He was surprised for a moment before smiling really brightly as he muttered a 'love you too' before closing the door.

Not long after that, I finally dozed off after being emotionally drained for the whole night.

It was around 10 in the morning when I woke up. It's still quite early for me.

Yes, I like my bed and I don't mind sleeping on it 24/7.

After brushing my teeth, I came downstairs and found my parents sitting by the dining table.

"Good morning, Arthit." I was startled when I heard P'Kongpob's voice from behind. I turned to him and saw him bringing some toast from the kitchen.

"Come and sit, Oon. You're right on time to have some breakfast." Mom said and I walked up to them. I took a seat beside P'Kongpob and heard dad faking a cough.

"There's no other place, honey. Where do you expect Oon to sit?" Our dining table is only spacious enough for four people, hence the only available seat is beside P'.

"I can change my seat with Oon." Dad said after swallowing a mouthful of toast and jam.

"You're really being too much." Mom couldn't help but facepalm as she sighed heavily.

"I'm fine sitting here, dad." I take a slice of toast and spread some butter on it. It melted right away and I added some strawberry jam on it before happily munching them down.

"Oon, bring Kong to visit around after breakfast." Mom said to me as she stood up grabbing hers and dad's empty plates.

"No, Oon is going to be busy helping me. I'd promised to bring him to our strawberry farm." I nodded vigorously to what dad just said.

I'd been waiting to go there for so long, especially after dad said that there would be fresh ripe strawberries. It's going to be heaven. The strawberry farm is near my grandparents' place in a small village and it's about a two hour drive away.

"Then take Kong with the both of you."

"I'll help." P'Kongpob said desperately.

"Fine." Dad took a big sip of his coffee and left the dining room after placing a cup of pink milk in front of me.

"Arthit, you're fine with me following, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded and wiped my mouth with a tissue.

"You still missed a spot." He said and I tried to wipe the place he pointed but still failed after a few attempts. I was about to go to the bathroom to clean it up when he reached out his hand and wiped it off with his thumb.

"There." He said after licking the jam off his thumb.

My heart began palpitating as my whole body heated up while I looked at the jam getting swept off by the tip of his tongue.

"T-Thanks." I stuttered a little, stumbling out of my seat and not even bothering to finish my drink. I was rushing out of the dining room when he called me again.

"Arthit?" I turned to him nervously.


Quit stuttering!

"You look great in that." He said, eyeing me from top to bottom and I followed his sight seeing myself still in the clothes I slept in. I usually wear a boxer and an oversized shirt to sleep. It's really comfortable but I forgot that we have guests today.

My cheeks and ears reddened even more and I got too flustered to the point that my mind was buzzing a little. I practically ran out of there and almost tripped over nothing.

This is too embarrassing.

I'm here to claim that I didn't purposely dress myself to go to the farm. I swear...

With my fingers crossed.

I would usually wear a random shirt with some shorts if I go to the farm but today, I had put on a lightweight jacket. Although it doesn't seem much, it actually is if you're going to be under the hot sun for hours.

I hopped on the passenger seat and saw P' smiling awkwardly at my dad while my dad was still glaring at him, not so subtly.

"Dad, can you stop it?"

"Stop what?"

"Stop glaring at him."

"I'm not."

"Yeah and I'm not your son."

"Hey, you're helping him over your dad."

"You're the one at fault here."

Dad got a little mad as he sulkily started the car and grumbled under his breath while he's driving out of the garage,"He's interrupting our father and son bonding."

When we stopped at one of the traffic lights, I reached into my pocket and grabbed some chocolates out. There's two dark ones and only one milk. I chose the milk chocolate and placed it in his hand while he looked at me for a moment before he started smiling again.

My dad is so easy to coax.

After eating a piece of dark chocolate which I actually hate but there isn't much choice, I grab the other one and turn to give it to P' that's sitting behind him. He was surprised for a second and mouthed me a silent 'thank you' before I turned back to the front.

From the side mirror, I saw him unwrap the chocolate and bite on it while smiling brightly as he looked out of the window.

Suddenly, the dark chocolate melting in my mouth tastes sickeningly sweet and I love it.

Hey guys, as I'd mentioned in my other book, Since Forever, I would be taking a break for a few days or a week. I'm sorry but I really need some time to sort things out a little.
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.
Stay safe and healthy.

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