Chapter 4

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Arthit's POV
"Mom, why did you ask P'Forth and P'Tum to do that?"

"Oon, you need to temper yourself to not be so shy when speaking to others, especially someone new. You need to learn how to interact with strangers on your own initiative. You can't always rely on others."

"But mom, you don't need to go that far until you had P'Forth put me in the discipline unit. It's too much for me. I can't do this. Moreover, I'm just a freshman. How can I make sure the seniors are following the rules well? I'll surely be beaten into a pulp."

"Come on, Oon. Just give it a try. Besides, Forth is the president and Tum is the ex-president, they'll help you if you're facing trouble."

"Mom, but I don't want to! Look at me and P'Forth, it's so obvious that I could never be like him."

"I don't want you to be like him, Oon. I just want you to be more extroverted, it'll help you with your career in the future. Trust me on this, Oon. Just give it a try."


I'm still furious.

Why must they put me in the discipline unit? I was thinking that at most I would be a mere secretary helping them with files and meeting agendas.

I couldn't do this and will never be able to do this right.


"Go, Oon. You can do this. Just tell him to tuck his shirt in." P'Forth is whispering to me, 'guiding' me on my first day of duty.

"Yeah, Oon. He's just a normal student, nothing much. He isn't even bulky or tall to be a threat to you." Guess what, P'Tum is here too, to give me 'moral support'.

But seriously, are they blind? That guy over there is neither tall nor bulky? Hello?!! He's taller than me and obviously stronger than me and I bet he could even get me hospitalized with only a punch.

"Ai'Oon, stop standing here. Just go." P'Forth couldn't stand seeing me being my coward self as he pushed me forward and I could only awkwardly stand in front of that 'not tall and bulky' guy.

"Umm, ex-excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt you but c-can you tuck in your shirt? I'm really s-sorry for interrupting your wonderful day but it's in the school ru-rule." I stuttered a little as I was too nervous to talk to him.

"Oh, it's alright. I understand, you're just doing your job." The guy said politely to me and he stood up to tuck in his shirt. I guess he'd see me wearing that damn discipline unit vest and know that I'm not bossing him around because of personal reasons.

"Thank you." I could feel myself blushing.

This is too embarrassing. How can I survive this?

"Oon, you're being too polite. You need to be strict and fierce to scare those students so that they follow the rules." P'Tum quickly pulled me to the side after I had finished thanking the guy.

"Okay, since it's your first time we'll let it go but you need to be more stern to the next one and I had just the perfect candidate for you." P'Forth said to me as he pushed me towards a group of guys who're obviously not following any rules and was chatting rather loudly.

When we were standing behind them, P'Forth winked at me and said," You got this, Oon. Follow what P'Tum and I just said." while P'Tum decided to just look at us from afar.

I was sweating a little. How can I be fierce, stern or even harsh? I'm not the kind of guy who can go around and yell at someone. But nonetheless, I still need to do this.

"Excuse me, can you tuck in your shirt and unfold your sleeves?" I said as I gently patted the guy's shoulder, trying to grab his attention.

Well, I didn't exactly sound stern and I'm still polite but at least I didn't stutter.

The guy in front of me noticed that I'm talking to him and he turned around.

Great, really great. It's him again. Why is luck always on the opposite side?

"Ooh, a fierce kitten I see." Kongpob said, chuckling a little as his friends burst into laughter. My cheeks flushed as I'm too embarrassed being openly mocked by him.

"Oh, come on Kongpob. Can you cooperate a little? You promised to help me train my cousin yesterday."

Wait, what? So P'Forth and Kongpob are friends? And he asked his help to train my damn guts?

"But he's being a cute and fierce kitten here, I can't stop myself from teasing him. Just look at his cheeks." Kongpob said to P'Forth as he reached out his hand to touch my cheek.

"I'm not cute! I'm trying to be harsh to you!" I was so embarrassed as I blurted out something I regretted for life. Sometimes I wish I could just shut my damn mouth.

"Where did you find him, Forth? He's being too adorable now." Kongpob said with a playful glint in his eyes.

Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment. I just can't do things right, can I? I pouted sulkily at P'Forth, wanting him to just bring me out of here. I'm just a failure in life.

I was looking at P'Forth when suddenly I felt someone pinching lightly on my pouty lips. My heart skipped a beat as his fingers linger on my lips longer than necessary. When I turned to him, he let go of my lips and grabbed my chin, lifting my face and forcing my gaze on him.

"Oh, someone is being sulky here." Kongpob said to me as if he's cooing a puppy but I was so stunned I couldn't even react until P'Forth pulled his hand away.

"Stop teasing my little cousin here. He isn't one of your chicks." I should really thank P'Forth.

"Of course he isn't. He's way way more interesting than them."

P'Forth nudge Kongoob harshly causing the latter to wince a little.

"Hey, stop it."

"Aren't you being too protective?"

"Well, I can't help it. He's our baby Oon and I'll literally kill anyone who mistreated him."

I had mentioned in the prologue that this will be an angsty story and our little Oon here will be hurt but rest assured, his P'Forth and P'Tum will always be there for him and of course his 'friends' will be too. And based on how Oon thinks, I guessed you can figure out that he's insecure about himself. That's all from me, thanks for reading.

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